Nikola Tesla proved in 1931 that we don’t need any gasoline whatsoever to power our cars

1930 Pierce Arrow Electric Vehicle

The fuel to power the world’s machinery and vehicles for thousands of years can be derived from electromagnetic wave conductors. We have known for 80+ years that electromagnetic coupling can be used to harness the freely available cosmic rays (electromagnetic radiation) and power the World. A simple antenna is an electromagnetic conductor which converts harnessed radio waves in free space to an electrical current. This electromagnetic conversion can power all our machinery, including our automobiles.

Supported by the Pierce-Arrow Co. and General Electric in 1931, Nikola Tesla, inventor of the AC generator, took the gasoline engine from a new Pierce-Arrow and replaced it with an 80-horsepower AC electric motor with no external power source.

Tesla reportedly bought 12 vacuum tubes, some wires and assorted resistors, and assembled them in a circuit box 24 inches long, 12 inches wide and 6 inches high, with a pair of 3-inch rods sticking out. Getting into the car with the circuit box in the front seat beside him, he pushed the rods in and announced, “We now have power”. Using no gasoline whatsoever Tesla proceeded to drive the car for a week and at speeds of up to 90 mph.

As the AC motor can only operate on AC (alternating current that is typically supplied in a home) electricity the single 12 volt car battery wasn’t the source of power as a car battery supplies only DC (direct current) electricity. So what was the source of power that powered the AC electric motor? Electromagnetic (EM) waves which Tesla declared is a free source of power that is “everywhere present in unlimited quantities”.

The 1931 Pierce Arrow demonstration proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that we don’t need any gasoline whatsoever to power our automobiles.

An electric powered automobile possesses many advantages that the noisy and polluting gasoline cars could not offer.

First and foremost is the absolute silence one experiences when riding in an electrically powered vehicle. There is not even a hint of noise. One simply turns a key and steps on the accelerator – the vehicle moves instantly! No cranking from the start, no pumping of the accelerator, no spark control to advance, no exhaust pipes, no leaking gas tanks, no clogged fuel pumps or lines, zero emissions and no tuneups. One simply turned the ignition switch to on!

Second, is a sense of power. If one wants to increase speed, you simply depress the accelerator further – there is never any hesitation. Releasing the accelerator causes the vehicle to slow down immediately – you are always in complete control.

Thirdly, the electric cars envisioned by Tesla were a lot lighter as there were no battery packs (only a single 12 volt battery was used to power the lights), no gas tank with heavy liquid gasoline or diesel, no exhaust system (no muffle, catalytic converter, or pipes) and no heavy combustion engine.

Lastly and most importantly the source of power for his vehicle is available for free. You would never have to recharge this vehicle. You would never have to pay 1¢ to any electrical company. Since the source of energy that powered Tesla’s electric car in 1931 was energy harvested from EM waves that is everywhere this type of electric car had unlimited range.

Tesla used an antenna to capture this free energy and he was able to drive for hours with no stopping whatsoever for a recharge. If he drove and ended up in the middle of nowhere he could stop and rest and continue on in a couple of hours or even days without ever having to worry about running out of power. It is not difficult to understand why these vehicles were so very popular around the turn of the century.

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