50 Ways To Boost Your Google Adsense Revenue

1. Strickly follow the Adsense rules

2. Choose high paying Niche for your blog

3. Find your Keywords

4. Check the Keyword density you just selected

5. Placing ads on the top of a page is good

6. Using images and Text ads together is good

7. Use non-standard types of ads

8. Choose the right Adense format for your blog

9. Use Adsense for search

10. Use multiple ad units

11. Change the color of your ads to match your web site Palette

12. Use Adsense multiple Palettes

13. Use horizontal link units (navbar, Above post)

14. Do occasional experiments with positioning of ads

15. Ad placement 

16. Avoid borders on the ads

17. Turn low paying units into image only ads

18. Promote your site with Google Adword

19. Reduce total number of out going links on the page

20. Create multiple ad banners

21. Use all possible Adsense features available

22. Choose the right ads for the content

23. Make sure your ads are visible

24. Use section targeting

25. Your link units should be in hot spots where they can be seen easily by visitors

26. Get  targeted traffic 

27. Drive traffic to your blogs by SEO and  backlinks .

28. Use Adword tools to help your site

29. Use Adsense channels to track performance

30. Avoid MFA ( made for Adsense ) sites

31. Keep track of your ads

32. Block low paying advertisers with Competitive Filters

33. Don’t overblock ads

34. Use Adsense preview tool

35. For short article place ads on the top of the content

36. For long articles place ads in the middle of the content as well

37. Avoid using common blog words

38. Do not set Google AdSense as a secondary ad option

39. Publish fresh content

40. Register on hub pages and use the same Adsense account

41. Register on bukisa and use the same Adsense account

42. Register on docstoc and upload files with the same Adsense account

43. Make use of Revenue sharing sites

44. Join  Youtube Partners 

45. Get rid of public service ads

46. Avoid titles such as sponsored ads in widgets

47. Be Informative

48. Be Creative

49. Be Inovative

50. Be Futuristic


25 Idea Projek AI yang Menjana Pahala: Revolusi Teknologi untuk Kebaikan Umat

Disusun Oleh : Mohd Ezli Mashut  Foto : Imej Janaan AI Oleh : Mohd Ezli Mashut Dalam era digital yang semakin berkembang pesat, kecerdasan b...