Unta Main Salji Di Padang Pasir Arab Saudi

Photo By; SPA.GOV.SA


CUACA EKSTREM: Gambaran padang pasir dalam suasana panas dan kering sinonim dengan wilayah kawasan sambil unta menjadi kenderaan pengangkutan pada suatu ketika dahulu.

Namun apabila Unta 'bermain' salji di padang pasir seolah-olah ia gambaran fantasi, tetapi itu yang berlaku di padang pasir di Tabuk Arab Saudi apabila suhu dicatatkan turun sehingga menyebabkan salji turun.

Keadaan itu berlaku baru-baru ini pada 27 Januari 2018 lalu apabila penduduk di sana memuat naik foto yang jarang-jarang menunjukkan unta yang diliputi salji dan penduduk tempatan - yang biasanya menghadapi suhu yang panas - memungut dan bermain salji.

The kingdom is famous for its blistering heat and deserts covered in sand (Picture: @Strange_Sounds)

Dilaporkan beberapa wilayah di Arab Saudi diliputi salji setebal 15 inci menukarkan landskap padang pasir itu putih.

Beratus-ratus penduduk tempatan yang teruja berfoto bersama-sama bermain di salji, sementara ramai yang memilih untuk menuruni bukit bukit, kerana mereka tidak membuang masa dalam menikmatinya sebelum ia cair.

An adorable image of families playing in a smattering of snow in northern Saudi Arabia, from the official Saudi Press Agency.

Gambar-gambar pelik lain walaupun menunjukkan unta dengan bonggol mereka ditutupi salji, manakala landskap yang hampir lengang ditinggalkan di dalam kepingan.

Cuaca yang luar biasa tidak dijangka dengan suhu yang biasanya mencecah sekitar 20C - tradisi musim sejuk di negara Arab.

Photo By: SPA/GOV.SA

Photo by: Strange Sound

Photo By: Strange Sound

SUMBER: METRO.CO.UK/ Express.co.uk

10 WOW Facts About IKEA!


1. Ingvar Kamprad founded IKEA in 1943 as a mostly mail-order sales business. It began to sell furniture five years later.The first Möbel-IKÉA store was opened in Älmhult, Småland, in 1958 (Möbel means "furniture" in Swedish). 

The first stores outside Sweden were opened in Norway (1963) and Denmark (1969). The stores spread to other parts of Europe in the 1970s, with the first store outside Scandinavia opening in Switzerland (1973), followed by West Germany (1974).

IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad, pictured in 1970, has passed away aged 91

2. The world's five largest IKEA stores are:

   1. Gwangmyeong, Gyeonggi, South Korea: 57,100 m2 (614,619.3 sq ft)

   2. Stockholm Kungens Kurva, Sweden: 55,200 m2 (594,167.9 sq ft)

   3. Shanghai Baoshan, China: 55,032 m2 (592,359.5 sq ft)

   4. Goyang, Gyeonggi, South Korea: 52,199 m2 (561,865.4 sq ft)[38]

   5. Shanghai Pudong Beicai, China: 49,400 m2 (531,737.2 sq ft)

3. In more homes: The IKEA retail business generated 38.3 billion Euro in sales, which means there are now more lovely bedrooms, beautiful kitchens and smarter storage than ever before.

IKEA retail sales (2017)*: 38.3 billion Euro / excluding consumption tax.

4. People are visiting IKEA.com in huge numbers. In 2017, we reached a total of 2.3 billion visits globally.

5. In 2017, IKEA reached a total of 936,000,000 visits. 

IKEA store visits: 936 million

6. From Älmhult to 403  stores

in 59 years …

More people than ever before now have access to an IKEA store. Our first store in Serbia was also our 400th worldwide. At the end of August 2017 there were 403 IKEA stores in 49 countries.


7. The number of IKEA co-workers is growing. There are now over 190,000 co-workers working together, having fun together and making life at home a little better. Every day.

IKEA co-workers: 194,000

8.  According to Millward Brown Optimor's "Brandz Top 100 Most Valuable Global Brands 2016", not only is IKEA the fifth most valuable retailer in the world, but it is also the the most valuable furniture retailer brand in the world, valued at over 18 billion U.S. dollars. The business operates 389 stores and is present in 47 countries. More than 780 million customers visit IKEA stores every year.

9. In 2016, there were approximately 213 million copies of IKEA catalogs printed worldwide.

10. IKEA was named one of the 100 Best Companies for Working Mothers in 2004 and 2005 by Working Mothers magazine. It ranked 80 in Fortune's 200 Best Companies to Work For in 2006 and in October 2008, IKEA Canada LP was named one of "Canada's Top 100 Employers" by Mediacorp Canada Inc., and was featured in Maclean's newsmagazine. 

Additionally, IKEA is the most popular store for college furnishings. IKEA was awarded the Nordic Language Award of 2017 for introducing Scandinavian language and culture to the global audience.



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