A Plane Carrying 71 People Has Reportedly Crashed Near Moscow


GLOBAL: Saratov Airlines flight 6W703 went off the radar after taking off from the city's Domodedovo airport, TASS Russian news agency reported just after 3:30 p.m. local time on Sunday.

BNO NEWS reported A Saratov Airlines plane carrying more than 70 people has crashed on the outskirts of the Russian capital of Moscow, local officials say. At least 2 bodies have been found but the fate of the other passengers was not immediately known. 

The incident happened on early Sunday afternoon after the aircraft, an Antonov An-148, took off from Moscow’s Domodedovo Airport for a flight to Orsk, which is a city near the border with Kazakhstan. A total of 65 passengers and 6 crew members were on board.

Flight-tracking services showed that Saratov Airlines Flight 6W703 took off from Domodedovo Airport at 2:20 p.m. local time and reached an altitude of 6,400 feet (1,950 meter) about 5 minutes later. It then briefly lost and regained altitude before starting a steep drop.

Photo by: FLIGHT RADAR24

A passenger plane carrying 71 people crashed shortly after taking off from an airport outside Moscow on Sunday, according to reports.

Saratov Airlines flight 6W703 went off the radar after departing Domodedovo airport, TASS Russian news agency reported at around 3:30 p.m. local time.

Russia's Interfax news agency quoted emergency services as saying there is "no chance" of survivors. It reported that fragments of bodies were scattered at the site of the crash in the Ramenskoye district, about 50km south-east of Russia's capital.

President Vladimir Putin has instructed the government to form a commission to investigate the crash, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov told the Tass news agency.

We have download the full ADS-B data from Flightradar24 ADS-B network for flight The data show that the aircraft was falling with 22,000 feet per minute when the signal was lost. Last position 55.29950,38.39580 - FLIGHT RADAR24


1.  Interfax news agency

#Saratov Airlines flight 6W703

Winter Sonata Di Malaysia Belum Berakhir: Cuaca Sejuk, Kabus Tebal Di Kuala Krai

Screenshoot: www.myweather2.com

CUACA: Jika kita menyangka musim 'winter sonata' di Malaysia sudah berakhir apabila berlaku pada kira-kira 2 minggu pada Januari 2018, rupanya ia belum berakhir.

Pada 11 Februari 2018, suasana keadaan suhu rendah masih dirasai di Kuala Krai Kelantan disebabkan tiupan angin sejuk dari Tanah Besar China dalam fasa monsun timur laut.

BH ONLINE melaporkan Pengarah Jabatan Meteorologi Kelantan, Rabiah Al Adawiyah Zakaria, berkata Februari juga adalah tempoh yang mana suhu minimum harian terendah dicatatkan.

"Keadaan suhu sejuk ini juga berlaku di beberapa lokasi lain seperti Kerteh di Terengganu yang turut mencatatkan penurunan suhu minimum harian. Namun, tiupan angin terbabit tidak menyebabkan hujan lebat.

"Cuaca sejuk ini berlaku sejak semalam dengan suhu terendah 18.4 darjah Celsius bermula jam 6 hingga 8 pagi dan akan berubah kepada suhu maksimum pada waktu petang dengan mencecah 32.7 darjah Celsius," katanya ketika dihubungi BH ONLINE.

Kuala Krai pernah mencatat suhu paling rendah iaitu 15.7 darjah Celsius pada tahun 2014.

Tinjauan di daerah itu mendapati sebahagian penduduk, terutama kanak-kanak, terpaksa berpakaian tebal pada waktu pagi dan malam, walaupun ketika berada di dalam rumah.

Sebelum ini, beberapa hari pada 11 Januari 2018 lalu, kawasan Lembah Klang dan beberapa kawasan di Malaysia mengalami penurunan suhu sehingga 21 darjah celcius.

Namun keadaan itu berakhir (15 Januari 2018) apabila kebanyakan kawasan mencatatkan suhu di antara 30 hingga 32 darjah Celsius, yang dicatatkan jam 1 tengah hari hingga 2 petang (15 Januari).

Beberapa hari sejak 11 Januari 2018 lalu, kawasan Lembah Klang dan beberapa kawasan di Malaysia mengalami penurunan suhu sehingga 21 darjah celcius.

Namun keadaan itu berakhir hari ini (15 Januari 2018) apabila kebanyakan kawasan mencatatkan suhu di antara 30 hingga 32 darjah Celsius, yang dicatatkan jam 1 tengah hari hingga 2 petang (15 Januari).

SILA BACA: Fakta Menarik Berkenaan Cuaca Sejuk Dialami Di Malaysia 2018



photo by: http://www.visionkl.com

JURASSICA, a first-of-its-kind edutaining prehistoric immersive experience that advocates planet and wildlife conservation in Malaysia, is now open at The Gardens Mall.

Rich in biodiversity, with a rapidly growing economy, Malaysia exemplifies the tension between conservation and economic development. 

Although it is gradually progressing, following governmental efforts for green product development, the practices of environmental responsible behaviour are still low among Malaysians.

 Making a conscious effort to practice offering environmentally friendly products and services, Tremendous Entertainment Group has conceptualised Jurassica - standing as an advocate to saving and conserving our planet, to spread awareness on environmental issues affecting global climate.

What happens in Jurassica

Unlike typical dino-themed parks and exhibitions, the message of planet conservation at Jurrasica is carried throughout the family fun, edutainment, immersive, exhibition space. 

Sprawled across 15,000 square feet, visitors dubbed as Earth Cadets travel through a time vortex to Jurassica. 

Here, Cadets collect vital prehistoric specimens needed to save the planet in an interactive RFID scavenger hunt while offering a sensory feast of endless fun for the whole family.

 Apart from the neon-lit hunt, Cadets face life-sized animatronic dinosaurs, an adrenaline pumping zip-line, a volcanic sky bridge, a sandpit, an interactive climbing wall, a live reptile zone, a 3-storey Jurrasic Gym and plenty more.

Malaysian Nature Society, WWF and Hi-5 support Jurrasica

At the Cretaceous Camp, Cadets will also enjoy daily talks by Jurassica’s resident reptile-handler and scheduled talks and workshops by several participating Non-governmental organisations including the Malaysian Nature Society, World Wildlife Fund and more.

Jurassica firmly believes in reusing and repurposing, so much so, that several sections in the exhibition were erected with recycled materials thanks to a partnership with the creative minds of Biji-Biji, a social enterprise that champions sustainable living. 

To enlist change, Jurassica has recruited Hi-5 – the popular preschool edutainment pop group – as ambassadors for Jurassica’s ‘Save Our Planet Program’, in hopes of echoing the message of planet conservation to a global audience. 

In addition, 10% of all Hi-5 merchandise sales available at Jurassica’s Gift Shop will be donated to similar causes as part of the Save Our Planet Program.

Experiencing Jurrasica

Tickets for children and adults are priced at RM48 for Malaysians and RM58 for non-Malaysians on weekdays while tickets on weekends including school and public holidays are at RM58 for Malaysians and RM68 for non-Malaysians. Opening hours are 10am to 10pm daily.


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