UMW Catat Untung RM341.65 juta


BISNES | UMW Holdings Bhd kembali meraih keuntungan dengan mencatat untung bersih sebanyak RM341.65 juta bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2018 berbanding kerugian bersih RM640.61 juta bagi tempoh sama pada tahun sebelumnya.

Perolehan meningkat kepada RM11.30 bilion berbanding RM11.06 bilion bagi tempoh sama pada 2017.

Dalam makluman kepada Bursa Malaysia hari ini, syarikat itu berkata perolehan yang lebih rendah itu disebabkan penyusutan sumbangan minyak dan gas (O&G) akibat pengasingan segmen berkenaan.

Faktor lain termasuk penamatan operasi O&G yang seiring dengan strategi penjualan perniagaan minyak dan gas.

Syarikat itu juga mencatatkan keuntungan sebelum cukai yang lebih tinggi sebanyak RM786.2 juta daripada operasinya yang berterusan, berbanding RM266.6 juta pada tempoh sebelumnya berikutan prestasi yang lebih baik daripada tiga segmen teras dan kebalikan peruntukan.

Mengenai prospek semasa, syarikat itu akan terus memberi tumpuan bagi mengukuhkan tiga perniagaan terasnya iaitu automotif, peralatan dan penghasilan serta kejuruteraan.

Ia akan meletakkan syarikat itu dalam keadaan lebih baik untuk berkembang dan meningkatkan nilai pemegang saham.

Sekiranya tiada keadaan yang tidak diduga, syarikat itu menjangka dapat mencatat prestasi yang memuaskan pada 2019.


The Fourth Industrial Revolution Is About Empowering People, Not The Rise Of The Machines

Photo: EdTechReview

BY: Brad Keywell
Co-founder and CEO, Uptake

The world is changing. There’s no way around this fact.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is now. And, whether you know it or not, it will affect you.

Billions of people and countless machines are connected to each other. Through groundbreaking technology, unprecedented processing power and speed, and massive storage capacity, data is being collected and harnessed like never before.

Automation, machine learning, mobile computing and artificial intelligence — these are no longer futuristic concepts, they are our reality.

To many people, these changes are scary.

Previous industrial revolutions have shown us that if companies and industries don’t adapt with new technology, they struggle. Worse, they fail.

Mindset shift

But I strongly believe that these innovations will make industry – and the world – stronger and better.

The change brought by the Fourth Industrial Revolution is inevitable, not optional.

And the possible rewards are staggering: heightened standards of living; enhanced safety and security; and greatly increased human capacity.

For people, there must be a shift in mindset.

As difficult as it may be, the future of work looks very different from the past. I believe people with grit, creativity and entrepreneurial spirit will embrace this future, rather than cling to the status quo.

People can be better at their jobs with the technology of today—and the technology that is yet to come—rather than fearing that their human skills will be devalued.

Human and machine

I’m reminded of chess.

We have all heard the stories about computers beating even the greatest grandmasters. But the story is more nuanced; humans and computers play differently and each has strengths and weaknesses.

Computers prefer to retreat, but they can store massive amounts of data and are unbiased in their decision-making.

Humans can be more stubborn, but also can read their opponent’s weaknesses, evaluate complex patterns, and make creative and strategic decisions to win.

Even the creators of artificial chess-playing machines acknowledge that the best chess player is actually a team of both human and machine.

The world will always need human brilliance, human ingenuity and human skills.

Software and technology have the potential to empower people to a far greater degree than in the past—unlocking the latent creativity, perception and imagination of human beings at every level of every organization.

Power of data, power of people

This shift will enable workers on the front line, on the road and in the field to make smarter decisions, solve tougher problems and do their jobs better.

This is our mission at Uptake—to combine the power of data and the power of people, across global industries.

Here’s what this looks like:

Railroad locomotives are powered by massive, highly complex electrical engines that cost millions of dollars.

When one breaks down, the railroad loses thousands more for every hour it’s out of service (not to mention, there are a lot of angry travellers or cargo customers to deal with).

After the locomotive is towed in for repairs, technicians normally start by running diagnostic tests. These can take hours, and often require technicians to stand next to roaring engines jotting down numbers based on the diagnostic readings.

That’s the old way – or, at least, it should be.

New solutions

When locomotives operated by our customers roll into the shop for routine services, all diagnostics have already been run.

Our software has forecast when, why and how the machine is likely to break down using predictive analytics — algorithms that analyze massive amounts of data generated by the 250 sensors on each locomotive.

Our systems have examined that data within the context of similar machines, subject- matter experts, industry norms and even weather. If there’s a problem, we detect it, and direct the locomotive to a repair facility.

A mechanic can then simply pick up an iPad, and learn in a few minutes exactly what is about to break down, as well as the machine’s history and the conditions it’s been operating under.

Virtuous loop

That leaves the mechanics to do what they do best: fix it, using their experience, judgement and skill. And the mechanics decisions and actions become data that feeds back into the software, improving the analytics and predictions for the next problem.

So, technology didn’t replace mechanics; it empowered them to do their job.

In the same way that chess masters and computers work best together, the mechanic used human skills that a machine can’t replicate: ingenuity, creativity and experience. And the technology detected a problem that was unknown and unseen to human eyes.

In short, when the mechanic and the technology work together, the work gets done faster, with fewer errors and better results.

Multiply this across all industries: aviation, energy, transportation, smart cities, manufacturing, natural resources, and construction.

The productivity we unleash could be reminiscent of what the world saw at the advent of the first industrial revolution. But the impact of the Fourth Industrial Revolution will run much broader, and deeper, than the first.

We’ll have the knowledge, the talent and the tools to solve some of the world’s biggest problems: hunger, climate change, disease.

Machines will supply us with the insight and the perspective we need to reach those solutions. But they won’t supply the judgement or the ingenuity. People will.

Wallet2u, Affin Bank Tingkatkan Pengalaman Perbankan IoT


BISNES | Wallet2U Ezypay Sdn Bhd pada 27 FEBRUARI mengumumkan kerjasamanya dengan Affin Bank Bhd untuk meningkatkan pengalaman perbankan Internet of Things (IoT).

Pengerusi Wallet2U, Tan Sri Che Md Noor Mat Arshad, berkata kerjasama itu untuk memanfaatkan platform teknologi kewangan dan momentum pembangunan IoT yang pesat.

“Kedua-dua pihak akan menumpukan kepada meningkatkan penggunaan aplikasi IoT dalam urus niaga oleh generasi muda dengan memberi tumpuan kepada aplikasinya di sekolah, universiti dan institusi pengajian lain,” katanya pada majlis pemeteraian Memorandum Persefahaman (MoU) mengenai kerjasama itu.

Wallet2U diwakili oleh Che Md Noor dan Affin Bank oleh Ketua Pegawai Operasi Zulkainan Kassim.

Che Md Noor berkata syarikat menyasarkan untuk memperluaskan perkhidmatannya di Kedah dan Perak dalam masa terdekat.

“Perkhidmatan kami terdapat di Pulau Pinang dan Perlis, dan kini kami menyasarkan untuk memperluaskan ke negeri lain termasuk Kedah dan Perak,” katanya.

Aplikasi mudah alih itu dibangunkan untuk memberikan pengguna ekosistem pembayaran yang selamat, mudah dan lancar dengan menggunakan kod QR (maklum balas pantas), pembayaran pintar AI, pembayaran bil dan runcit serta pemindahan dana setara.

Aplikasi itu turut menyediakan platform ‘e-ride hailing’, pesanan e-makanan, mesej dan berbual dalam talian.


Pakistani, Indian Airports Closed Amid Tensions


KARACHI, Pakistan/CHANDIGARH, India: Flight operations from several Pakistani and Indian airports were shut down for an indefinite period hours after claims of shooting down of each other’s fighter jets on Wednesday, media and officials said.

Pakistan’s Civil Aviation Authority said that all international and domestic flights from the country’s major airports -- including Karachi, Peshawar, Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan and Sialkot airports -- had been suspended for an indefinite period.

The Indian government, for its part, has shut down four airports close to the India-Pakistan borders, local media and officials said.

"Srinagar, Jammu and Leh airports were among five airports closed on Wednesday for civilian air traffic shortly after an IAF [Indian Air Force] jet crashed in Kashmir’s Budgam district," the Press Trust of India, a news agency reported.

Those airports which were closed include Srinagar, Jammu, Leh (in Jammu & Kashmir) and Amritsar in Indian State of Punjab.

Local media also reported that Chandigarh airport has also been shut.

The officials, however, said that flight operations continued from Chandigarh airport. "The flight operations are on so far, " said Deepesh Joshi, the airport’s public relations officer, told Anadolu Agency.

"While the official did not specify the nature of the emergency, it is believed the step was taken in view of an IAF jet crashing in Budgam district this morning," the PTI report said.

Pakistan army on Wednesday claimed that the country’s air force has shot down two Indian fighter jets that crossed into Pakistani territory.

Meanwhile, Indian Today, a broadcaster, claimed in a report that Indian forces have shot down a Pakistani F-16 that “violated Indian airspace”.

The tension between the two nuclear neighbors has raised after Indian jets intruded into Pakistan's airspace on early Tuesday.

India had claimed that “several terrorists” were killed in preemptive action on the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) camp inside Pakistan.

The Pakistani civil and military officials have rejected the claim.


Media Prima Raih Untung RM59 Juta

FOTO SUMBER: The Edge Markets

BISNES | Media Prima Bhd, kumpulan media bersepadu terbesar di Malaysia, mencatatkan keuntungan selepas cukai RM59 juta bagi tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Disember 2018, berbanding kerugian RM668.7 juta pada tahun sebelumnya.

Keuntungan itu dicapai menerusi kejayaan kepelbagaian perolehan selain strategi meringankan aset selari dengan misi transformasi kumpulan.

Prestasi memberangsangkan itu disumbangkan oleh keuntungan sekali menerusi penyelesaian perjanjian jualan dan pajak semula berjumlah RM133.1 juta.

Ketika industri media terus berdepan dengan cabaran akibat lanskap ekonomi semasa, pelaburan digital dan perdagangan Media Prima merekodkan pertumbuhan positif dalam 2018.

Perolehan digital dan perdagangan pada tahun kewangan meningkat 76 peratus kepada RM301 juta dan ini mengimbangi penurunan perolehan daripada segmen perniagaan tradisional seperti dicatatkan oleh prestasi kewangan Media Prima yang lebih baik pada tahun itu.

Perolehan kumpulan menyusut satu peratus pada 2018, berbanding penurunan tujuh peratus pada 2017.

Pencapaian dan perolehan pengiklanan digital terus berkembang di seluruh platform Media Prima.

Perolehan digital meningkat kepada RM87.9 juta dalam tahun kewangan 2018 berbanding RM41.5 juta bagi tempoh

sebelumnya, menekankan kejayaan dalam strategi digital yang meliputi kerjasama pintar dan pengambilalihan strategik.

Sorotan utama kepada transformasi Media Prima pada 2018 adalah segmen beli belah di rumah.

Rangkaian Televisyen Media Prima (RTMP) CJ Wow Shop menjana jualan jualan keseluruhan RM213.1 juta pada 2018, meningkat 65 peratus daripada RM129.5 juta sebelumnya.

Kerjasama Media Prima dengan YouTube menghasilkan keputusan yang signifikan, apabila saluran kumpulan menyaksikan peningkatan dalam jumlah tontonan kepada 1.1 bilion pada tahun kewangan 2018.

Dalam penerbitan digital pula, REV Asia Holdings (REV Asia) mengambil alih 25 peratus pemilikan dalam Monster Scape Sdn Bhd, pemilik dan penerbit portal berita sosial berbahasa Cina, TanTanNews, sekali gus mengukuhkan kedudukan dominan dalam komuniti milenial berbahasa Cina di negara ini.

Strategi terbabit juga membolehkan kumpulan mengatasi Google dan Facebook sebagai pilihan popular kandungan mudah alih dalam kalangan rakyat Malaysia.

Berdasarkan data daripada syarikat penilaian media dan analitik berpejabat di Amerika Syarikat (AS), Comscore Mobile Metrix Top 100 Properties, bagi bulan Disember 2018, Media Prima berada dalam kedudukan teratas dengan 13.60 juta pelawat unik di Malaysia, meningkat 62 peratus daripada Disember 2017.

Mengulas mengenai prestasi itu, Pengerusi Kumpulannya, Datuk Mohd Nasir Ahmad, berkata peningkatan dalam prestasi kewangan membuktikan impak positif pelan transformasi Media Prima.

“Kami percaya inisiatif pada tahun kewangan 2018 berjaya membina asas yang kukuh untuk meneroka pertumbuhan baharu perolehan dan peluang pada 2019.

“Melihat ke depan, kami akan kekal fokus untuk meraih kelebihan kompetetif dalam segmen digital dan perdagangan, di samping memantau rapat kecekapan operasi yang menjadi sebahagian daripada strategi kami untuk meningkatkan nilai pemegang saham,” katanya.

Pengarah Urusan Kumpulan, Datuk Kamal Khalid, berkata prestasi kukuh itu juga menunjukkan inisiatif transformasi sudah mula meningkatkan margin kumpulan dan mengimbangi kerugian daripada segmen tradisional.

“Jika dikecualikan perkara luar biasa, kumpulan merekodkan kerugian selepas cukai yang lebih rendah sebanyak 42 peratus.

“Kami percaya dengan operasi sebagai kumpulan aset ringan dan pada masa sama sebagai peserta utama dalam landskap tradisional dan digital, ia memberi kami lebih ketangkasan dan daya saing untuk berkembang pantas dalam sektor pertumbuhan utama,” katanya.


RHB Bank Untung RM2.305 Bilion


KEWANGAN | RHB Bank Bhd mencatat untung bersih RM565.42 juta bagi suku kewangan keempat berakhir 31 Disember 2018, meningkat berbanding RM409.07 juta suku sama tahun sebelumnya.

Pendapatan pada suku dikaji meningkat kepada RM3.309 bilion berbanding RM3.074 bilion suku sama tahun sebelumnya.

Bank itu mencatat keuntungan bersih terkumpul berjumlah RM2.305 bilion bagi keseluruhan tahun kewangan 2018, meningkat berbanding RM1.950 bilion tahun sebelumnya.

Ia diraih daripada pendapatan yang meningkat kepada RM12.690 bilion berbanding RM11. 869 bilion setahun lalu, demikian menurut kenyataan yang difailkan bank itu di Bursa Malaysia.

Bank itu berkata, peningkatan keuntungan itu disumbang peningkatan dalam pendapatan berasaskan dana bersih sebanyak 8.5 peratus kepada RM4.94 bilion berbanding setahun lalu.

Selain itu katanya, ia turut disumbang peningkatan dalam pendapatan bukan berasaskan dana sebanyak 1.8 peratus kepada RM1.86 bilion, disumbang sebahagian besarnya oleh keuntungan tukaran asing dan dagangan, dan pendapatan pelaburan.

Keuntungan bersih Maybank melonjak kepada RM8.11 bilion

KUALA LUMPUR – Keuntungan bersih Malayan Banking Bhd untuk tahun kewangan berakhir 31 Dis 2018 melonjak sebanyak 7.9 peratus kepada RM8.11 bilion berbanding RM7.52 bilion yang direkodkan pada tahun sebelumnya.
Perolehan naik kepada RM47.32 bilion daripada RM45.58 bilion.

Bank tersebut dalam satu kenyataan hari ini memberitahu, keuntungan bersih bagi tahun berkenaan juga menandakan satu rekod baharu selepas ia melepasi angka RM8 bilion buat kali pertama, didorong terutamanya oleh pertumbuhan pinjaman yang lebih tinggi, kos overhed serta peruntukan yang lebih rendah.

Pengerusi Datuk Mohaiyani Shamsudin berkata, keputusan itu mencerminkan kekuatan dan daya tahan kumpulan, yang terpaksa mengharungi pelbagai cabaran pada 2018.

“Strategi kami untuk berkembang secara mampan, sambil menguruskan perbelanjaan dan harga secara berdisiplin, merupakan faktor utama yang membolehkan kami untuk terus berada di landasan pertumbuhan walaupun berlaku ketidaktentuan dalam pasaran global,” katanya.

Dalam memberi ganjaran kepada para pemegang saham, bank telah mencadangkan dividen satu peringkat sebanyak 32 sen sesaham yang akan diberikan di bawah Pelan Pelaburan Semula Dividen Bank dengan dividen yang dicadangkan terdiri daripada bahagian tunai 15 sen serta bahagian terpilih sebanyak 17 sen yang boleh dilaburkan semula ke dalam saham biasa baru atau dibayar secara tunai.

Bersama-sama dengan dividen interim sebanyak 25 sen yang diisytiharkan sebelum ini, pembayaran dividen tahun penuh 57 sen sesaham adalah berjumlah RM6.3 bilion atau 77.3 peratus daripada keuntungan bersih.

Jumlah pembayaran dividen juga diterjemahkan kepada hasil dividen lebih tinggi sebanyak enam peratus berbanding 5.6 peratus pada 2017, katanya.

Menurut bank itu, bagi tahun penuh, kumpulan telah mencapai rekod baharu pendapatan operasi bersih yang meningkat sebanyak 1.7 peratus kepada RM23.63 bilion, didorong kenaikan 3.1 peratus dalam pendapatan berasaskan dana.

Pinjaman kasar kumpulan juga meningkat pada kadar yang lebih cepat sebanyak 4.8 peratus pada tahun kewangan 2018, berbanding 1.7 peratus sebelum ini, dengan pertumbuhan yang sihat direkodkan merentasi semua pasaran sementara deposit juga berkembang dengan pantas iaitu sebanyak 5.6 peratus berbanding 1.8 peratus pada tahun sebelumnya.

Dari segi sektorial, keuntungan sebelum cukai Perkhidmatan Kewangan Komuniti Kumpulan (GCFS) bertambah sebanyak 4.9 peratus dari tahun ke tahun kepada RM5.57 bilion, dipacu oleh francais kukuh yang dibina di rantau ini dan usaha berterusan dalam pengurusan kualiti dan aset yang berterusan.

Perbankan Global Kumpulan (GGB) mencatatkan peningkatan dalam keuntungan sebelum cukai sebanyak 4.3 peratus dari tahun ke tahun kepada RM5.36 bilion daripada RM5.14 bilion, didorong oleh pendapatan berasaskan dana bersih yang berasaskan pendapatan yang dibantu oleh pertumbuhan pinjaman merentas semua pasaran induk yang diterajui oleh Indonesia.

Perniagaan perbankan Islam kumpulan juga terus berkembang kukuh, dengan keuntungan sebelum cukai menokok sebanyak 10.2 peratus kepada rekod RM3.03 bilion di sebalik kenaikan 11.3 peratus dalam jumlah pendapatan yang teguh.

Pembiayaan dan pendahuluan melonjak 6.7 peratus manakala Akaun Deposit dan Pelaburan menyaksikan kenaikan 10.8 peratus.

Maybank Islamic mengekalkan prestasi yang kukuh, dengan pembiayaan kasar meningkat kepada RM176.8 bilion.

Pihak bank berkata perniagaan Etiqa Insurance & Takaful mencatat peningkatan 16.6 peratus dalam premium kasar yang dirangsang oleh kenaikan sebanyak 16.5 peratus dalam premium Insurans Hayat/Keluarga dan 16.9 peratus pertambahan jumlah premium am, bagaimanapun, keuntungan sebelum cukai menurun 18.6 peratus kepada RM825.0 juta.

Sementara itu, Presiden Kumpulan dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Datuk Abdul Farid Alias berkata, kumpulan terus mendapat manfaat daripada kekuatan francaisnya di rantau ini serta asas kukuhnya, yang memberikan keupayaan untuk menempuhi tahun yang mencabar.

“Kami tetap mengambil langkah berjaga-jaga terhadap persekitaran operasi global berikutan kebimbangan geopolitik yang berterusan serta ketidakstabilan harga komoditi, walaupun kami menjangkakan kestabilan yang lebih baik dalam pasaran domestik selepas pengambilan langkah-langkah untuk memastikan pertumbuhan yang lebih mampan.

“Kami percaya kami dapat memanfaatkan peluang-peluang perniagaan di ASEAN di mana ekonomi akan menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang bermutu, pada masa yang sama mendapat manfaat dari tumpuan dalam aspek pendigitalan yang akan membantu kami mencapai kecekapan yang lebih baik dan memacu perkembangan baharu dalam meningkatkan pengalaman pelanggan,” katanya. 


Five emerging technologies that will change the MRO industry

The area of aircraft maintenance has moved quite slow compared to the speed of technological developments. While technology has been embraced to better detect damaged parts or optimise repairs processes, aircraft maintenance is still overwhelming human and dependent on touch maintenance. Five new technologies being explored today, though, threaten a paradigm shift in the industry.

The MRO industry, still almost excessively dependent on human labour and roughly a decade behind industries like the pharmaceutical industry and medical devices in terms of technology adoption may be undergoing a shakeup. 

Five new technologies show promise of completely changing the way the industry operates, spurring a potential shift from human touch to human-led.

By this we mean, new hardware and software advances have opened the door to automation. This is not to say robots will be replacing mechanics, but they’ll likely be heavily aiding them. This has the potential to reduce MRO costs for aircraft operators and lessors.

3D-printing is gaining popularity across the world but a series of obstacles remain: These are the five biggest challenges with additive manufacturing.

At MRO Europe 2018, a number of experts got together to discuss the latest and greatest in disruptive technologies that could reshape MRO as we know it, and the challenges that innovation can bring. We had the pleasure of joining the conversation. Here’s what we heard.

Robotics is on the rise among MROs

Robotics was a hot topic at this year’s MRO Europe 2018. In fact, all panellists at the New Technology in MRO session said their organisations are pursuing robotics in one way or another. When we think about robots, it’s often veiled in the fear that robots will make our jobs irrelevant. At the moment, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

More often than not, robots simply aid labours with routine or precision-oriented tasks. They can even be used to take on labour-intensive work that could pose a safety risk for humans.

While not appropriate for all applications, robots have a number of potential uses for achieving greater efficiencies in the MRO world. This is particularly critical now, as skilled labour is in short supply in the industry and labour costs are climbing.

»We’re looking at how robotics can help us improve efficiency. Labour costs are rising rapidly, so we basically want to see how we can automate and use robotics to improve efficiency and do better,« says Goh Poh Loh, Executive Vice President at Singapore Technologies Aerospace Ltd, of the use of robotics in his company.

We’re seeing robotics applied to everything from single parts repairs and carbon fibre machining to intricate inspection tasks through miniaturization, whereby robots can be used for the inspection of components that are otherwise difficult for humans to gain access to.

There are some robotics solutions in the pipeline that are sure to be future game changers, namely Rolls-Royce’s “swarm” robots. These 1-cm-long robots would be designed to crawl through engines, capturing images and sending them back to technicians for diagnostics. They’re the first step in Roll-Royce’s ambition to develop a series of miniature robots that could remove and replace defective components.

While definitely inspiring, such a solution is far off from being realisable, and can generally be seen as the exception, rather than the norm, of how robotics is being used and talked about in MRO today. For the most part, robotics are being discussed as valuable for automation of inspection tasks and restricted to less critical aircraft systems. While new applications are certainly on the horizon, it may be a while before we see them.

Robotics are an upcoming mro technology that will change the aviation industry.

Drones in the Sky

Drones were, once again, another hot topic. Often spoken about in the same vein as robotics, drones are being used today for applications, such as remote plane inspection.

EasyJet and Thomas Cook Airlines, for example, make use of the RAPID (Remote Automated Plane Inspection and Dissemination) system, an autonomous drone for inspection of the exteriors of planes.

Facing similar friction as robotics in general, drones are seen as a handy tool, but there is still an overwhelming scepticism in the industry with regard to further applications. It’s widely agreed upon in the industry, however, that despite scepticism, progression seems inevitable.

The slow rate of adoption, when compared to other industries, is not exactly due to a lack of availability or opportunities – drones have become increasingly available at more affordable price tags.

Instead, the sentiment seems to be that the use of drones, or robotics for that matter – not particularly flexible or suited for process adaptation at this moment – would be a risky move, or at the very least prove inefficient, as line maintenance might need to check up on their work.

On top of this, you have the bad press that drones have been receiving because of legislative crackdowns and negative uses of the technology. So maybe robots and drones won’t be running the maintenance game anytime soon, but all evidence points to its increased prevalence.

How do you foster an innovative environment? Join a group of aviation executives as they discuss their strategies. 

Additive manufacturing is gaining ground

Another widely discussed topic, being pursued already is additive manufacturing (AM), which refers to the use of computer-aided-design (CAD) software or 3D object scanners to create 3D printed goods.

For MROs, AM means the ability to seamlessly print replacement parts that are strong, durable, lightweight and quick as well as inexpensive to create – not to mention, they dramatically reduce inventory costs for maintenance providers.

As the name implies, AM involves adding material in layers to create an object. This process, as opposed to traditional manufacturing, which involves carving or shaping the final object, lends itself to less scrap or waste in the process.

A true revolution, additive manufacturing is being used by most of the larger MRO providers these days, but not to its fullest potential. For now, AM is being used on the less crucial components – such as cabin components – and is yet to be used on the more important structural components.

For that, OEMs are still generally relied on, although this is changing. Companies such as Lufthansa Technik and Air France Industries KLM Engineering and Maintenance are pursuing metal printing to apply AM to a wider variety of components.

With in-service feedback capabilities, AM parts can be continuously improved, as new specifications can be input with ease at the next printing. This inexpensive iteration definitely ups the likelihood that AM parts will quickly become competitive and have a high likelihood of reshaping the way aircraft components are manufactured in the long run.

What are the opportunities and risks associated with additive manufacturing? Find out in this article. 

3D object scanners is a new mro technology in the aviation industry.

Analytics, Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Another big point of conversation in MRO is data analytics, leading itself to developments in artificial intelligence as well as machine learning. While it’s a bit flashier to talk about robotics changing MRO, it would perhaps be more accurate to say that it is developments in data collection, analysis and implantation through machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI).

The above-cited issue with robotics – difficulties in dealing with variable tasks – is something that we’re already beginning to see MROs overcome. This is happening through advances in machine learning, powered by mass data that machines learn to recognise patterns in – essentially turning variable into predictable.

With major increases in the availability of data, pulling from the abundance of sensors present on modern aircraft and better data routers, it can be said that we’re currently sitting with the building blocks to better processes. What is needed, though, is a way to put this data into play, to analyse it and make predictions that can effectively take the variability out of processes. This is what these advances will offer the industry.

A good example of these applications can be seen in the rise of predictive maintenance. Predictive maintenance, or the use of sensor data and maintenance logs to predict maintenance needs in advance, is already helping a number of airlines and their maintenance providers better anticipate component failure and reduce unexpected maintenance.

According to Goh Poh Loh, Executive Vice President at Singapore Technologies Aerospace Ltd, these advances may mean the ability for MRO providers to keep their competitive positions in an industry where they’re increasingly being squeezed out.

From reactive to proactive. The supply chain is changing - discover how to keep up in this article.

Intelligent Machines

What happens when you start combining the above-mentioned technologies? You get intelligent machines. 

Intelligent machines can be as simple as common tools made smarter by adding a Wi-Fi connection. An example of this could be the Wi-Fi connected torque wrench, that when used in conjunction with GE tested smart glasses can instruct mechanics of the correct amount of torque to apply.

Where intelligent machines really get interesting, though, is when machine learning is combined with advanced robotics. Such an example is Lufthansa Technik’s enhanced mechanical arms.

Complete with added sensors and wireless communications, these intelligent machines have the potential to bring about human-robot collaboration, by enabling robots to respond to vocal or image-based commands.

Is it possible to predict unforeseen events? PHM-solutions are on the rise and it could have a profound impact on the aircraft maintenance business.   

Sources : Satair is a world leading provider of aftermarket services 

BNM: M'sian Economy To Experience Moderate Growth In 2019


ECONOMY | The Malaysian economy will continue to experience moderate growth this year, supported mainly by external demand and resilience in private consumption among others, says Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) governor Datuk Nor Shamsiah Mohd Yunus.

She said exports, which rose to RM836.4 billion in 2018 from RM807 billion recorded in 2017, would also continue to be the growth driver for 2019.

However, she acknowledged the downside risks the country faced, namely uncertainty coming from the ongoing trade tensions between the US and China, the impact of US tax cuts and also from the European Union.

Nor Shamsiah told reporters this after announcing Malaysia’s 2018 full year gross domestic product and fourth quarter results here today.


Terbitan Nota Senior AS$300 Juta RHB Bank Terlebih Langgan Lebih 6 Kali

FOTO KREDIT: CustomerServiceDirectory

PERBANKAN | Terbitan nota tidak bercagar senior lima tahun dalam nilai nomina AS$300 juta (AS$1=RM4.06) RHB Bank Bhd yang dilancarkan pada Selasa, terlebih langganan lebih enam kali.

Dalam kenyataan pada 13 FEB 2019, bank itu berkata nilai perolehan pada panduan harga akhir melebihi AS$1.8 bilion, menandakan paras terlebih langgan sebanyak lebih enam kali menerusi 114 akaun.

"Permintaan yang kukuh itu membolehkan RHB Bank mengetatkan panduan kepada 128 mata asas berbanding Perbendaharaan AS lima tahun pada pulangan 3.766 peratus setahun, yang mewakili sebaran kredit paling ketat dalam terbitan Asia Tenggara/Asia Selatan pada 2019," katanya.

Menurut bank itu, nota tidak bercagar senior - yang diberikan penarafan A3 oleh Moody's Investors Service Inc - adalah terbitan ketiga program nota jangka sederhana RM5 bilion euro yang dilaksanakan pada 23 September 2014.

Ia juga adalah terbitan penanda aras awam dolar AS pertama oleh institusi kewangan Malaysia sejak April 2017.

"Terbitan itu dijangka selesai pada 19 Februari 2019 dan akan disenaraikan di Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Ltd dan Labuan International Financial Exchange Inc," katanya dan menambah keuntungan daripada terbitan itu akan digunakan oleh RHB Bank untuk tujuan modal kerja am.


RESEARCHERS: Blue Light From Phones And Tablets Can Speed Up Blindness


It's best not to stare at your phone screens in the dark

Researchers from the University of Toledo say long periods of time exposed to blue light, the kind phones, tablets and televisions give off, can damage vision and generate poisonous molecules in the eye's light-sensitive cells. 

The researchers suggest this could accelerate macular degeneration and other eye diseases.

Their findings were published on July 5 in Scientific Reports.

In the study, the researchers exposed living cells to various types of light. They found that exposure to blue light triggers "reactions that generate poisonous chemical molecules in photoreceptor cells," the cells in our retina that respond to light.  

The group was aiming to understand how cells respond to everyday blue light exposure from devices like phones and TVs, according to a release.

"If you look at the amount of light coming out of your cell phone, it's not great but it seems tolerable," said Dr. Payton in a release. 

"Some cell phone companies are adding blue-light filters to the screens, and I think that is a good idea."

Eye disease such as macular degeneration is caused by the deterioration of light-sensitive cells in the retina. 

This disease is age-related and can cause blindness. Currently, 11 million people in the US have some sort of macular degeneration, according to a report published on Brightfocus Foundation, a nonprofit organization that supports research. The patient number will likely double by 2050.

Dr. Ajith Karunarathne, one of the researchers and an assistant professor at the University of Toledo, told the Guardian that people should wear sunglasses that can filter both UV and blue light outside and avoid browsing on smartphones, laptops and similar gadgets in the dark.

Some other options to protect your eyes include wearing glasses with amber or orange-colored lenses that can block out blue light.

Dr. Karunarathne didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. 


Malindo Air Bakal Buka Laluan Baharu Ke Kota Bharu, Langkawi dari LTAM

FOTO: World Airline News

INFO PENERBANGAN: Syarikat penerbangan Malindo Air dijangka memulakan dua laluan baharu ke Kota Bharu, Kelantan dan Langkawi, Kedah dari Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Melaka (LTAM) di Batu Berendam di sini 1 Mac depan.

Exco Kerja Raya, Pengangkutan dan Kemudahan Awam Melaka, Datuk Mohd Sofi Abdul Wahab, berkata penerbangan dua hala itu akan beroperasi tiga kali seminggu iaitu pada Rabu, Jumaat dan Ahad.

Beliau berkata, inisiatif Malindo Air itu dilihat dapat membantu kerajaan negeri meningkatkan industri pelancongan Melaka sekali gus menarik lebih ramai pelancong dari dalam dan luar negara ke negeri bersejarah itu sempena Tahun Melawat Melaka 2019.

"Berita ini disahkan pihak pengurusan Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB) dan Malindo Air di LTAM dan ia amat ditunggu-tunggu rakyat Melaka dan orang awam yang ingin ke destinasi itu dengan mudah serta menjimatkan masa," katanya dalam sidang media, di sini semalam.

Sebelum ini Malindo Air pernah menawarkan laluan ke Kota Bharu dari LTAM namun ia dihentikan kerana syarikat itu kekurangan pesawat dan sehingga kini, Malindo Air menawarkan penerbangan ke Pekan Baru, Indonesia dan Pulau Pinang dari LTAM.

Mengulas lanjut, Mohd Sofi berkata, masa penerbangan bagi laluan dari Kota Bharu ke Melaka ialah 11.55 pagi dan Melaka ke Kota Bharu pada 1.50 petang manakala dari Langkawi ke Melaka pada 12.05 tengah hari dan Melaka ke Langkawi pada 2.05 petang.

Beliau berkata, penambahan laluan oleh Malindo Air menerusi LTAM dilihat sebagai langkah positif menarik lebih banyak syarikat penerbangan untuk beroperasi di lapangan terbang itu dan kerajaan negeri menyediakan pelbagai insentif untuk mereka sebagai galakan dan komitmen yang diberikan.

"Selepas ini, kita berharap Air Asia dapat membuka sekurang-kurangnya satu laluan berpotensi antaranya ke Langkawi, Pulau Pinang, Pekan Baru dan Bandar Seri Begawan, Brunei dari LTAM selewat-lewatnya pada suku ketiga tahun ini," katanya.

Beliau berkata, kerajaan negeri memerlukan komitmen dan kerjasama berterusan daripada pelbagai pihak terutama pemain industri pelancongan di Melaka untuk menarik kedatangan pelancong menerusi sektor penerbangan yang ditawarkan di LTAM. 



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