Empat Idea Tingkat Prestasi Tuju Kecemerlangan

Disusun Oleh: Mohd Ezli Mashut

"Just One Great Idea Can Revolutionize Your Life"

'Hanya Dengan Satu Idea Hebat Boleh Merevolusi Hidup Anda'

1. Sentiasa Amalkan Qiamuallail 

Melaksanakan solat sunat tahajud, taubat, hajat, istikharah, witir, dhuha setiap hari. Ikhlaskan ibadah semata-mata kerana Allah semoga dengan keberkatannya ia membersihkan jiwa. 

Dengan harapan sentiasa mendapat perlindungan dan bantuan serta diluaskan rezeki kebaikan dan dijauhi bencana dan kejahatan manusia dan jin.

2. Muhassabah Diri Dan Insaf

Sentiasa semak dan audit kesilapan yang kita lakukan. Kita menjadi individu paling beruntung jika sentiasa membuat semakan terhadap diri kita supaya tidak melakukan dosa dan maksiat berulang. 

Setiap hari berusaha untuk memperbaiki diri supaya hari esok lebih baik dan cemerlang daripada hari ini.

Imam al-Ghazali berkata, "Barang siapa yang sering bermuhasabah pada dirinya, nescaya dia akan temui keringanan pada hari akhirat kelak."

"Allah SWT berfirman yang bermaksud: "Kami akan memasang timbangan yang tepat pada hari kiamat, maka tidaklah dirugikan seseorang barang sedikit pun. Dan jika (amalan itu) hanya seberat biji sawi pun pasti kami mendatangkan (pahalanya). Dan cukuplah Kami sebagai Pembuat perhitungan." (Surah al-Anbiya, ayat 47)

Muhasabah itu diibaratkan seperti ubat pahit, tidak enak untuk dihadam namun ia adalah penawar terbaik bagi mengubati pelbagai penyakit.

3. Mengamalkan Bacaan Surah Al-Kahfi Pada Malam Jumaat

Pengamalan ini bukan sekadar mencari fadhilatnya sahaja. Ia perlu disertakan dengan mengambil pendekatan memahami maknanya dan pengajaran yang terdapat dalam surah Al-Khahfi.

Antara Fadhilatnya Adalah :

1. Terhindar Saripada Fitnah Dajjal

“Maka barangsiapa di antara kamu yang mendapatinya (mendapat zaman dajjal) hendaknya Ia membacakan atasnya ayat-ayat permulaan surah al-Kahfi.” 

(HR Muslim)

2. Memperoleh Pengampunan Dosa Diantara Dua Jumaat

“Barangsiapa yang membaca surah Al-Kahfi pada hari Jum’at maka akan memancar cahaya dari bawah kakinya sampai ke langit, akan meneranginya kelak pada hari kiamat, dan diampuni dosanya antara dua Jumaat.” 

(HR. Al-Hakim dan Al-Baihaqi)

3. Dipancarkan Cahaya Sejauh Dirinya dan Kaabah

"Barangsiapa membaca surah al-Kahfi pada malam Jumaat, maka dipancarkan cahaya untuknya sejauh antara dirinya dan Baitul’Atiq (Kaabah).”

(Sunan Ad-Darimi)

4. Membaca Karya Agung Riyadus Solihin Setiap Hari 

Riyadus Solihin adalah karya agung Imam Nawawi yang menghimpunkan ayat al-Quran dan hadis yang membincangkan pelbagai bidang khusus berkaitan akidah, ibadah, dan akhlak.

Kitab ini mendapat kedudukan tinggi dalam pengajian pada setiap peringkat ilm apabila kita dapat menjelajahi lautan ilmu yang penting. Isi kandungan kitab ini dikupas dan ditulis mengikut rujukan al-Quran dan hadis yang sahih. 

Keistimewaan kitab ini:

• Bimbingan bagi membentuk peribadi muslim yang baik

• Kupasan setiap topik berdasarkan al-Quran dan sunah

• Siraman kerohanian bagi membangkitkan keinginan mendekatkan diri kepada Pencipta

• Pengarang kitab ini adalah ulamak agung yang mempunyai ilmu yang luas dan kefahaman mendalam berkenaan sunah Rasulullah.

10 Must-Visit Selangor's Attractions


    Sekinchan Paddy Field. Photo By: Mohd Ezli

Selangor Strengthens Its Status as the Preferred Travel Destination in Malaysia with a Selection of Exciting New Tourism Products

The State of Selangor certainly is home to unique tourism attractions offering serenity of nature and elements of local cultures, urban areas boasting modern lifestyle, and a variety of food options; - from stalls to lavish restaurants.  

Selangor strengthens its status as the preferred travel destination in Malaysia with a selection of exciting new tourism products with high potential of  attracting tourists as follows:

1) Singgah Santai Resort, Hulu Langat

Singgah Santai Resort is one of the newest accommodation providers with resort-like theme in Hulu Langat District of Selangor. The resort offers a selection of room types, according to the needs of the guests. They will also enjoy the many resting areas around the resort. 

Travel enthusiasts, backpackers, or simply guests with family and children would certainly enjoy their time here as the place offers peaceful and serene stay; a bit distant from the hustle and bustle of the city.

Address: Kg Batu 14, Jalan Felcra Semungkis, Hulu Langat, Selangor.

2) “Sidek Brothers” Monument, Banting

In the town  of Banting, a new monument now stands tall; built to remember the contributions of the Sidek Brothers who made Malaysia proud in the arena of badminton; domestic and international. Sidek Brothers also used to be featured in animation and comic series which were the talk of the town back in the day. 

One fun fact; “Sidek Brothers” Monument is built within the grounds of the house of Tuan Haji Sidek, where the Sidek Brothers grew up in. Now, the house and the most recent; the Monument have become one of Selangor’s attractions with historic values in Banting town, Kuala Langat.

Address: Jalan Sultan Alam Shah, Kampung Kanchong Darat, 42700 Banting, Kuala Langat, Selangor.

3) Sungai Lepoh Waterfall, Hulu Langat

Sungai Lepoh waterfall is one of the newest nature attractions in Hulu Langat. Also known as Sungai Lopo or Sungai Lepok, this serene waterfall area is also a perfect place for a picnic with family and friends. 

The place also attracts nature lovers and hikers, especially those residing in Klang Valley, during weekends and public holidays. 

Address: Lot 3461, KM22 Sungai Lepoh, Kampung Kuala 43100, 43100 Hulu Langat, Selangor.

4) Anjung Spotter, KLIA Plane Spotting

Anjung Spotter is one of the latest additions to country’s proud Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) in Sepang. Now open to public, the place is perfect for photographers or simply anyone who love the airplanes. 

At Anjung Spotter, they are able to capture taking-off or landing airplanes from various interesting angles; the closest they may be too! The open concept gives an exceptional experience to the visitors, especially to children; creating one-of-a-kind memories.

Address: Jalan Pekeliling , Kuala Lumpur International Airport, 64000 Sepang, Selangor.

5) Ardence Labs @ Eco Ardence, Setia Alam

Amidst the avidity of Selangor’s housing and property developers in introducing new places with tourism  appeal within the compounds of their development projects, some of these really turn out to be a success. 

For instance, Ardence Labs @ Eco Ardence is Setia Alam’s newest attraction where visitors get to enjoy the ambience and take beautiful pictures every now and then, with bold and vibrant 2D, 3D and graffiti art backgrounds.

Address: Eco Ardance Sales Gallery PT 8, Persiaran Setia Alam, 40170 Shah Alam, Selangor.

6) Elmina Central Park, Shah Alam

The greens within a modern concept; Elmina Central Park is a new recreational area with a jogging track which is also roller-blading and cycling-friendly. Meanwhile, the Elmina Iconic Bridge is a grand structure, perfect for pictures. 

With bright red colour that seems to light up when the sun sets, this bridge really is a stunner at night.

Address: Seksyen U16 City of Elmina, 40160, Selangor.

7) HL Dragon Fruit Eco Farm, Sepang

HL Dragon Fruit Eco Farm is a huge dragon fruit farm in Sepang District which offers various activities to its visitors; not limited to only fresh dragon fruit plucking and tasting. 

Visitors also get to experience a guided tour around the farm, as well as get to plant their own dragon fruits and learn on the fruits’ pollination process during the visit.

Address: Lot 7608, Jalan Besar, Baru Satu, 43900, Sepang, Selangor.

8) Sungai Serai Hot Spring, Hulu Langat

Selangor is well-known as being the home to various hot spring attractions; which Sungai Serai Hot Spring, Hulu Langat has made its way into the list. 

Preferred by many lovers of nature regardless of age, this hot spring with high concentration of sulphur within its soils is a perfect destination after a trip to one of the many waterfalls located along the whole stretch of Hulu Langat District.

Address: Lot 769, Jalan Sentosa 11/A, Taman Desa Sentosa, Hulu Langat, Daerah Hulu Langat, selangor.

9) Woodhouse KKB IO Home, Tinggian, Kuala Kubu Bharu

Woodhouse KKB IO Home offers a stay in unique tree houses, with emphasis on privacy. With mesmerising views of the peak of Kuala Kubu Bharu Hill, Woodhouse KKB IO Home is equipped with modern furniture and facilities for that luxurious stay. 

It has a private pool, two spacious bedrooms with en suites, outdoor kitchen equipped with appliances, balcony dining area, barbeque equipment, a washing machine and cable TV, studio tables, and more.

Address: Jalan Harmonian 2, Off Jalan Padang Golf, Tinggian, 44000 Kuala Kubu Bharu, Selangor

10) Chenuang Hill, Hulu Langat

Chenuang Hill, Hulu Langat poses a high potential in becoming the preferred hiking destination after the widely-known Broga Hill as its track from the entrance of Sungai Chongkak Tropical Forest is well-marked with clear directions and sign boards. 

There are also several rivers along the way, allowing hikers to have some breaks in between, before reaching the peak of Chenuang Hill, approximately in 2-3 hours, depending on their speed and skills.

Address: Pejabat Hutan Daerah Selangor Tengah, Tingkat 1, Blok B, Platinum Cheras, 43200 Cheras, Selangor

For more information, log on to TourismSelangor’s official website; Selangor.Travel.


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