Mesothelioma Causes : High-Risk Occupations

Auto Mechanic
Asbestos was commonly used in many different car parts prior to 1980 — including brakes and clutches — that many auto mechanics came into contact with every single day. As they manufactured and repaired vehicles, asbestos fibers were often released into the air and could be easily inhaled.

Custodial Worker
Former custodians, janitors, and building maintenance workers may have been exposed to asbestos in any of the structures they worked in. Asbestos was regularly used in insulation and other building materials prior to 1980.

Due to its fire-resistant properties, asbestos was a very popular material when it came to the construction of many residential and commercial buildings before 1980. Unfortunately, when those buildings caught fire and firefighters arrived to control the blaze, they may have also inhaled asbestos fibers that had been released into the air.

Military veterans, especially those who served in the U.S. Navy, make up a large percentage of asbestos exposure and mesothelioma cases. Veterans may have been exposed to asbestos that was used throughout military vessels built before 1980, as well as while performing jobs during their service or as civilians.

Individuals who were plumbers before 1980 have a higher risk of developing mesothelioma because they likely encountered asbestos on a regular basis. Asbestos was used to insulate pipes, boilers, tanks, ducts, and other plumbing systems.

Asbestos was used throughout the construction of ships prior to 1980. During construction or repairs, asbestos dust was often released into the air and anyone in the surrounding area would have been in danger of inhaling the asbestos fibers.

Welding was a high-risk occupation prior to 1980 because welders didn’t just work in buildings that were constructed with asbestos-containing materials — materials and tools they worked with directly, like pipes and welding rods, may have also contained asbestos.

Sokolove Law


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