Bulan mengelilingi Kaabah?


KUALA LUMPUR, 19 Ogos (Bernama) -- Agensi Angkasa Negara (Angkasa) hari ini menafikan dakwaan blog dan laman sosial Facebook yang mengatakan kejadian pelik bulan mengelilingi Kaabah dan langit bertukar menjadi biru terang akan berlaku di Mekah malam ini.
Ketua Unit Penyelidikan Sains Angkasa Mohd Fairos Asillam berkata tiada yang istimewa atau ganjil dari segi pergerakan, jarak, keterangan dan fasa bulan pada malam ini.
"Bulan sekadar melintasi Kaabah dan tidak mengelilinginya seperti yang disebarkan kerana ia seperti biasa akan terbit di sebelah timur dan terbenam di sebelah barat," katanya ketika dihubungi Bernama di sini hari ini.
Fairos turut berkata dakwaan bahawa kenyataan itu diedarkan oleh bekas Ketua Pengarah Angkasa Prof Datuk Dr Mazlan Othman adalah tidak benar memandangkan Mazlan tidak pernah berbuat perkara sedemikian.
Beliau berkata kedudukan bulan dan bumi awal pagi esok adalah 404,738km.
Fairos menasihatkan orang ramai supaya mendapatkan pengesahan terlebih dahulu di laman sesawang yang boleh dipercayai seperti Angkasa bagi mengelakkan kekeliruan mengenai perkara itu.
Blog dan laman sosial Facebook hari ini menyebarkan maklumat kononnya pada jam 3.25 pagi di Mekah bulan akan mengelilingi Kaabah dan langit akan bertukar menjadi biru terang dan ini hanya berlaku 10 juta tahun sekali, dan menyebut maklumat itu dari bekas ketua pengarah Angkasa.

by Agensi Angkasa Negara (ANGKASA) on Friday, August 19, 2011 at 5:53pm


Berdasarkan pengetahuan dan pengalaman saya serta peta bintang di attachment (simulasi peta bintang di mekah pada jam 0325, 20 ogos 2011), saya boleh rumuskan bahawa:
  1. Berita seperti di bawah adalah rumours
  2. Tiada yang istimewa atau ganjil dari segi pergerakan bulan, jarak bulan, keterangan bulan, fasa bulan untuk malam ini.
  3. Spesifikasi bulan malam ini:
    1. Bulan terbit:2243 (10:43 malam)
    2. Bulan terbenam:1121 (11:21 pagi)
    3. Bulan tepat di atas kepala (transit):0440 (4:40 pagi)
    4. Jarak bulan ke Bumi pada 20 Ogos 2011: 404,738 km
[bulan paling dekat dgn bumi pada tahun 2011(perigee) yang berlaku pada 19 Mac 2011: 356,577km]
[bulan paling jauh dgn bumi pada tahun 2011(apogee) yang berlaku pada 2 April 2011: 406,655km]
So purata jarak bumi ke bulan ialah 381,616km
  1. Fasa bulan: 67.88% (keterangan bulan)

Harap maklum

Unit Penyelidikan Sains Angkasa (UPSA)
Agensi Angkasa Negara (ANGKASA)
Tingkat 8, Bangunan Komersil 4C11
Persiaran Perdana, Presint 4
62100 Putrajaya
Tel: +603 - 8888 8668
Faks: +603 - 8888 3478
E-mail 1: fairos@angkasa.gov.my
E-mail 2: mhdfairos@gmail.com
URL 1: http://www.angkasa.gov.my 
URL 2: http://www.angkasa.gov.my/langkawi_observatory/

Fomca Minta Pengguna Berhati-Hati SMS Berangkai

Saturday, 20 August 2011 | Ruangan: Berita
KUALA LUMPUR, 20 Ogos -  Pengguna harus mengelak dari mengutus khidmat pesanan ringkas (SMS) berangkai yang tidak mempunyai asas kebenaran kerana ini hanya akan menguntungkan syarikat telekomunikasi (telco), kata Setiausaha Agung Gabungan Persatuan Pengguna Malaysia (Fomca) Muhammad Shaani Abdullah.
Beliau berkata banyak SMS berangkai terutamanya berkaitan keagamaan disebarkan kebelakangan ini. Terbaru, Muhammad Shaani berkata tentang dakwaan bulan akan mengelilingi Kaabah di Mekah.
“Pada bulan Ramadan, pesanan seperti ini sudah pasti menarik minat umat Islam yang mahu berkongsi maklumat itu dengan rakan-rakan dan saudara-mara,”katanya.
Beliau berkata Suruhanjaya Komunikasi dan Multimedia Malaysia harus menjejaki sumber SMS seperti itu dan ambil tindakan terhadap penghantar asal.
Muhammad Shaani berkata ia telah lama mengesyaki syarikat telco mengupah pihak ketiga untuk menyebarkan pesanan seperti itu.
“Fomca tidak mempunyai cara untuk menentukan jika syarikat telco terlibat dalam penyebaran SMS itu,” katanya dan menambah suruhanjaya mungkin mempunyai kuasa dan cara untuk menyiasat dan mendakwa dalangnya.

Somalia famine: Turkish PM Erdogan visits Mogadishu

Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his family have arrived in Somalia's capital to highlight the need for greater famine relief.
The visit to war-torn Mogadishu is the first by a leader from outside Africa in almost 20 years.
The Turkish foreign minister, part of a delegation accompanying Mr Erdogan, told the BBC they wanted to break the idea that the city was a no-go area.
East Africa is suffering from its worst drought in 60 years.
The UN estimates that some 12 million people have been affected.
Somalia, where five districts have been suffering from famine, has been worst hit. Much of the country is controlled by the Islamist al-Shabab group. Al-Shabab, which is linked to al-Qaeda, has banned many aid agencies from its territory.
Foreign visitors to Mogadishu are a rarity, but since al-Shabab recently made what it called a tactical withdrawal from the capital, a few international politicians have come to see for themselves the thousands of famine victims pouring into the city.
'Test for civilization'
Mr Erdogan is the most high-profile figure so far to visit Mogadishu, which is now controlled by the weak interim government and by a 9,000-strong African Union force (Amisom).
Correspondents say Turkish flags are flying at the airport, the port and on one of the capital's main thoroughfares.

Start Quote

There was a perception that nobody can go to Mogadishu; we try to destroy the perception. We came - many others can come”
Ahmet DavutogluTurkey's foreign minister
He travelled through the city in a bullet-proof car, in contrast to the armoured personnel carrier usually used by Somalia's President Sheikh Sharif Ahmed.
Mr Erdogan, accompanied by his wife, daughter and an entourage consisting of cabinet members and their families, said Turkey would open an embassy in Mogadishu to help distribute aid for famine victims.
"The tragedy going on here is a test for civilization and contemporary values," Mr Erdogan told reporters, AFP news agency reports.
His trip comes days after Turkey and other Muslim countries pledged $350m (£212m) for famine relief.
"We came to Somalia to show our solidarity with the brothers and sisters of Somalia, but this is not just for one day, we will continue to work for our brothers and sisters and we will never leave them alone," Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu told the BBC's Focus on Africa programme.
The purpose of the visit was first symbolic, he said.
"There was a perception that nobody can go to Mogadishu; we try to destroy the perception. We came - many others can come."
The second aim was to provide humanitarian assistance and during this Muslim holy month of Ramadan the Turkish public had so far raised $115m for Somalia, he said.
"We are here to make a call to all leaders, to all states that they should do their part as well and not only for short-term humanitarian assistance but the long-term economic development of Somalia."
The visitors observed the distribution of Turkish aid in the internally displaced people's camps.
It was also announced that Turkey would rebuild the road to Mogadishu airport, restore a hospital, build schools and drill water wells.
Disease warning
Meanwhile, the UN is warning of an outbreak of cholera among Somali famine victims.
One hospital in Mogadishu has registered more than 4,000 cases.

"The situation at the moment is pretty critical," said Nancy Balfour of the UN children's agency, Unicef. "The combination of diarrhoeal disease and malnutrition is absolutely deadly for children."
"Normally, diarrhoea would not kill children, but children in as malnourished a state as we have in Somalia cannot stand the disease, and many, many will die if this outbreak gets out of control," she told the BBC's Network Africa programme.
Ms Balfour said she feared that there were many more cases in the interior of Somalia, which Unicef was having difficulty in reaching.
Before the main cholera season had even started in October, the conditions are already in place for the disease to spread rapidly, she said.
"The conditions are perfect for disease transmission: people are living in crowded conditions, they're using unprotected water sources - usually shallow wells that are open and easily contaminated - and people are very weak from the malnutrition."
More than 100,000 people have arrived in Mogadishu in the last two months in search of food.
The UN says 3.2 million people - almost half the population - are in need of immediate life-saving assistance in Somalia, which has been wracked by civil war for two decades.


Map of food shortages in Somalia


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