The Future Of Virtual Data Rooms, Smart Steps Toward Success

Photo: Experdocs


BUSINESS SMART STRATEGY: In today’s world of relentless change, it is not the most qualified of the business that will survive, nor the most skilled. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change.

Before the revolution internet of things (IoT) and cloud storage technology, documents, data and other files had to be stored in physical data rooms that required staff, couriers, abundant paper supplies, and other costs. 

Besides such financial burdens, business people using physical data rooms also had to travel to the storage location site, and then spend time sorting through and reviewing copious stacks of paperwork. 

But today, In Virtual Data Rooms, or VDRs, documents and other files are stored securely on an online server, where multiple users can easily and efficiently access, share, and manage vital information simultaneously, without the risk of theft or information loss.

VDR users can share their documents in hierarchically arranged structures. The ability to use digital mechanisms like semantic tags instead of folders and crosslink specific line items and terms to other paperwork makes it much easier to furnish a transaction partner or legal team with information that they can easily browse and navigate.

Due diligence may require that specific documents, like profit-and-loss or compliance histories, be replicated or referenced at multiple locations in other records. VDR’s compatibility with robust digital organization schemes facilitates the maintenance and rapid sharing of complex data repositories.

Why Business Needs A Virtual Data Rooms

Business, finance, law and the health care industry has been quick to see the many advantages associated with maintaining a virtual data room. 

The online data room is populated with the selling company’s important documents: contracts, intellectual property information, employee information, financial statements, capitalization table, and much more. 

The online data room allows the selling company to provide valuable information in a controlled manner and in a way to help preserve confidentiality. The online data room avoids the need to have a physical data room where the documents are kept, and helps expedite an M&A process.

The online data room provides the benefit of cost savings over traditional physical data rooms, easy access to documents when needed, a search function, easy updating and adding of new documents, and security of sensitive information.

Government offices and non-profit organizations have also begun to employ these virtual data rooms. Much like private corporations, they recognize that virtual data rooms are the perfect place to secure and share a variety of documents.

In a digitally dependent world, where information is king, the need to preserve data in a secure and “non-biodegradable” way is of paramount importance. 

Virtual data rooms have almost the same grade of security as high-level financial agencies like banks. With a VDR, you can be sure that your private information will not be affected by natural and manmade disasters, fire or flood.

Your VDR is on the internet, which means that it can be accessed by investors from anywhere across the globe.

Also, with a well-structured VDR, these investors will have access to whatever important documentation they need to make informed decisions concerning bidding. This mixture of global accessibility and quality information may well translate into a higher monetary gain.

Future Of Virtual Data Rooms Industry

Over the past five years, the Virtual Data Rooms industry has experienced strong growth as it becomes a standard tool in many businesses. 

Due to the significant time and money savings that virtual data rooms offer, their usage has experienced dramatic growth, boosted by increased demand from key clientele such as private equity, venture capital and law firms. 
Furthermore, the industry is expected to continue to grow rapidly over the next five years, as businesses continue to become more comfortable using online services, and transition away from physical data rooms.






Sydney Swelters As Temperature Reaches 47.3°C (117.1°F)

GLOBAL: Temperatures in the Australian city of Sydney reached 47.3 degrees Celsius (117.1 degrees Fahrenheit) on Sunday, meteorologists say, making it the hottest place on Earth and the city's warmest day in nearly 80 years. 

The Australian Bureau of Meteorology said it recorded the extreme heat in the Sydney suburb of Penrith, which is about 50 kilometers (31 miles) west of the central business district, where temperatures reached as high as 43.4 degrees Celsius (110.1 degrees Fahrenheit).

The temperature in Penrith, which was recorded at 3:25 p.m. local time on Sunday, makes it the hottest day in the Sydney Metropolitan area since 1939, when the heat reached 47.8 degrees Celsius (118 degrees Fahrenheit) at a weather station in the town of Richmond.

Events on the opening day of the Sydney International tennis tournament were suspended at 10 a.m. due to the extreme heat. Temperatures at the venue, which is located at the Sydney Olympic Park, reached as high as 44.5°C (112.1°F) just after 1 p.m.

French tennis star Kristina Mladenovic apologized to her fans after the heat forced her to stop halfway through her match against Ellen Perez. "I think it’s [the] 1st time in my career I retired a match, it says it all," she said on Twitter, estimating that it felt as hot as 50°C (122°F) on the court.

The ongoing heatwave in Australia, where it is now summer, has been accompanied by dozens of bushfires which have destroyed a number of buildings. The heat even caused a stretch of road near Melbourne to melt, making it soft and sticky.

While Australia is no stranger to warm weather, Sunday's heat was unusually extreme. The highest temperature ever recorded in Australia was measured at Oodnadatta Airport in South Australia in January 1960, when the temperature reached 50.7°C (123.2°F).

The highest temperature ever recorded in the world was measured in California's Death Valley in July 1913, when the temperature is said to have reached 56.7°C (134°F). The previous world record - 58°C (136.4°F) in Libya in 1922 - was declared invalid in 2012 by the World Meteorological Organization.





Alhamdulillah, syukur ke hadrat Allah swt kita dapat langsungkan Konvensyen Pakatan Harapan buat kali ke-2 di IDCC Shah Alam yang mengangkat tema HARAPAN.

Terlebih dahulu saya ingin mengambil kesempatan menyampaikan salam perjuangan daripada Sdr. Anwar Ibrahim dimana hari ini merupakan hari yang ke-1,063 beliau menjadi tahanan politik. 

Meskipun jasa beliau dipenjara namun roh dan semangat beliau kekal bersama kita.

Surat Al-ankabut ayat 69 menghuraikan konsep perjuangan yang haq dan menentang yang batil, menegakkan keadilan, menunaikan amanah dan melaksanakan segala kebaikan akan mendapat pertolongan dari Allah SWT

Agenda reformasi bukan milik parti politik semata akan tetapi menjadi milik NGO,golongan pekerja, mahasiswa, anak muda, para pemikir dan seniman.

Prinsip kebebasan, pemerkasaan, kemulian insan dan keadilan mesti dipertahankan.

Kali ini kita akan memasuki gelanggang PRU14 dengan jenama baru PAKATAN HARAPAN yang InsyaAllah akan memenuhi harapan rakyat Malaysia.

PRU14 kali ini bukan lagi sekadar menafikan 2/3 malah langkah kita pada PRU14 ini adalah untuk mengambil alih tampuk pemerintahan Negara.

Untuk memenangi pilihanraya dan memenuhi harapan rakyat beberapa prasyarat perlu dipenuhi antaranya;


1. PH perlu dilihat teguh bersatu,kukuh dan mantap kesatuannya di mata rakyat

2. Setiap perbezaan,percanggahan harus diselesaikan di meja perundingan bukannya di media arus perdana.

3. Gerak kerja jentera disemua peringkat perlu dimantapkan dan sokongan rakyat melalui gerakan massa perlu digembleng bagi menumpaskan rejim BN.

4. Memanfaatkan setiap data dari agensi sahabat dan badan penyelidikan seperti INVOKE, Institut Darul Ehsan dan Penang Institute.

5. Bekerja sebagai satu pasukan PH dan fokus pada musuh yang satu iaitu kebobrokan Barisan Nasional.

6. Ikhlaskan hati, berjuanglah demi masa depan generasi akan datang.

Kita harus tampil sebagai harapan rakyat dengan membawa mesej perubahan,menangi hati mereka dengan bertekad membawa negara keluar dari kemelut ekonomi dan bebanan hidup.

Agenda utama yang boleh kita jadikan landasan asas perjuangan adalah dengan mengguna pakai Deklarasi Permatang Pauh.

Ayuh kita bulatkan tekad dan azam, tiupkan roh dan semangat perjuangan bangkit menentang BN.

Saya yakin saf pimpinan Pakatan Harapan baik daripada KEADILAN,DAP,AMANAH dan PPBM akan memastikan semua usaha berjalan dengan baik menuju Putrajaya.

Akhirul Kalam, kita adalah perjuangan Demokrat yang AMANAH, BERSATU menuntut KEADILAN demi memenuhi HARAPAN rakyat.

Doa untuk kita semua.

Virtual Data Room Saved Time And Money, Smart Solutions



SMART BUSINESS STRATEGY: Emerging tech trends will transform how future business and growth as they continue to become more sophisticated and businesses find even more innovative uses for them.

The internet of things (IoT) that could have the biggest impact, as it continues to transform manufacturing and production. The so-called “fourth industrial revolution”, also dubbed “Industry 4.0”.

Virtual Data Room (VDR) are innovative and smart solutions intended for the secure sharing and storage of documents during various businesses processes. 

Demand for these repositories has expanded greatly over the past ten years, and virtual data rooms have begun to used widely in different fields for various purposes

According to IBISWorld, from 2009 to 2014, the virtual data room industry grew at an annualized rate of 16.7 percent and it is expected to grow from $628 million in 2012 to $1.2 trillion by 2017.

The growth of VDRs is expected to continue at a strong pace as the shift to digital gets more entrenched and as consumers see the benefits of sharing data--consumers that have fueled Dropbox's growth to 50 million users.

What Is An Online Data Room?

Data rooms are spaces used for housing data, usually of a secure or privileged nature. They can be physical data rooms, virtual data rooms, or data centers. 

They are used for a variety of purposes, including data storage, document exchange, file sharing, financial transactions, legal transactions, and more.

Benefits Of A Virtual Data Room

1. Save time

Virtual data rooms can be set up for access typically within just a few days. They can be accessed by multiple potential bidders at the same time, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

2.Save money

While the initial costs of setting up a virtual data room may seem high, it is generally more cost effective in the long-run as compared to a physical data room.

Virtual data rooms do not require hours of lawyers time to copy and collate hard copies of documents.

Virtual data rooms allow multiple parties to access the information from their computers anywhere in the world, saving on travel costs required to visit a data room in a physical location.

3. Increase efficiency

Virtual data rooms allow for a more real-time, interactive due diligence process, preventing potential bidders from having to return to a physical data room multiple times when they have questions or need to further review documents.

Virtual data rooms can be setup to send email alerts when new documents are uploaded, immediately informing potential bidders of new material for review.

Virtual data rooms make it easier to ensure that documents are not overlooked as they clearly indicate when documents have not been viewed.

4. Improve understanding of deal progress

The activity log in a virtual data room indicates which documents have been reviewed, who they were reviewed by, and the length of time in which they were reviewed.

This data can glean insight into the interest level from potential bidders and can highlight any concerns and points of negotiation that could arise.

Global Virtual Data Room Market Set to Witness an Uptick of USD 1,836.47 Million by 2022.

The global Virtual Data Room market has seen a potential growth over the past years. The Virtual Data Room industry is estimated to reach USD 1,836.47 Million in 2022, growing at a CAGR of 13.90% between 2017 and 2022 according to this study.



3. Wikipedia



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How The Virtual Data Room Can Transform Your Business

PHOTO BYHuffington Post


SMART BUSINESS STRATEGY: A Term Virtual Data Room (VDR) is new for all of us. But it is important to increase efficiency in business, management and enable smart decisions and solutions. 

Its technology allows negotiating parties in a business deal to exchange crucial information more rapidly, regardless of the distance between them.

What it is Virtual Data Room (VDR)?. As the name suggests, VDR is an online database in which companies can store and share confidential information, usually used during a financial transaction. 

It is a tool which all businesses should consider using to increase efficiency of communication and data sharing.

As of April 2016, it was estimated that market revenues for VDR companies were more than $800 million, with annual growth rates for individual companies increasing by double digits.

Virtual data rooms eliminate this need since documents can be shared online, therefore offering users convenience and added security. 

M&A due diligence is a common use case for a VDR. Merging with or acquiring other businesses involves a lot of research, and particularly the furnishing and review of volumes and volumes of documents. 

For companies merely entertaining a purchase offer, it can be daunting to hand over the sensitive data that will be requested. Thus, companies heavily engaged in MA can still participate in negotiations and allow for the safe viewing of valuable, confidential data by relying on a purpose-built VDR. 

And, in the event that a deal does not close, access to the data room can simply be terminated.

For financial transactions, virtual data room software has become the norm, replacing the once-ubiquitous physical data rooms. Physical data rooms had their limitations and were time consuming and inconvenient for the parties involved.

VDR is a more secure version of traditional cloud storage and in the past few years it has become even more popular as a digital document sharing system. 

The main purpose of VDR is to advance corporate exchanges and online data transactions and this is observed in business deals where virtual data rooms allow negotiating parties to exchange information faster and more efficiently, regardless of proximity.

How Is VDR Useful For Business?

Due to its paperless function, VDR makes it easier to process legal documents because there’s no need to look through individual hard copies – which can be time consuming and extremely tedious. 

The corporate world is currently improving on some of these features by adding verification protocols and access control systems to enhance security and data privacy. 

As of late 2016, market revenues for VDR were estimated to be over $1 billion, with growth rates for individual companies increasing by double digits. Evidently more people are noticing the benefits of using virtual data rooms in today’s business world.

What Are Some Of The Benefits Of Using VDR Today?

VDR technology offers a number of benefits to businesses with regard to file sharing and securing private data. For example, the normal detection requirements and due diligence associated with corporate deals make VDR the perfect solution for holding private meetings and discussing business deals.

In addition, current IT deployment capacity and infrastructure are continuing to grow, which means that users can expect more advanced features over the coming months and years. This has the potential to enhance marketing, business networking, and boost sales, as some of the core business processes will be done faster.

Entrepreneurs prefer VDR to conventional forms of data exchange and the main reason is that it lowers the risk of valuable information falling into the wrong hands. 

Data-sharing in the past involved land-based systems that were too laborious and inefficient, as all participants had to be physically present in order for any transaction to proceed.

Apart from corporate file sharing, VDR can be used in mergers and acquisitions because they provide features that facilitate efficient M&A processes such as searching for buyers, proceeding with due diligence, and even post-merger integration. 

Other ways that VDRs can be useful is in project management, investor reporting, fundraising, intellectual property management, and financial auditing.

Benefits Of The VDR Boom To Entrepreneurs

Most entrepreneurs prefer VDR to traditional forms of data exchange mainly because it minimizes the risk of information theft by third parties not involved in a transaction.

In the past, data-sharing was done mainly via land-based systems, which proved to be quite laborious. It was also inconvenient, as all participants in a deal were required to be physically present for the transaction.

However, with the emergence of virtual data rooms, business processes can be completed much faster since most documents can now be shared online. The main reason why this technology is taking over land-based data rooms in 2017 is the convenience it provides to users.

VDRs are also commonly equipped with tools that aid in communication, which physical data rooms often lack.

Other benefits for entrepreneurs :

1. Accessibility from anywhere across the world. 

2. Easy to navigate.

3. No space limits. 

4. Easy duplication of files. 

5. Only a single DVR is necessary.



KEYWORD: Virtual Data Room, VDR, Smart Business, Business Services


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