Strange noises reported around North Battleford
People around the world and here at home have reported hearing some bizarre noises. The latest were recorded in the Battlefords last weekend.
CTV Saskatoon
Date: Tuesday Jan. 24, 2012 6:44 PM CST
There's been a lot of buzz over the last few weeks about strange sounds being heard in the atmosphere. People around the world and here at home have reported hearing some bizarre noises. The latest were recorded in the Battlefords last weekend.
Ian Hamilton, North Battleford's mayor, says he can't explain it. "What I experienced was a scraping sound, like a snowplow."
Mike Halstead, a North Battleford resident, was lying in bed when his phone rang. Calls and text messages came in from his friends, each reporting strange noises. "That's when the goose bumps got me and I thought ‘that's awfully strange'."
It's now days after and the city is still abuzz with talk about the sounds. Everyone has his or her own theory. But the phenomenon has stretched beyond North Battleford. Similar experiences were reported in Saskatoon, northern Saskatchewan, and parts of the
USA and Europe.
University of Saskatchewan professor Jean-Pierre St. Maurice says there is a natural explanation. "Somehow they are picking up noise from an electrical antenna that is there. That is electromagnetic noise. "
St. Maurice says its normal and there is nothing to worry about. Whether a scientific explanation will satisfy all the people who heard something they can't explain is up in the air.
Dengkuran misteri dari langit
January 21, 2012
SHAH ALAM – Kejadian bunyi dengkuran kuat diselang-seli bunyi nyaring frekuensi radio yang berlaku di Kota Samarahan, Sarawak pada malam 11 dan 12 Januari lalu menggegarkan banyak kampung sekitar dan terus menjadi misteri hingga kini.
Salah seorang saksi, guru, Mohammad Ferdauz Jumain, 28, berasal dari Kampung Meranek menceritakan semula detik tersebut berkata, dia terjaga pada jam tiga pagi kerana gangguan bunyi misteri tersebut yang terlalu kuat.
Salah seorang saksi, guru, Mohammad Ferdauz Jumain, 28, berasal dari Kampung Meranek menceritakan semula detik tersebut berkata, dia terjaga pada jam tiga pagi kerana gangguan bunyi misteri tersebut yang terlalu kuat.
Dia berkata, bunyi itu seolah-olah bunyi dengkuran dari kaki langit namun tidak mengetahui dari mana puncanya.
“Pada mulanya, saya tidak mengesyaki apa-apa pun, tetapi semakin lama bunyi tersebut semakin kuat. Saya mengejutkan ibu dan ayah, kami terus tertanya-tanya bunyi apa itu. Saya juga sempat menghubungi dan menghantar SMS kepada beberapa kawan terdekat, mereka juga terdengar bunyi yang sama.
“Semakin pelik dengan bunyi itu, saya dan ayah mengambil keputusan memeriksa di luar rumah tetapi kami terkejut kerana bunyi itu dari tempat yang jauh, jiran-jiran saya yang lain pun terjaga,” katanya kepada Sinar Harian semalam.
Ayahnya, Jumain Abang, 69, penduduk asal Kota Samarahan menjelaskan, sepanjang hayat itulah kali pertama dia terdengar bunyi dengkuran yang amat kuat dari langit.
“Kita hanya boleh berdoa kepada ALLAH semoga segalanya selamat dan tidak berlaku apa-apa, mungkin bunyi itu boleh dijelaskan oleh mereka yang pakar,” katanya.
Ditanya mengenai dakwaan beberapa pihak yang mengatakan bunyi tersebut berpunca dari kilang kelapa sawit berdekatan, Ferdauz menafikan dakwaan itu kerana bunyi enjin memproses kelapa sawit tidak mungkin didengari sehingga ke Kampung Muara Tuang yang sejauh 10 kilometer.
Katanya lagi, pada malam pertama kejadian, jiran sekeliling keluar beramai-ramai dari rumah kerana berasa amat pelik di samping perasaan yang takut dan panik.
“Pada malam kedua (12 Januari) saya dan penduduk sekitar Samarahan sudah bersedia untuk merakamkan kejadian tersebut dan Alhamdulillah kami berjaya merakamnya,” katanya.
“Pada malam kedua (12 Januari) saya dan penduduk sekitar Samarahan sudah bersedia untuk merakamkan kejadian tersebut dan Alhamdulillah kami berjaya merakamnya,” katanya.
Jurutera komputer, Mohd Adzil Yusuf, 28, yang tinggal di Desa Ilmu, kira-kira tiga kilometer dari Kampung Meranek turut mendengar bunyi tersebut namun tidak mengesyaki apa-apa pada mulanya.
“Selepas kejadian malam pertama kecoh, saya mengambil keputusan untuk memeriksa sendiri kilang kelapa sawit yang dikatakan punca bunyi itu, namun saya dapati kilang itu tidak mengeluarkan bunyi apa pun,” katanya.
Mengulas mengenai dakwaan dan teori banyak pihak di laman-laman web yang mengatakan bunyi itu berpunca daripada program High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme (HAARP), Ferdauz tidak menolak kemungkinan itu kerana pada malam kejadian dia sempat melihat awan di langit dalam keadaan ‘bergaris-garis’.
“Bentuk awan pada malam itu seolah seperti kesan asap kapal terbang lurus dalam pertunjukan udara tetapi banyak, jadi berdasarkan kajian saya, kemungkinan HAARP menjadi punca itu ada,” katanya.
HAARP adalah program penyelidikan berkaitan ionosfera dan dinaungi sepenuh oleh US Air Force, US Navy, University of Alaska dan Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
DARPA adalah sebuah agensi yang ditubuhkan oleh kerajaan Amerika Syarikat untuk membina pelbagai senjata berteknologi tinggi untuk kegunaan ketenteraan Amerika Syarikat.
HAARP berselindung dengan aktiviti penyelidikan saintifik yang kononnya menyelidik lapisan ionosfera bagi meningkatkan lagi penggunaan sistem komunikasi dan pemantauan cuaca.
Tapak penyelidikan HAARP yang berada di Gakona, Alaska menempatkan peralatan berteknologi tinggi iaitu Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI).
IRI adalah sebuah instrumen yang menghasilkan frekuensi radio berdefinisi tinggi sekitar 2.7MHz sehingga 10MHz.
IRI mampu memancarkan frekuensi ke lapisan yang terhad untuk dicapai iaitu di lapisan Ionosfera dan menghantar kembali isyaratnya ke bumi.
Apapun sehingga kini, belum ada jawapan jelas mengenai apa sebenarnya yang berlaku di Kota Samarahan dan beberapa buah kawasan di dunia sejak tahun lepas.
Yang pasti, bunyi yang aneh dan menggerunkan itu akan terus menghantui penduduk selagi tiada jawapan yang jelas mengenainya.
Daripada maklumat, sehari sebelum kejadian ini perkara yang sama turut berlaku di Aaborg, Denmark bahkan bunyi aneh yang menakutkan ini pernah didengar dan direkodkan di Sweden pada 1 November tahun lalu
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Rumble over Kota Samarahan no laughing matter
Posted on January 20, 2012, Friday
KUCHING: Authorities on science do not consider the strange sounds in the sky over Kota Samarahan near hear as a laughing matter.
They neither denied it as paranormal nor a hoax. Though explanation over the ‘phenomenon’ is still pending, some people have turned the matter into points for jokes, especially on Facebook.
Deputy Minister of Science Technology and Innovation Datuk Fadillah Yusuf yesterday said he had already assembled a team headed by one Dr Mustafa Subari of Malaysian Space Agency to study the claims.
He said he had also asked the Meteorology Department but they too could not provide any explanation.
“According to its director, they were unable to find an explanation. It is not connected to the very recent earthquake in Sumatra,” he said when contacted yesterday.
Fadillah, who is also Petra Jaya MP, said he had spoken to one of the witnesses whom his team would meet soon.
The strange sounds that teacher Mohd Ferdauz Jemain heard in the morning of Jan 11 has been posted in the blog under ‘Strange Sounds in the Sky’ which is dedicated to unexplained, strange, bizarre, weird and/or eerie sounds or rumble in the sky from all over the globe.
According to the blog, the Malaysian case reported by thesundaypost last Sunday was the latest following the few
last ones in Denmark and Sweden.
last ones in Denmark and Sweden.
According to Mohd Ferdauz, he and several others heard the strange sounds in the sky over Kota Samarahan not only in the morning of Jan 11 but also in the wee hours of Jan 12. Another witness Harith Amin, a staff of a university here, also took the phenomenon on video.
Then early Wednesday morning, a few residents of Taman Stakan Jaya in Kota Samarahan also claimed of hearing the same sounds again.
Before the cases in Samarahan, the blog posted the last incident captured in video by a witness in Aaborg Denmark on Jan 10 and the second last one captured by another in Sweden on Nov 1 2011. Strange sounds in the sky have been heard at various places in the world since March 2011.
Re-titled by the blog as ‘Creepy sky dragon sound in Malaysia,’ The Borneo Post article reported that the strange sounds made many residents in Kampung Meranek perturbed and puzzled on Jan 11. The blog said later on the same day that an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 on the Richter scale hit Sumatera in Indonesia.
Whether the strange sounds over Kota Samarahan the Indonesian earthquake have any relationship, only scientists can verify.
Apart from the Indonesian earthquake, another theory thrown to explain the phenomenon was the by-product of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme (HAARP) undertaken by the United States to study the change in weather pattern and; processing machines hard at work.
The theory that the sound was caused by factory has been dismissed by both Harith and Ferdauz after they checked the place.
Many also believed that the weird sound is the echo of the distant cracking sounds generated by natural activities at the core of the earth. Many others also believed that the earth is now old and therefore it moans.
Read more:
Bahkan bunyi aneh dan menggerunkan tersebut pernah direkodkan di Sweden pada 1 November tahun lalu
The Borneo Post tempoh hari melaporkan satu bunyi aneh telah kedengaran di Kampung Meranek, Kota Samarahan yang mencetuskan ketakutan dan kegelisahan penduduknya.
Tidak lama selepas bunyi itu kedengaran, satu kejadian gempa bumi kuat (7.3 skala Richter) berlaku di Sumatera, Indonesia.
Bagaimanapun masih tidak dapat dipastikan sejauh mana kaitannya antara bunyi aneh itu dan kejadian gempa bumi tersebut.
sila rujuk di sini :
Ini bunyi yang berjaya direkodkan oleh salah seorang penduduk:
Sementara itu Timbalan Menteri Sains, Teknologi dan Innovasi, Datuk Fadillah Yusuf tidak mahu terus membuat konklusi mengenai perkara itu.
Katanya, beliau perlu terlebih dahulu mendapatkan maklumat saintifik mengenainya daripada Jabatan Metrologi.
Selain daripada kejadian gempa bumi di Sumatera itu, ada juga teori yang mengaitkan bunyi aneh itu dengan sebuah program yang dikenali sebagai High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme (HAARP)
HAARP adalah program penyelidikan berkaitan ionosfera dan dinaungi sepenuh oleh US Air Force, US Navy, University of Alaska dan Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency(DARPA).
DARPA adalah sebuah agensi yang ditubuhkan oleh kerajaan Amerika Syarikat untuk membina pelbagai senjata berteknologi tinggi untuk kegunaan ketenteraan Amerika Syarikat.
HAARP berselindung dengan aktiviti penyelidikan saintifik yang kononnya menyelidik lapisan ionosfera bagi meningkatkan lagi penggunaan sistem komunikasi dan pemantauan cuaca.
Tapak penyelidikan HAARP yang berada di Gakona, Alaska menempatkan peralatan berteknologi tinggi iaitu Ionospheric Research Instrument(IRI).
IRI adalah sebuah instrumen yang menghasilkan frekuensi radio berdefinisi tinggi sekitar 2.7MHz sehingga 10MHz.
IRI adalah sebuah instrumen yang menghasilkan frekuensi radio berdefinisi tinggi sekitar 2.7MHz sehingga 10MHz.
IRI mampu memancarkan frekuensi ke lapisan yang terhad untuk dicapai iaitu di lapisan Ionosfera dan menghantar kembali isyaratnya ke bumi.
Apapun sehingga kini, belum ada jawapan jelas mengenai apa sebenarnya yang berlaku di Kota Samarahan dan beberapa buah kawasan di dunia tempoh hari.
Yang pasti, bunyi yang aneh dan menggerunkan itu akan terus menghantui penduduk selagi tiada jawapan yang jelas mengenainya
Article on strange sounds over Samarahan picked up by international blog
Posted on January 17, 2012, Tuesday
The Borneo Post article about strange noises over Samarahan sky in the morning of Jan 11 and 12 has been picked up by an international blog dedicated to unexplained and bizarre sounds in the sky heard by witnesses all over the globe.
Before the one in Kampung Meranek in Kota Samarahan near here, the blog apparently posted the last incident captured by a witness in Aaborg Denmark on Jan 10 and the second last one captured by another in Sweden on Nov 1 last year.
The blog called ‘Strange Sounds in the Sky’ carries the sub-heading: ‘What’s up with all of the unexplained sky noises happening around the world’.
Apart from the phrases ‘unexplained’, ‘bizarre’ and ‘strange’, many visitors to the blog also used the terms ‘creepy’, ‘disturbing’, ‘phenomenon’ and ‘fascinated’ in their posts. There were videos complete with strange sounds in the blog for all to see.
The blog owners promised to weed out fake videos and also let people decide on claims by witnesses. They also stressed that they would never present the videos as facts.
Re-titled by the blog as ‘Creepy sky dragon sound in Malaysia,’ The Borneo Post article reported that the strange sounds made some residents in Kampung Meranek perturbed and puzzled on Jan 11. The blog said later on the same day an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.3 on the Richter scale hit Sumatera in Indonesia.
Whether the strange sounds over Samarahan and the Indonesian earthquake have any relationship, only scientists can verify.
Deputy Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation Datuk Fadillah Yusuf did not want to jump the gun yesterday.
Although very much interested to find out more, he said he needed to check with the Metrological Department first and foremost for some scientific explanation.
The matter became a hot topic of discussion in Kota Samarahan on that particular day and some residents even documented their experience on Facebook.
Teacher Mohd Ferdauz Jemain, one of those who heard the unexplained bizarre sound that day, shared his experience with The Borneo Post broadsheet and Borneo Post Online.
Apart from the Indonesian earthquake, another theory thrown to explain the phenomenon was the by-product of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme (HAARP) undertaken by the United States to change weather pattern and processing machines hard at work at an oil palm factory owned by Felcra in Kampung Endap.

Meanwhile, Kampung Meranek’s JKKK chairperson Mahmud Pawi, who claimed that he also heard the sounds together with his family, said hoped that the authorities concerned could shed light on the matter.
Eyewitness testimonial, this incident occurred on January 11, 2012, the sound is heard for three hours and the noise that appears every three seconds from 3 am until dawn.
Strange voice heard across Kota Samarahan Jan 12, 2012
The second incident occurred on the morning of January 12, 2012, the sound is heard for three hours and the noise that appears every three seconds from 3 am until dawn. This audio is successfully captured by one of the people of Kota Samarahan.
Rumble in the sky over Samarahan
Posted on January 15, 2012, Sunday
HERE IT IS: (From left) Harith, Ferdauz and Mahmud listen to a recording made by Harith when the incidents happened.
KOTA SAMARAHAN: Unexplained chilling sounds, which filled the air of Samarahan in the wee hours of Jan 11 and 12, have residents there puzzled and perturbed until today.
One of the theories being thrown into the pan is that it could be a by-product of the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Programme (HAARP) undertaken by the United States, while others believed it were from processing machines hard at work at an oil palm factory owned by Felcra in Kampung Endap.
But the fact remains that until today the mysterious sounds, which some say resembled loud snoring sounds, remain veiled.
Teacher Mohd Ferdauz Jemain, who lives at Kampung Meranek, was one of those who heard the unexplained phenomenon on Jan 11.
“It was around 2 am when I was awoken by a strange sound. It was a loud hushing sound,and quite similar to someone snoring.
“I immediately got out of bed and went outside of my house to see what was happening. The feeling was a chilling one.
I could not establish where the sound was coming from … it was as if something coming from the sky.
“Frightened, I quickly dashed inside, but stayed awake till daylight as I would not sleep any longer. If I am not mistaken, the sound persisted until about 5am.”
To prove that he was not spinning a tale, Ferdauz said he had recorded the phenomenon on his mobile phone, and he played it for thesundaypost reporter yesterday.
He added that the matter became a hot topic of discussion in Samarahan that day, and some of the residents even documented their experience on Facebook.
“Villagers in Meranek, Pinang, Sindang, Tambirat and even those living at Desa Ilmu housing estate have also heard those eerie sounds.”
Several residents suggested that it could have come from the oil palm factory in Kampung Endap, but resident Harith Amin, who had worked at that factory previously, brushed it off as nonsense.
“The factory has been there for the last eight years, and I am sure it was not sounds produced by the machines there. In addition to that, no oil palm processing machines could produce sounds which could be heard 8km away,” said Harith, who also made a recording of what he had witnessed. To verify Harith’s theory, Ferdauz decided that should the phenomenon occur again the next day, he would make a dash for the factory.
Ferdauz: “I worked at a school in Sebuyau, so I wake up very early to go to school. True enough, the strange sounds happened the next day, and I quickly made a stop in front of the factory. No sounds came out from there (factory).”
Ferdauz claimed that he also saw strange pattern in the skies in the early morning of Jan 12.
“The clouds appeared to be in straight lines, and well formed. I have never seen anything like it, but whatever it is, I am sure there must be a scientific explanation for it.
“But later that day, an earthquake hit Sumatera in neighbouring Indonesia with a magnitude of 7.3 on the Richter scale. I am not sure whether both incidents are related in some ways.”
The incidents only occurred for two nights – Jan 11 and 12.
Meanwhile, Kampung Meranek’s JKKK chairperson Mahmud Pawi, who claimed that he also heard the sounds together with his family, said hoped that the authorities concerned could shed light on the matter.
“When I woke up that morning (Jan 11), I had goose bumps just listening to the sounds. I quickly woke up my entire family and we sat at the veranda trying to figure out what it was and where it was coming from.
“We hope that someone can step forward and enlighten us with an explanation.”
Strange voice heard across Kota Samarahan Jan 11, 2012Eyewitness testimonial, this incident occurred on January 11, 2012, the sound is heard for three hours and the noise that appears every three seconds from 3 am until dawn.
Strange voice heard across Kota Samarahan Jan 12, 2012
The second incident occurred on the morning of January 12, 2012, the sound is heard for three hours and the noise that appears every three seconds from 3 am until dawn. This audio is successfully captured by one of the people of Kota Samarahan.
Strange Humming - Rumblings Sound Heard In Canada, Sweden, Hungary, Denmark, Costa Rica, Czech Republic : Jan 9 - Jan 12, 2012
68January 14, 2012
For anyone who is reading our site regular will know that we have already written a article about "Humming Noise Was Heard In Arnaudville, Louisiana, US on April 4, 2011" and Strange Rumblings Sound Heard In Costa Rica January 9, 2012
Now in latest development a Strange Noise coming from the sky in the middle of the night in Aalborg Denmark January 10, 2011
In the night of 10-01-2012 in Aalborg Denmark I heard a very strange sound coming from outside, I went out to see what it was and it sounds like it came from heaven and it lasted for several minutes. I recorded the sound on my camera, and it was very loud in real life, but it can not be heard so high on the recording, as it was only recorded with a tiny camera microphone
I am quite sure that it was not a mechanically sound of helicopter or airplane, or a train, because I know how it sound.
2012 – Strange Hum-Rumblings Sound Heard In Budapest Hungary January 11, 2012
2012 – Strange Sounds In Conklin, Alberta January 12, 2012
2012 – Strange Hum-Rumblings Sound Heard In Czech Republic January 12, 2012
2012 – Strange Hum-Rumblings Sound Heard In Southern Sweden January 12, 2012
Alberta, Canada
Last week we had reported "Strange Humming - Rumblings Sound Heard In Canada, Sweden, Hungary, Denmark, Costa Rica, Czech Republic : Jan 9 - Jan 12, 2012".
In latest development on "Strange Sounds", Google Trends statistics shows "Strange Sounds" search term suddenly rise up since January 8, 2012.
Down below is Google Trends last 30 days "Strange Sounds"Screenshot:
In latest development on "Strange Sounds", Google Trends statistics shows "Strange Sounds" search term suddenly rise up since January 8, 2012.
Down below is Google Trends last 30 days "Strange Sounds"Screenshot:
Google Trends last 12 months "Strange Sounds"Screenshot:
What Are the Strange Sounds Being Heard All Over the World?
Update: This article on scalar wars provides a possible clue as to what these strange sounds are.
It should also be noted that it is fact that the military has directed energy weapons as documented in an official Navy article:
DAHLGREN, Va. – The Navy demonstrated its commitment to “game-changing” directed energy technological programs at the Naval Directed Energy Center (NDEC) ribbon cutting ceremony held at Naval Surface Warfare Center Dahlgren Division (NSWCDD) Sept. 10.“This ribbon-cutting celebrates NAVSEA’S (Naval Sea Systems Command) investment in the Navy’s future,” NSWC Dahlgren Division Commander Capt. Sheila Patterson told over 200 visitors at the event. “This new Naval Directed Energy Center will double the space available for developing our directed energy programs and provide laboratories, computing spaces and offices to help us get the latest technology to our warfighters as soon as possible and protect them from harm’s way.”The focus of activity in the new building will be directed energy systems and applications that use electromagnetic energy to project military force and augment conventional capabilities. The 23,000 square foot facility officially opened for business when military and civilian leaders cut the ribbon.****“The standing up of the Naval Directed Energy Center is a perfect example of how Dahlgren is leading the way in developing and fielding directed energy warfare solutions, technologies and systems for our Sailors and Marines,” said Susan Hudson, NSWC Dahlgren Electromagnetic and Sensor Systems Department Head. “Our team of government employees, academia and contractors are harnessing various directed energy disciplines in order to develop systems that will enhance what’s available to warfighters in order to achieve mission success in the changing operational environment.”
In the last 5 days or so there have been multiple UAO (Unidentified Audible Objects)recorded across the world. These loud rumbles that seem to come from the skies have been so powerful that they have been reportedly rattling walls and windows of buildings.
At times it seems to sound like multitudes of planes flying overhead and at others it sounds likeapocalyptic deep horns. No one seems to have absolutely any explanation whatsoever.
Check out a map tracking where these sounds have been heard here.
While chemtrails and geoengineering have obviously increased in the last few months, this may be a new use of existing HAARP technology.
Scott Bug Owen of the Believers Undergroundbelieves this may be related to a possibility of his prediction of a 7.0-magnitude earthquake hitting theCascadia fault line.
Regardless, we know those with Project Omega and others have been using space technology for decades. These sounds could be a manifestation of the use of related technologies.
It will be very interesting to see what kind of excuses the corporate agenda media will make as this startling information continues to reach more and more people. Actually, it should be easy considering how they were able to safely co-opt the coverage of theNDAA and SOPA.
As many others have already suggested, it is a smart thing to have an emergency plan and preparations made for your families during these trying times.
David Haynie is an independent journalist and frequent Intel Hub Contributor. He also writes at his own website
January 17, 2012, ‘Strange’ Noise Videos
Strange Sounds In Nottingham England 2012
Video info:
Video Info:
Video Info:
Uploaded by SebzDu30 on Jan 17, 2012
Video Info:
Strange Sounds In Nottingham England 2012
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Uploaded by BrunsWorldTv on Jan 17, 2012Strange sound recorded in London UK 17/01/12
I had just left the doctors surgery on the 17/01/2012 at 08:55am and could hear this strange sound in the car park.
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Uploaded by space99dude on Jan 17, 2012Strange sounds in Nîmes // Bruits étranges à Nîmes – FRANCE (17/01/2012)
Heard this weird sound so rushed outside to see if I could figure out what it was .Thought it might be the roadworks near the underpass.
Video Info:
Uploaded by SebzDu30 on Jan 17, 2012
Je viens juste d’uploader cette vidéo suite à ces sons étranges que j’ai entendu pendant quelques minutes. Je me suis ensuite renseigné pour constater que plusieurs personnes dans d’autres pays avaient entendu des sons similaires.Babelfish Translation:
I come just d’ uploader this video following these strange sounds that j’ heard during a few minutes. I then got information to note that several people in d’ other countries had heard similar sounds. I must acknowledge you that c’ is frankly not reassuring… HAARP?Strange Sounds in Sky- Boulder,Colorado 01/17/2012
Video Info:
Uploaded by xsinister303 on Jan 17, 2012Strange Noise Coming From Sky Erie PA Jan 17 2012 11:30am EST
(please read bottom of description if you plan to use this for anything)
Woke up to these sounds and started fliming on my 8megapixel camera on my phone (HTC EVO). Filmed around 11:21am on January 17th 2012.
I live near Boulder, Colorado. There was not a single cloud in the sky and I have nofucking clue what these sounds were coming from!! It really didnt seem like it was just coming from the sky but more so like all around me……My phone was set to 1 minute video, I have 2 more but they were ruined by text messages coming in.