BACK TO THE FUTURE: Pesawat Berlepas Pada 2018, Mendarat 2017

FAKTA SENSASI: Bagaikan mempunyai keupayaan kembali ke masa lepas 'Back To The Future'. Begitu yang terjadi kepada pesawat penerbangan Hawaiian Airlines HAL446.

Kelewatan 10 minit yang tidak dijangka menyebabkan penerbangan yang berlepas pada 2018 telah mendarat pada 2017. Bagaimana ia berlaku?

Hawaiian Airlines HAL446 yang sepatutnya berlepas dari Auckland, New Zealand pada jam 11.55 malam (waktu tempatan).

Bagaimanapun, kelewatan kira-kira 10 minit telah mengakibatkan ia berlepas pada jam 12.05 tengah malam pada 1 Januari 2018.

Pesawat itu dalam perjalanan ke Honolulu dengan perbezaan masanya 23 jam di belakang Auckland.

Disebabkan itu juga, ia hanya tiba ke destinasi pada jam 10.16 pagi, 31 Disember 2017.

Situasi yang dilalui pesawat ini dimaklumkan menerusi Twitter wartawan pengankutan ABC7, Sam Sweeney dan ia ternyata menarik perhatian ramai.- 

Arab Saudi Naikkan Harga Petrol Sehingga 126%

GLOBAL : Permulaan awal tahun 2018 selalunya bermula dengan berita menggembirakan dan menceriakan namun berbeza dengan permulaan di Arab Saudi.

Agensi Berita Antarabangsa REUTERS melaporkan Arab Saudi yang juga antara negara pengeksport petroleum terbesar dunia hari ini, mengumumkan kenaikan harga petrol tempatan di antara 45 hingga 126 peratus.

Ia memetik laporan Agensi berita kerajaan, SPA menyatakan langkah itu bertujuan menjadikan penggunaan tenaga lebih efisyen, sejajar pelan reformasi untuk merangsang sumber pendapatan negara itu daripada hanya bergantung kepada minyak.

Susulan pengumuman itu, minyak Ron 91 kini dijual pada harga 1.37 riyal (RM1.48) seliter, berbanding 0.75 riyal (RM0.81) sebelum ini sementara Ron 95 pada harga 2.04 riyal (RM2.21) seliter, berbanding 0.90 riyal (RM0.98) sebelum ini.

Kerajaan negara itu juga akan memperlahankan rancangan menghapuskan subsidi terhadap pelbagai produk tenaga lain berdasarkan pelan fiskal jangka panjang baharu dalam bajet negara 2018.

Pada 20 Disember lalu, Raja Salman secara rasminya, mengumumkan tarikh sasaran menghapuskan defisit bajet kerajaan dilanjutkan kembali sehingga 2023, berbanding sasaran terdahulu pada 2020, bagi mengurang tekanan terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi.

Negara itu mengumumkan inisiatif reformasi meluas pada 2016, yang bertujuan meningkatkan tahap dan kualiti perkhidmatan yang disediakan kerajaan dan mencapai masa depan lebih kaya dengan pembangunan berdaya tahan. 


Kenapa Roadtax di Sabah & Sarawak Lebih Murah???

Kami tahu / dengar harga roatdax di Sabah & Sarawak lebih murah berbanding dengan Semenajung Malaysia. Tapi adakah anda tahu sebab dia???

Menurut dari JPJ, faktor yang menyebabkan kejadian tersebut adalah seperti berikut:-

- Keadaan Geografi
- Jarak perjalanan yang lebih panjang
- Kemudahan jalan raya dan infrastruktur yang kurang maju

Pemandu di Sabah & Sarawak susah menggunakan kereta yang berkapasiti kecil seperti Perodua Kancil untuk berjalan di luar bandar. Kenderaan berkapasiti kecil selalunya terhad untuk berjalan di area bandar saje.

Disebabkan faktor tersebut, kenderaan 4 wheel drive (4WD) yang dikuasakan dengan enjin kapsiti yang lebih tinggi adalah biasa digunakan di Sabah & Sarawak. 

Dengan ini, ia adalah lebih adil bagi Jabatan Pengkangkutan Jalan Raya (JPJ) untuk melaksanakan dasar roadtax murah di Sabah & Sarawak utk mengurangkan beban rakyat.

Kadar Road tax di Malaysia dibahagikan kepada beberapa kategori kapasiti enjin dari petrol ke diesel dan cc 1.0 ke 3.0. Berikut adalah panduan pengiraan road tax atau cukai jalan bagi semua kenderaan persendirian di Malaysia termasuk kereta petrol biasa, diesel, suv, mpv, hybrid, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.6, 1.8, 2.0, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.0 cc dan ke atas.



1.1.1 Motosikal
Kod kegunaan : AA (Motosikal)

i. LKM bagi motosikal dengan kapasiti enjin 150cc dan ke bawah dikekalkan pada kadar sedia ada.

ii. Kadar LKM bagi motosikal dengan kapasiti melebihi 150cc adalah ditetapkan pada kadar tetap seperti berikut:-

Kapasiti Enjin Kadar
151cc hingga 200cc RM 30.00
201cc hingga 250cc RM 50.00
251cc hingga 500cc RM 180.00
501cc hingga 800cc RM 250.00
Melebihi 800cc RM 350.00

1.1.2 Motokar Saloon Persendirian Milik Individu Kod Kegunaan : AB (Individu)
Bahan Bakar : Petrol/diesel/diesel hijau

i) Motokar berkapasiti enjin 1600cc dan ke bawah dikenakan kadar tetap (flat) seperti berikut:

Kapasiti Enjin Kadar
1000cc dan ke bawah RM 20.00
1001cc hingga 1200cc RM 55.00 1201cc hingga 1400cc RM 70.00 1401cc hingga 1600cc RM 90.00

ii) Motokar berkapasiti enjin melebihi 1600cc dikenakan kadar asas dan tambahan kadar progresif seperti berikut:

Kapasiti Enjin Kadar Asas Kadar Progresif

1601 hingga 1800cc RM 200.00
(RM 0.40 untuk setiap perbezaan cc berbanding 1600cc)

1801cc hingga 2000cc RM 280.00
(RM 0.50 untuk setiap perbezaan cc berbanding 1800cc)

2001cc hingga 2500cc RM 380.00
(RM 1.00 untuk setiap perbezaan cc berbanding 2000cc)

2501cc hingga 3000cc RM 880.00
(RM 2.50 untuk setiap perbezaan cc berbanding 2500cc)

Melebihi 3000cc RM 2,130.00
(RM 4.50 untuk setiap perbezaan cc berbanding 3000cc)


b. Diesel

i) Motokar berkapasiti enjin 1600cc dan ke bawah dikenakan kadar tetap (flat) seperti berikut:

Kapasiti Enjin Kadar
1000cc dan ke bawah RM 20.00
1001cc hingga 1200cc RM 110.00 1201cc hingga 1400cc RM 140.00 1401cc hingga 1600cc RM 180.00

ii) Motokar berkapasiti enjin melebihi 1600cc dikenakan kadar asas dan tambahan kadar progresif seperti berikut:

Kapasiti Enjin Kadar Asas Kadar Progresif

1601 hingga 1800cc RM 400.00
(RM 0.80 untuk setiap perbezaan cc berbanding 1600cc)

1801cc hingga 2000cc RM 560.00
(RM 1.10 untuk setiap cc berbanding 1800cc)

2001cc hingga 2500cc RM 780.00
(RM 2.20 untuk setiap perbezaan cc berbanding 2000cc)

2501cc hingga 3000cc RM 1,880.00
(RM6.00 untuk setiap perbezaan cc berbanding 2500cc)

Melebihi 3000cc RM 4,880.00
(RM10.80 untuk setiap perbezaan cc berbanding 3000cc)


2018: Pyongyang Ikrar Mahu Gandakan Bina Senjata Nuklear

GLOBAL: Tahun baharu 2018 dimulakan dengan kejutan Pemimpin Korea Utara dengan amaran bahawa mahu mempertingkatkan keupayaan negara itu mahu memiliki senjata pemusnah besar-besaran.

Dalam perkembangan terbaharu pemimpin Korea Utara itu, Kim Jong-Un, menggesa negara itu mengeluarkan peledak nuklear secara besar-besaran.

Beliau berkata sentiasa dalam kedudukan yang boleh mencapai butang nuklear selepas ketegangan memuncak berhubung program senjatanya.

"Butang nuklear sentiasa di atas meja saya. Ini bukan ugutan tetapi realiti," kata Kim, mengulangi dakwaan rejim itu ialah negara kuasa nuklear. 

Perkara itu dimaklumkan dalam mesej Tahun Baharu 2018 dan menegaskan dirinya akan terus mempercepatkan program senjata yang sekali gus meningkatkan ketegangan antarabangsa.

Pyongyang, secara dramatik meningkatkan usaha menjadi kuasa nuklear pada 2017, di sebalik sekatan antarabangsa dan peningkatan retorik dari Amerika Syarikat.

"Kita perlu mengeluarkan peledak nuklear dan peluru berpandu balistik secara besar-besaran dan mempercepatkan penggunaannya," kata Kim dalam ucapan tahunan kepada negara itu, mengulangi dakwaan Korea Utara mencapai matlamat menjadi negara berkuasa nuklear, lapor Agensi Berita Antarabangsa AFP.

Kim menyaksikan beberapa ujian peluru berpandu pada 2017 dan melancarkan ujian nuklear keenam dan paling berkuasa yang dikatakan bom hidrogen pada September.

Korea Utara berkata, program senjatanya direka untuk mampu mensasarkan AS.

Presiden Donald Trump bertindak balas kepada setiap ujian itu dengan mengancam memusnahkan Pyongyang sepenuhnya dan menghina Kim, berkata beliau 'dalam misi membunuh diri.' 

How to Make Yourself Famous on YouTube


If you want a shot at getting famous on YouTube, you've got to express your unique personality and show some love to your subscribers! 

To make yourself famous on YouTube, begin by consistently creating and posting buzz-worthy content packed with your own personality, then start interacting with your viewers and promoting your videos both on and off the site to gain further traction.

Don't be too discouraged if you don't become an overnight sensation; while viral videos can occasionally result in instant popularity, building a positive YouTube reputation takes time but will lead to longer term fame.

Part 1
Creating Buzz

1. Be culturally relevant. If you make videos that are related to news or pop culture items that everyone's talking about and looking up online, you'll have a better shot at getting famous. 

Stay in the know on your favorite subjects, and be willing to make and upload videos within a day or two of breaking news. You never know when your video will be the one to spiral toward success.

To find the latest pop culture topics look over YouTube's trending page, Twitter's trending topics, or even Google news.

2. Make video responses and parodies. Take a famous YouTube video and create a response, or give it a hilarious twist. Responses and parodies are hugely popular and a great way to capitalize on other people's success. 

Your video will pop up when people search for the famous video.The creators of the original videos love responses and parodies because they catapult the originals to even greater fame.

Make sure you include the YouTube username of the person you're referring to in the title of your video. This will give your video greater chances of showing up in the "up next" sidebar of their videos.

Be sure to use the right tags so your video doesn't get lost in the Internet either.

Doing an autotune version of a famous video is an easy way to crack your viewers up and create an instant hit.

3. Meet people in person at YouTube gatherings. People will be more likely to subscribe to your channel if they meet you in person. YouTube gatherings are held all over the world and they're a great way to get some attention, make friends, and boost your popularity. 

When you meet people who've subscribed, thank them and make an effort to get to know them personally.People often make collaborative videos at YouTube gatherings. Be outgoing and purposeful - make as many as you can!
Don't be snobby at YouTube gatherings. 

You're there to meet the people that have taken the time to watch your videos and meet up with you. Be likable and friendly.

4. Collaborate with famous YouTubers. Try to meet famous people at conventions, or directly contact some of your favorite people through YouTube or Twitter. Ask them if they want to make a collaborative video. 

It's a great way to get more recognition and become a more prominent part of the YouTube community. A lot of people have gotten more famous this way!

When you contact someone, have an awesome idea ready for the collaboration video. Make it clear you have something worthwhile to bring to the collaboration, too.

Seek to collaborate with people with styles and viewership similar to yours. That way you can share each other's audiences.

Never turn someone down who wants to mention you or help you out with a collaboration. The YouTube community is all about helping each other and sharing the wealth.

If the person you want to collaborate with lives really far away then consider using Skype or other video calling software to make a video together.

If you collaborate with a YouTuber, try to make the theme of the video something which everyone involved in the video —as well as everyone watching— will like.

5. Get a video featured by a YouTube editor. If you have a standout video, you might have a shot at getting featured. This could definitely catapult you to fame in a matter of days.

Keep in mind that videos with a good amount of views and high audience retention are more likely to become featured.

For the best chances of getting your video featured make sure that your video contains things that people are really interested in and that the title and description are accurate.

6. Relentlessly add new content. If you consistently produce interesting videos that offer original content and are relevant to your viewers' lives, you're eventually going to get recognized. 

Don't give up if you aren't famous after a few months, or even a year or two. Be passionate about making videos and participating in the amazing online community that is YouTube, and you just might end up getting famous.

Part 2
Connecting With Viewers

1. Make your channel look impressive. The way your channel looks can make or break the success of your video, so be sure it adds to the allure! Create a catchy channel name and add channel art to get things started. Add a short description to your channel to give viewers a glimpse of the kind of content you're offering.

Keep your channel art and description updated as you create new videos. Don't let it get stagnant.

You can include links to your other websites in your channel description as a way to promote yourself online.

Connect your other social profiles to your YouTube account so that people can follow you on other social media. This will help build your own community.

2. Tag your videos. This part is important. Without the right tags, no one's going to find your videos! When you upload a video to your channel, choose tags that are descriptive and specific. You don't want to use the exact same tags as everyone else, because your video will get buried that way.

Choose keywords that apply to your video - don't mislead viewers with a keyword that's not really relevant.

Use both broad and specific tags to get the most views. Tag with the names of people you mention, keywords related to events you talk about, and so on.

Find out the tags that people are searching for and use them. There are many tagsforlikes websites that will help you find these tags.

3. Promote your videos only among people you know. If you don't have a relationship with someone, don't ask them to watch or link to your video. This is a faux pas in the world of YouTube. 

Instead, work the relationships you already have and let the viewership build naturally. It's not going to happen overnight, but with persistence you'll see your views going up.

Share your videos via other social networks like Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter.

Never spam people you don't know with links to your videos, either on their walls or in their comments.

As a last resort you can artificially boost your view count by buying views on sites that offer that service; however do so only if you have tried everything else first, as these views may not always result in many subscribers.

4. Talk to your subscribers. To gain popularity, respond to each and every person who leaves you a comment. This is a good way to start building new relationships with your subscribers. 

If someone leaves you a nice message, respond! If they ask for advice, give it. Be genuine and friendly, and you'll attract more and more people. Here are a few other good ways to interact with your subscribers:

Friend subscribers who friend you. Spread the love to other people!
Get a Twitter account and follow people who have followed your YouTube channel. Interact with them as much as possible.

Set up an email for viewers to privately contact you. Many users prefer email rather than the YouTube Private Message Feature.

Reply to comments. Though you don't need to reply to all comments, reply to comments you like. Many viewers like to receive replies from the uploader.

5. Watch other people's channels. YouTube is a community, and if you want to be popular, you need to participate. Interact with other people on their walls, via messages, on Twitter, and in any other way you can. Give genuine positive feedback.

Make sure you actually watch videos before leaving a comment. People will know if you're being fake, especially if you spam them with a link to your channel.

Keep your own viewers in mind when you engage with other channels. Like videos you think your viewers will benefit from. Link to videos that will enhance your channel, too.Mention the YouTubers that you watch in the videos you make.

6. Make new videos at least once a week. To keep people coming back, you need to update your channel frequently. If possible, do it on a schedule so people will know they can expect to see new content on a certain day. Make videos that are consistently high quality and offer something original every time.

In between new videos, spend time "liking" other people's videos and promoting other content so your subscribers will have something to keep them occupied until your next video is ready.

Keep engaged with your subscribers throughout the week, not just on the day you post videos.

If you know you will not be able to post on a certain day or week then make a video in advance and schedule it.

Post as frequently as possible, the top YouTubers will often post videos daily.

Part 3
Making Great Videos

1. Be the real you. Viewers will be able to tell in less than 10 seconds whether you're being genuine in your videos. Are you funny, intense, or sweet and bubbly? Whatever your unique personality traits might be, show them off in your videos. 

The same way you'd be yourself with your family and friends, you need to be you in your videos. Otherwise, viewers will look elsewhere for authenticity and entertainment.

You're going to be nervous the first few times you make a video - that's normal. If it helps, think of the camera as your friend, sister or brother. Joke around or get deep the same way you would with someone you trust.

Don't be worried about embarrassing yourself! If you stumble over your words a little or say something that's not very funny, your viewers will relate to you even more because they'll see you as human. People don't go to YouTube to find polished Hollywood-esque stars. Be relatable.

Don't copy other people's styles. Figure out what's original about you and play it up.

2. Offer something great to your audience. If you look through the most popular YouTube videos, you'll see that each one offers something interesting. Some offer amazing music, others offer thoughtful advice, and still others offer a few minutes of hilarious entertainment. 

What are you going to offer to people watching your video? Keep this in mind with every video you make.

What's your area of expertise? Your own life is a good place to start. Offer advice based on what you've experienced, like how to become the most popular girl in school, how to kiss, how to play guitar, how to build a robot, or how to straighten curly hair.

Offer opinions. What's your take on world politics, pop culture news, sports, music, etc.?

Offer something that will make people laugh. Tell jokes, show your pet's antics, parody someone else's video, or do impressions of a famous person.

Ask for other peoples opinions at the end of your videos and encourage them to comment. This will help to build your community.

3. Speak up and make eye contact. Just like you would in front of any audience, you need to speak clearly and make eye contact with your YouTube audience. 

This holds viewers' attention and makes your videos much more interesting to watch. Look directly into the camera and enunciate your words!

4. Have good video quality. This is YouTube, so no one's expecting your video to be perfect, but if it has terrible lighting and bad sound, people are going to click away. 

The best way to have good video quality is to use a decent video camera. Some phones come with pretty good video features, so this shouldn't be too hard to do. No matter what kind of video camera you're using, do the following things to improve the video quality:

Turn on lights for indoor videos. This will brighten the picture and make everything look more colorful and interesting. Experiment with turning on lights placed in various parts of the room until you're satisfied with how your videos look. Make sure your face and features are clearly visible, even if the background isn't. The light should be facing whatever it is your recording.

Eliminate background noises. Turn off your air conditioner, get your dog to stop barking, and turn off the TV in the other room. These noises will lower the quality of your video. Try to record your videos in rooms that do not have an echo.

5. Edit your videos. Use Movie Maker or another type of video editing software to boost the quality of your videos and make them a lot more interesting to watch. 

Aim to edit them down to about 4-5 minutes — anything longer isn't going to hold people's attention unless it's truly fascinating. Keep these pointers in mind when you're editing:

Use tools to brighten the video. It shouldn't look too dark and dreary.
Edit out the boring parts. Pauses, dull expressions, coughs, sighs, and other boring interludes can be cut to give your video a faster and more interesting pace.

Use text and music to add more personality. This isn't totally necessary, but you can add background music and text to your videos for a little extra oomph. It's a good opportunity to include a message to "like" your video, include some funny descriptions of what you're doing in the video, or promote your Twitter or Facebook account.

Your videos aren't complete until you give them awesome titles and descriptions, and make sure the thumbnail is an attention-grabber. Include keywords and search terms within these fields to maximize the chance of your videos being found.


- Don't be too far from the camera. This will decrease the quality of your video and your audience may not be able to hear your voice. Make sure you stay at a proper distance.

- Try to add some humour into your videos.

- Post on social media that you just created it. People will want to check it out. Also, try to get a shout-out from a YouTuber or just a friend.

- Be yourself and never try to copy other famous YouTubers. The first few videos will help to spread your popularity, but you may get lucky with a famous one.

- Make cuts frequently; people will start to get a bit bored if a scene is too long. Plus it makes your intro seem less long if you're talking a lot.

- Use only some of the ideas from a couple of YouTube videos or create your own up but do not make them too similar or the same as the other videos or viewers may comment or dislike your videos maybe the person how came up with the idea you took they might report you.

- Don't tell people to subscribe to you. If you say "please subscribe to my channel," people will feel forced. Say something like, "if you liked this video, give it a thumbs up and subscribe for more!"

- Use popular songs but make sure that you don't get a copyright strike. You can avoid this by crediting music, video clips, etc. in the description below. If you do get in trouble, your video and even your account can be taken down.

- In the middle of every video, YouTube takes a snapshot and uses that picture as a preview. It's called video thumbnail. Most people judge a video by the thumbnail, so make sure to make it interesting.

- Try to avoid swearing too much, as it may offend some people. Do not ever use racial slurs, homophobic remarks, etc., as this will not only lose you subscribers, but possibly have your account demonetized.

- Do not provide specific information regarding yourself, such as your address.

- Avoid using licensed music in your videos and opt for YouTube's audio library.

- Make sure your videos do not include anything identifying, such as the view from your window, or the street signs out the front of your house.

- Do not post anything which you believe is inappropriate, such as pornography. People might be offended and they might report your video.


The content on is for informational purposes only. We are not experts, nor do we claim to be. Many of these articles are opinion based articles and should be taken as such. We will not be held liable for decisions users make based off the content on this BLOG. Please do your research before accepting any information as fact. 

Niagara Falls Jadi 'Air Terjun Frozen' !

Guys, not to alarm anyone, but the Canadian side of Niagara Falls is an icy, winter wonderland right now (via IG @Arjsun @AdamRDanni)

BANDAR RAYA NEW YORK – Fenomena cuaca yang melampau menyebabkan air terjun Niagara menjadi beku selepas suhu jatuh pada paras -89 darjah fahrenheit.

Kejadian alam yang menakjubkan itu sering kali menarik kunjungan orang ramai yang berminat untuk menyaksikan sendiri air terjun beku yang dikatakan antara lokasi tercantik di dunia, lapor AGENSI.

Ia turut menyebabkan pelbagai aktiviti yang disediakan untuk pelancong terpaksa dihentikan buat sementara waktu sejak bulan lalu.

Beberapa keping gambar yang dimuat naik ke internet menunjukkan hempasan air terjun itu berubah wajah apabila air deras itu bertukar menjadi beku dan tidak bergerak.

“Saya tidak pernah melihat keindahan air terjun secara semula jadi ini sepanjang umur saya. Ia amat menakjubkan apabila pergerakan air terhenti gara-gara cuaca sejuk,” kata seorang pelancong.

Bagaimanapun, cuaca sejuk yang melampau itu telah menjejaskan kehidupan 220 juta penduduk di beberapa kawasan di Amerika Syarikat (AS) dan selatan Kanada. 



Niagara Falls freezes over as temperatures in North America plummet. Photo: AP
Horseshoe Falls on Friday, December 29, 2017. Photo: AARON LYNETT


Aplikasi Pembelajaran Matematik di Sekolah Yang Boleh Digunakan Semasa Ramadan dan Syawal

Disusun Oleh : Mohd Ezli Mashut Imej Foto Janaan AI Oleh : Mohd Ezli Mashut   Pendahuluan: Ramadan, Syawal dan Matematik dalam Kehidupan Seh...