Lapangan Terbang & Syarikat Penerbangan Paling Menepati Waktu Adalah...

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TEPAT WAKTU: Menepati waktu adalah ciri perkhidmatan berkualiti yang diharapkan pengguna syarikat penerbangan. Tidak hairanlah apabila ramai pengguna memilih syarikat penerbangan yang memberikan perkhidmatannya mengutamakan ketepatan masa.

Dalam laporan dikeluarkan "OAG Punctuality League 2018 yang dikeluarkan pada 3 Januari 2018 lalu melaporkan Lapangan Terbang Haneda di Tokyo diiktiraf sebagai yang paling menepati masa, dengan 86.75 peratus penerbangan dijadual tepat pada masanya.

Manakala Madrid dan Atlanta masing-masing mendapat tempat kedua dan ketiga dengan 83.63 peratus dan 82.38 peratus.

Ini menurut ranking tahunan bagi syarikat penerbangan paling mengikut jadual oleh konsultan penerbangan OAG.

Liga Ketepatan Masa OAG 2018 adalah berdasarkan 57 juta rekod penerbangan bagi syarikat penerbangan dan lapangan terbang terbesar di dunia sepanjang tahun 2017.

Ranking tersebut menilai prestasi menepati masa (OTP) berdasarkan peratusan penerbangan yang tiba atau berangkat dalam masa 15 minit daripada jadual masa ketibaan atau keberangkatan.

Dilaporkan, Jetstar Asia diiktiraf sebagai syarikat penerbangan Singapura yang paling menepati masa, sekaligus mengatasi syarikat penerbangan negara Singapore Airlines.

Data tersebut menunjukkan Jetstar Asia juga adalah syarikat penerbangan yang ke-4 paling menepati masa di rantau Asia Pasifik, dengan 85.08 peratus penerbangannya tepat pada waktunya, mengatasi Singapore Airlines, yang menduduki tempat ke-6 dengan OTP 84.07 peratus.

Hong Kong Airlines mengungguli carta ketepatan masa serantau dengan OTP 88.83 peratus, yang disusuli pula dengan Qantas Airways (86.18 peratus) dan Japan Airlines (85.27 peratus).

Grafik oleh: OAG

Grafik oleh: OAG

Grafik Oleh: OAG

Di peringkat global, Jetstar Asia dan Singapore Airlines masing-masing mendapat tempat kelapan dan ke-13.

Syarikat penerbangan tambang murah airBaltic dari Latvia diiktiraf sebagai yang paling menepati masa di dunia dengan 90.01 peratus penerbangannya tepat pada waktunya.

Ini pula disusuli dengan Hong Kong Airlines dan Hawaiian Airlines masing-masing di tangga ke-2 dan ke-3.

Jetstar Asia juga diiktiraf sebagai syarikat penerbangan tambang murah yang kedua paling menepati masa di dunia, dengan peratusan lebih rendah bagi penerbangan "menepati masa", hanya berbanding Vueling Airlines dari Sepanyol, yang meraih 85.25 peratus.

Lapangan Terbang Changi di Singapura juga mendapat pengiktirafan dalam ranking ketepatan masa OAG bagi 20 lapangan terbang mega teratas, atau bagi yang memiliki lebih 30 juta tempat duduk bagi keberangkatan setiap tahun.

Data konsultan penerbangan itu turut menunjukkan 80.57 peratus penerbangan yang dikendalikan Lapangan Terbang Changi tahun lalu tiba atau berangkat tepat pada masanya, sekaligus menduduki tempat ke-6 bagi kategori tersebut.

The world’s most punctual mega airlines

Japan Airlines (85.27 per cent)

All Nippon Airlines (83.81 per cent)

Delta Air Lines (82.76 per cent)

IndiGo (81.22 per cent)

Alaska Airlines (81.06 per cent)

SAS (80.09 per cent)

United Airlines (79.86 per cent)

LATAM Airlines (79.39 per cent)

American Airlines (78.97 per cent)

Southwest (78.55 per cent)

British Airways (78.55 per cent)

Lufthansa (76.90 per cent)

Air France (76.44 per cent)

Turkish Airlines (76.35 per cent)

easyJet (74.82 per cent)

JetBlue (71.74 per cent)

Air Canada (67.32 per cent)

China Southern Airlines (64.19 per cent)

China Eastern Airlines (61.80 per cent)

Air China (60.14 per cent)

The world’s most punctual mainland airlines

airBaltic (90.01 percent)

Hong Kong Airlines (88.83 percent)

Hawaiian Airlines (87.24 percent)

Copa Airlines (86.39 percent)

Qantas Airways (86.18 percent)

Japan Airlines(85.27 percent)

Aer Lingus (84.46 percent)

Singapore Airlines (84.07 percent)

All Nippon Airways (83.81 percent)

Qatar Airways (82.95 percent)


Sosial Media Now Rivals As A Source For News In U.S

Foto Sumber: Toronto Sun

RESEARCH FINDINGS: According to a recent Pew Research Center report, Americans are more likely than ever to get news from multiple social media sites.

Meanwhile three-quarters of U.S. Latinos get their news from internet sources, nearly equal to the share who do so from television.

For years, TV was the most commonly used platform for news among U.S. Hispanics. In recent years, however, the share getting their news from TV has declined, from 92% in 2006 to 79% in 2016. 

Meanwhile, 74% of Hispanics said in 2016 that they used the internet – including social media or smartphone apps – as a source of news on a typical weekday, up from 37% in 2006.

About a quarter of all U.S. adults (26%) get news from two or more social media sites, up from 15% in 2013 and 18% in 2016. But there is considerable variation in the extent to which each site’s news users get news from other sites, and which sites those are.

The gap between the share of Americans who get news online and those who do so on television is narrowing.

As of August 2017, 43% of Americans report often getting news online, just 7 percentage points lower than the 50% who often get news on television, according to a Pew Research Center survey conducted in August. This gap between the two news platforms was 19 points in early 2016, more than twice as large.

Facebook claims the largest share of social media news consumers, and its news users are much more likely to rely solely on that site for news. Just under half (45%) of U.S. adults use Facebook for news. 

Half of Facebook’s news users get news from that social media site alone, with just one-in-five relying on three or more sites for news.

By comparison, news users of LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp are particularly likely to get news on multiple social networks: Half or more of their news users get news on three or more social media sites.

In general, sites with a smaller number of news users also tend to have the most overlap with other social media sites for news. However, Reddit stands alone in having a small but more exclusive audience of news users. Only 4% of U.S. adults get news from this site, and of these users, just 38% use three or more social media sites for news.

Finer differences emerge in which sites share news users. Looking at sites that share at least 25% of their news users with another site, audience overlap most commonly exists among news users of smaller sites who also visit Facebook and/or YouTube for news, the two sites with the most news users overall. 

About half or more news users of each of the other sites studied also get news on Facebook, while about a quarter or more overlap on YouTube. Four of the sites have considerable overlap with Twitter: Roughly a third or more of news users of Instagram, Snapchat, LinkedIn and Reddit also get news on Twitter. 

Beyond Facebook, YouTube and Twitter, there is less widespread overlap in news use with the other sites. However, news users of Instagram and Snapchat have considerable overlap with each other, 

And at least a third of WhatsApp news users also get news from both of these sites, even though a relatively small share of the population uses these sites for news. Only a small portion (less than 25%) of any of these sites’ news users also gets news from Reddit, LinkedIn, WhatsApp or Tumblr.

U.S. adults who get news from multiple social networking sites are more likely to be nonwhite and younger. About half (47%) of news consumers who rely on two or more social media sites for news are nonwhite (including Hispanics), compared with about one-fourth (26%) of those who use just one site. 

They are more likely to be under age 50: 77% are 18-49 compared with 56% of those who use just one site for news. Additionally, they are twice as likely to be ages 18-29 (37% vs. 18%).


'Gergasi Dari Timur' Ancam Britain, Sejuk Melampau -10 Darjah Celsius

Foto Sumber; THE SUN UK

SUHU global semakin menunjukkan perubahan dan sukar dijangka. Terbaharu Britain bakal dilanda cuaca sejuk melampau sehingga -10 darjah Celsius.

Keadaan itu diramal berlaku pada minggu depan gara-gara angin yang digelar 'Gergasi dari Timur' melewati negara itu.

Jutaan penduduk mula menyedari suhu sudah mula jatuh sejak 22 Februari lalu apabila udara semakin sejuk dan berangin, namun keadaan akan bertambah buruk tidak lama lagi.

United Kingdom mungkin akan menempuh bulan Mac tersejuk dalam sejarah apabila angin Siberia singgah di negara berkenaan.

Antara kawasan yang terlibat adalah selatan, timur, timur laut dan barat laut England; Yorkshire; Humber; timur dan barat Midlands; Wales; London; Northern Ireland dan Scotland.

Pegawai di pejabat meteorologi Martin Bowles berkata, bacaan suhu akan jatuh serendah -5 darjah Celsius di London pada Ahad malam dan alji turut akan turun bermula Isnin hingga Selasa.

Suhu serendah -8 darjah Celsius pula dijangka melanda di seluruh negara tersebut.

"Kali terakhir suhu serendah ini adalah pada 2013.

"Ia adalah pelik, terutamanya ia berlaku pada hujung musim sejuk.

"Kami merujuk 1 Mac sebagai hari pertama musim bunga dan sudah tentu 1 Mac akan berada di tengah-tengah 'sumpahan' kesejukan ini.

"Jadi, musim bungan akan ditangguhkan kepada beberapa minggu lagi," katanya. 



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