Pakistan Dilanda Banjir Terburuk Dalam Sejarah, Perlu Bantuan Dunia

   Banjir terburuk dalam sejarah di Pakistan. Sumber Foto: Human Rights Watch

GLOBAL | ISLAMABAD : Perdana Menteri Pakistan, Shahbaz Sharif, menyifatkan banjir melanda negara itu sebagai yang terburuk dalam sejarah, baik dari segi kehilangan nyawa mahupun harta benda.

Agensi berita Xinhua pada 31 Ogos 2022 melaporkan beliau turut menggesa masyarakat antarabangsa menghulurkan sokongan bagi usaha pemulihan dan bantuan kepada mangsa banjir.

Operasi menyelamat dan bantuan diteruskan ketika banjir terburuk itu sudah mengorbankan lebih 1,100 orang, sementara lebih sejuta kehilangan tempat tinggal selain memusnahkan tanaman dan ternakan.

Beliau berkata, kerajaan sudah memperuntukkan sumber maksimum untuk menyediakan tempat tinggal, khemah, kelambu, air yang boleh diminum dan rawatan perubatan kepada penduduk terjejas.

Bagi tujuan itu, Sharif berkata beliau berterima kasih kepada Amerika Syarikat, Emiriah Arab Bersatu (UAE), China dan Turki yang membekalkan khemah serta ubat-ubatan.

"Masyarakat antarabangsa termasuk AS dan Britain turut menjanjikan bantuan tambahan selain bantuan yang sudah dihulurkan setakat ini.

"Isnin lalu, Tabung Kewangan Antarabangsa (IMF) meluluskan pinjaman AS$1.2 bilion kepada Pakistan.

"Negara-negara yang akrab dengan Pakistan sudah mula menghantar bekalan bantuan, namun banyak lagi yang perlu dilakukan untuk memulihkan keadaan," katanya.

Beliau berkata kerosakan infrastruktur negara disebabkan banjir terbabit cukup besar dan memerlukan sekurang-kurangnya AS$10 bilion (RM44.8 bilion) untuk membaiki semula infrastruktur serta memberi bantuan kepada mereka terjejas.

Katanya, banjir itu turut memberi kesan buruk kepada ekonomi, selain menambah beban terhadap perbendaharaan negara.

Pihak Berkuasa Pengurusan Bencana Kebangsaan negara itu semalam memaklumkan, jumlah kematian di Pakistan akibat hujan monsun musim ini sejak pertengahan Jun meningkat kepada sekurang-kurangnya 1,136, selain 1,634 cedera. 

Satu Per Tiga Pakistan Tenggelam

Sementera itu AFP melaporkan satu pertiga daripada Pakistan ditenggelami sepenuhnya oleh banjir bersejarah, kata menteri iklimnya.

Banjir kilat yang memusnahkan telah menghanyutkan jalan raya, rumah dan tanaman - meninggalkan jejak malapetaka yang membawa maut di seluruh Pakistan.

"Semuanya adalah satu lautan yang besar, tidak ada tanah kering untuk mengepam air keluar," kata Sherry Rehman, menyebutnya sebagai "krisis yang tidak dapat dibayangkan."

Sekurang-kurangnya 1,136 orang meninggal dunia sejak musim tengkujuh bermula pada bulan Jun, menurut pegawai.

Hujan musim panas adalah yang paling lebat direkodkan dalam sedekad dan dipersalahkan oleh kerajaan atas perubahan iklim.

"Secara harfiah, satu pertiga daripada Pakistan berada di bawah air sekarang, yang telah melebihi setiap sempadan, setiap norma yang kita lihat pada masa lalu," kata Rehman kepada agensi berita AFP.

23 Tips To Earn Money “EVEN WHILE SLEEPING”

   Photo by : Inc Magazine


The most popular source of passive income is blogging, also known as blogging. In fact, blogging has helped countless entrepreneurs get passive income through promotional links, courses, posts, sponsored products, etc.

Of course, you also have to put in a lot of effort for the first time to build a successful blog. Even so, it is one of the most sustainable ways to gain attention through leveraging social media or email collection.

The biggest benefit of blogging is that you can utilize it to diversify your revenue streams. So, if you are looking for a simple idea for passive income, blogging could be a great choice for you.


Selling online courses is one of the best ideas to build passive income this year.

If you create your own blog and attract a certain number of followers, then selling courses on your own website will help you manage your income, and finding clients is also completely up to you.


If you also love Instagram, you may want to turn your regular leisure time into posting time that can add up to your passive income quickly.

The best thing about Instagram is that you can really create fan pages for anything, depending on your interests, from travel, fashion, furniture, beauty, or even special things like How to take care of your pet's fur...

The secret to getting a lot of followers on Instagram is to be consistent about the content of your posts, so that people can trust your ability to deliver similar content.

And don't forget to add your email address to your Instagram profile. As your account starts to grow, you will get some offers for sponsored posts, and that's how you can monetize Instagram. You should strive to create engaging content, because the higher the engagement on your posts, the more people will know about you.


As e-commerce becomes one of the most popular ways to earn extra passive income, on-demand printing becomes even more worthwhile.

This job allows you to sell graphic products for t-shirts, clothes, mugs, bags, phone cases, etc. Best of all, you can even build a brand of your products. 

The only downside to this job is that you need to be knowledgeable and fluent in graphic design, because sales of conventional products are too small to pay for outside designs. However, if you have really unique designs, then your income will increase very quickly. 

Besides, your revenue at this job will be very difficult to influence because you will not have to compete with anyone but yourself.


If you look at the richest people in the world, it's not hard to say that stocks have played a huge part in their "endless" bank accounts. While investing in the stock market may sound quite passive, you can be active in researching it. 

Warren Buffett reads 500 pages a day, but he doesn't read the novels you normally read, but instead, the annual business reports. By reading reports every day, he can better understand whether a business is doing well or not, and from there consider the possibilities for investing in stocks.

The passive income that comes from stock investing can be a lot bigger than the income you get from regular office jobs. So consider this job if you are someone who likes to read about the business situation of different businesses.


Depending on when and where you buy, real estate is also a good way to generate passive income. With the purchase of a few units before construction begins, you can find some real estate investments that are low-cost but add up quickly by the time of final construction, and allow you to sell it for a complete profit upon completion.

Like any other investment, this job can be a bit risky. Therefore, if you are a beginner, look to real estate businesses to support and advise you in the investment process.


Building a website can be said to be one of the most reliable sources of passive income. Some have set up internet marketing services and hired more freelancers to get the job done there. Others, like some of the entrepreneurs we know on this list, decided to create online courses to share their knowledge. Or you can also use the internet to sell anything you want.

However, setting up a separate website will help you control the products as well as the income you earn. This is one of the best ways to generate passive income for beginners, because there are countless useful tools that can assist you in building a website (no programming required). 

You can develop your website design through creating a theme, designing a logo, using some beautiful skins, etc. Remember, your success is in your own hands, and keep trying. Try to take your brand wherever you want.


* Affiliate Marketing: is a marketing model in which you (the affiliate with) will help promote products and receive "commissions" from brands after each order for that product.

Currently, affiliate marketing is one of the best opportunities to get passive income. One advantage of this job is that almost all the big brands have affiliate programs, so you can sell a lot of popular products and profit from it.

The only downside you may face is that you only get a portion of the “commission” from the sale. So make sure you do your research to find the best affiliate marketing program before you get started. 

It can be said that blogging is often the most economical way to do affiliate marketing without having to spend money on advertising services.


If you feel like you're always overflowing with excitement and excitement, then you might want to take out your phone and capture those moments. 

At the same time, this can also help you generate passive income. The latest figures on video marketing have shown that everyone is becoming obsessed with delivering content through videos, so you too can start looking for audiences for your videos. 

Why is that? Because you can sell your videos to another website or platform.

And if your videos are successful, you can earn extra recurring income for weeks, months, or even years. 

Of course, the best way to do this is to appear at public events like protests, festivals, etc.

If you are good at creating entertaining content, companies will pay you to help them create viral videos, and will also be willing to give you a share of the revenue from the videos. 


Are you interested in building websites or online stores? If so, you can also generate passive income from selling them.

Of course, you'll probably need to make some sales, at least initially (to prove your store can work). But if you have the ability to design and build good content for your website, you can still find customers who are willing to spend money to buy your store.

If you are looking for a place to sell your websites, then you can try Shopify's Exchange Marketplace. At this platform, you can sell a newly opened online store, or even a large store worth hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars. This is really a great platform for selling and exchanging websites.


Yes, a regular office job can also become an attractive source of passive income. But certainly not from your working time. Instead, the company's stock or any suitable retirement plan can provide you with a pretty good source of passive income.

If you're starting an office job, don't forget to ask about company stock as part of the hiring process. You'll have to thank me later.


Currently, Youtube is a passive income source that is working extremely well. From sponsored videos to ad revenue, you'll find that it's completely possible to earn extra recurring income from a YouTube channel.

The secret to creating a successful YouTube channel is to post videos on a specific schedule over a long period of time. That's all. And if you persist in doing this, after a while, you will be able to earn the passive income you want.


Being a photographer may seem like an active income generating business, but it is not. Photographers not only make money from taking pictures, but also from selling the photos they have taken.

Sites that provide photos, magazines, or canvas prints for customers are one of the ways that can help you make big profits from your photography business. A good camera is all you need to get started.

But now, you can even use your phone to take pictures and sell them for an extra source of passive income. You can also take high-quality product photos and market them to e-commerce businesses. All you need is a good course in commercial photography, a smartphone, and some inspiration to get started.


Are you a marketing professional or a skilled sales professional? If so, then there are countless businesses willing to pay you to help them refer and attract more customers.

Real estate businesses are always looking for ways to help people find their ideal home. Freelancers, DJs, photographers, and other independent business guests, too, are happy to pay if you can help them find a client who agrees to sign the contract.

So, if you enjoy helping others make more money, you can also leverage your relationships to generate passive income, perhaps with just a few emails or texts.


E-books began to appear in the years 2009-2010, and to this day are still a popular means of content transmission. Although eBooks have only been widely available for a few years, there are still many people who can make extra passive income from it.

Sure, it's a very competitive market, but if your pen is excellent, you can make a good profit out of it.

By writing ebooks about popular niches and marketing them, you can even attract and build yourself a community of loyal readers.


Looking to follow Marie Kondo's advice and start redecorating your home? Well, then you might want to turn this cleaning into a steady source of income. We all have boxes full of stuff we haven't thought of for years.

You may have to search a lot, but then you will realize that you really have extremely valuable items.

And if you don't know where to start, your wardrobe could be a good choice.


If you want to create your own products instead of selling other people's products, then you can try creating electronic products.

You can open an online store on Shopify to sell all kinds of electronic products such as ebooks, online courses, graphic design,...

This can be said to be a good example of passive income, because the whole process can be automated on Shopify.


If you are a programmer or a software developer, you can try to design your own software and earn huge income from it.

There are 2 ways you can do this. First, you can charge people who want to buy your software. Or you can design a free software and make extra profit from running ads.


Peer-to-peer lending (P2P) is an investment form that combines directly between borrowers and lenders through online lending platforms. The lender here is called an investor, they give an investment amount to the borrower to enjoy a fixed rate of return, for a fixed time.


These softwares works as the name implies. You just need to install the software on your phone and perform a few actions, which can be as simple as everyday activities like watching videos, to turn a small investment into a steady stream of passive income. There are many software that you can start using, some of which include the following:

Fundrise: Fundrise allows you to invest in real estate projects with a minimum initial investment of $1,000. When using the application, you will receive a quarterly share of profits, and that is also your passive income source.

- InboxDollars: InboxDollars offers cashback for activities you normally do like shopping, watching TV, or using the web. Cashback and 5% signup bonus is your passive income source.

- Dosh: Dosh allows you to connect debit and credit cards to the software's system. Every time you use those tokens for payouts and payments, you will receive passive income in the form of cashback.

* cashback: is a form of incentive that when customers make purchases and use credit cards to pay, they will be refunded a part of the money directly to the card based on the invoice value.


If you have some skills in recording, then why not turn it into an income generating business? The generated recordings can be as simple as a bell or a podcast intro. It can be said that making recordings for people to use is a good way to earn extra money, because people are constantly looking for the right sounds that can help build their brand.

You can upload recordings on platforms like SoundCloud or Audiosocket if you want to create a complete song and profit from royalties. All you need to do is research your audience and current trends. 

From there, you can quickly build a "portfolio" of your tunes. And you never know - this could actually turn into something much bigger.

If you're passionate about making recordings, you can experiment with a wide variety of productions, from the intro and ending to the entire album, or maybe just a few parts integrated with each other.


Space is an incredibly valuable "commodity" that most of us don't have enough of. And if you're only using part of your warehouse, or have empty spaces in your house, there are plenty of ways for you to earn extra income from those spaces. For example, you can rent out storage space on sites like Neighbor (.com), helping people find space to store their things.

If you have space in your garage or even other parking areas, you can rent them out at the same time. Or if you just need a temporary space to hold an event, try looking at sites like Share MySpace, where you can advertise available space to anyone who needs it.

Alternatively, you can provide non-office workers or professionals with a comfortable working environment thanks to the space you have. This way, you can both generate passive income, but also the tenants of your space have a good working environment. So, both sides benefit, right?


*Dropshipping: is a retail fulfillment method where a store does not keep the products sold in its inventory. Instead, when a store sells a specific product, they buy the product from a 3rd party and ship it directly to the customer.

Dropshipping is one of the most profitable passive income sources you can find on the internet. With this business model, you can find products that stand out in the market in Oberlo and sell them to customers around the world. The types of goods that you can sell are also extremely diverse: from fashion, furniture, to beauty products…

The best thing about Dropshipping is that you can own your business and manage pricing for products. In fact, of all the ideas on this list, dropshipping is the one with which you can manage your income the best.

If you want to start this business, you can sign up for an account on Shopify. And after opening an online store, you can search for the right products at Oberlo.

SOURCE: Entrepreneur Mindset

Serpihan Logam Dipercayai Komponen Roket China Ditemukan Di Miri

Tangkap layar laman sesawang BH Online melaporkan penemuan disyaki komponen roket milik China pada 1 Ogos 2020.

ANGKASA LEPAS | Serpihan logam yang disyaki sebahagian daripada komponen roket Long March 5B milik China ditemukan di Sepupok Niah di Miri, Sarawak.

Komponen itu dijumpai oleh penduduk di Batu Niah, yang kemudian melaporkan kepada polis, pada 31 Julai 2022/Ahad.

Ketua Polis Daerah Miri dalam kenyataan media pada 1 Ogos 2022 berkata hasil tinjauan awal pihaknya mendapati terdapat serpihan logam terbenam ke dalam tanah pada kedalaman lebih kurang satu meter di kawasan sekitar rumah salah seorang penduduk.

The debris from the Long March 5B rocket was spotted by netizens as it passed over Sarawak airspace. (Twitter pic)

"Bagaimanapun, pihak polis tidak dapat mengesahkan asal usul logam berkenaan dan sudah meminta bantuan dari pasukan HAZMAT Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat serta Agensi Angkasa Malaysia (MYSA), Kementerian Sains, Telnologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI) untuk menganalisa tempat kejadian," kata Asisten Komisioner Alexson Naga Chabu.

   Sumber Grafik : BBC NEWS

Beliau menasihati orang ramai supaya tidak berada di kawasan berhampiran kerana dibimbangi logam berkenaan mengandungi bahan radioaktif.

Katanya, kawasan terbabit dipantau dengan rapi untuk memastikan tiada sebarang kejadian yang tidak diingini berlaku.

Pada masa sama, katanya orang ramai juga dinasihatkan untuk tidak membuat sebarang spekulasi atau menyebarkan berita yang tidak benar kerana ia boleh menimbulkan kegusaran kepada masyarakat.

Pada 31 Julai 2022/Ahad dalam kenyataan media, MYSA mengesahkan kemasukan semula serpihan roket Long March 5B milik China ke ruang udara Bumi.

Jelas agensi angkasa itu serpihan roket iyu melintasi ruang udara Malaysia dan dikesan di beberapa kawasan termasuk ruang udara Sarawak sebelum direkodkan jatuh di Laut Sulu.

Malaysia Pantau Pergerakan Long March 5B Sejak 24 Julai

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia sudah memantau pergerakan roket Long March 5B sejak ia dilancarkan pada 24 Julai lalu termasuk meramalkan lokasi serpihan teknologi itu bakal jatuh.

BH Online pada 1 Ogos 2022/ Isnin melaporkan Ketua Pengarah Agensi Angkasa Malaysia (MYSA) ,  berkata kejadian sisa serpihan roket itu jatuh bukan perkara baharu malah sudah tiga kali teknologi membabitkan negara China itu jatuh ke bumi selepas ia dilancarkan.

Jelas Azlikamil Napiah lintasan serpihan roket itu turut dialami beberapa negara termasuk negara jiran, Indonesia dan Filipina namun ia tidak dapat dilihat seperti yang berlaku di beberapa kawasan di sekitar Sarawak.

"Serpihan ini sudah mengorbit bumi beberapa kali dan turut melintasi negara lain dan apabila melalui Malaysia, ia sedang mula terbakar iaitu selepas masuk ke atmosfera.

"Serpihan roket dari China ini bukanlah kali pertama jatuh sedemikian, kerana pada 2020, ia jatuh di sekitar lautan barat Afrika dan seterusnya pada tahun lalu, di sekitar kepulauan Maldives. Kali ketiga adalah semalam di sekitar Laut Sulu.

"Sebenarnya, kita sudah memantau pergerakan roket ini sejak 24 Julai lalu iaitu apabila ia dilancarkan oleh China. Serpihan itu juga sudah mula mengorbit bumi sejak beberapa hari lalu sebelum terbakar selepas masuk ke atmosfera.

"Kita sudah boleh meramalkan kawasan di mana ia akan jatuh dan lokasi yang tepat, lebih kurang sejam sebelum ia masuk ke 'red entry'," katanya.

Pada 31 Julai 2022, Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI) dalam satu kenyataan, memaklumkan hasil pemantauan berterusan melalui MYSA serta kenyataan oleh Agensi Angkasa China mendapati kemasukan semula serpihan roket berkenaan ke ruang udara Bumi dikesan pada jam 12.55 tengah malam waktu Malaysia.

Sisa serpihan itu direkodkan jatuh di sekitar Laut Sulu, iaitu kawasan antara latitud 9.1 darjah Utara dan longitud 119.0 darjah Timur.

Mengulas lanjut, Azlikamil berkata, situasi yang mampu dilihat di beberapa kawasan di Sarawak, semalam itu adalah serpihan berkenaan belum terbakar sepenuhnya.

"Apabila ia terbakar, serpihan itu akan bertukar menjadi habuk sahaja namun sekiranya ada serpihan kecil tinggal, ia akan menjadi satu objek yang panas. Jika terhempas di darat akan dilihat kesannya terbakar tetapi biasanya laluannya adalah ke arah darat," katanya.

Ditanya mengenai, mengapa situasi seumpama itu boleh berlaku sehingga menggemparkan masyarakat, beliau berkata, ia mempunyai kaitan dengan penguasaan teknologi negara China.

"Banyak negara di seluruh dunia seperti Amerika Syarikat (AS), Eropah termasuk Russia sudah melancarkan roket tetapi tidak berlaku kejadian sedemikian kerana mereka mempunyai kaedah untuk mengawal serpihan yang akan jatuh iaitu mereka akan halakan terus ke lautan.

"Tetapi teknologi yang dimiliki China pula dilihat berbeza malah turut mendapat pertikaian antarabangsa. Inilah yang boleh dikaitkan dengan penguasaan teknologi. China mungkin maju tetapi sejauh keterjaminan operasi berkaitan angkasa.

"Eropah menekankan sistem enjin propulsion iaitu kemampuan untuk mengawal serpihan yang masuk ke atmosfera tetapi China tidak menumpukan kepada sistem itu. Mereka tidak boleh kawal serpihan itu jatuh termasuk lokasi yang terbabit," katanya.


Ketua Polis Daerah Miri (KPD Miri) mengesahkan telah menerima satu laporan polis dari seorang penduduk di Batu Niah berkaitan penemuan serpihan logam yang disyaki sebahagian daripada komponen roket milik negara China sepertimana yang dilaporankan dalam media massa sebelum ini.

Hasil tinjauan awal pihak polis mendapati terdapat serpihan logam terbenam ke dalam tanah pada kedalaman lebih kurang 1 meter di kawasan sekitar rumah salah seorang penduduk di situ. Walau bagaimanapun, pihak polis tidak dapat mengesahkan asal usul logam tersebut dan telah meminta bantuan dari pasukan HAZMAT Jabatan Bomba dan Penyelamat serta pihak MOSTI untuk menganalisa tempat kejadian.

Pihak Polis menasihati orang ramai agar tidak berada di kawasan berhampiran tempat kejadian kerana dibimbangi logam tersebut mengandungi bahan radioaktif yang boleh memudaratkan kesihatan. Kawasan kejadian telah dipantau dengan rapi untuk memastikan tiada sebarang kejadian yang tidak diingini berlaku.

Orang ramai juga dinasihatkan untuk tidak membuat sebarang spekulasi atau menyebarkan berita yang tidak benar kerana ianya boleh menimbulkan kegusaran kepada masyarakat serta disarankan untuk menghubungi balai Polis berdekatan untuk menyalurkan maklumat atau mendapatkan kepastian mengenai kejadian yang berlaku.

Ketua Polis Daerah Miri
Dikeluarkan pada 01 Ogos 2022, jam 8 pagi

Sumber Foto: Sarawak Edition

PUTRAJAYA, 2 Ogos 2022 – Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (MOSTI) telah menggerakkan pasukan siasatan yang terdiri daripada Bahagian Penguasa Angkasa, MOSTI, Agensi Angkasa Malaysia (MYSA) dan Lembaga Perlesenan Tenaga Atom (AELB) pada 1 Ogos 2022 bagi membuat penyiasatan awal objek yang disyaki sisa serpihan roket negara China yang jatuh pada 31 Julai 2022.

Siasatan awal dengan kerjasama pihak berkuasa tempatan menumpukan kepada dua (2) lokasi yang telah dikenal pasti iaitu di Kampung Nyalau, Bintulu dan Kampung Sepupok Lama, Niah, Miri, Sarawak.

Siasatan awal ini juga bagi memastikan tiada sebarang unsur radiasi berbahaya yang mungkin dikeluarkan oleh objek yang disyaki, sebelum siasatan selanjutnya dapat dilaksanakan.

Berdasarkan ukuran dan hasil siasatan awal mendapati bahawa objek pertama yang disyaki bersaiz sekitar lima (5) inci berkenaan TIDAK mengeluarkan sebarang radiasi dan TIADA unsur radioaktif dikesan pada objek tersebut. 

Manakala, ukuran dan hasil siasatan awal terhadap objek kedua yang disyaki di Batu Niah, Miri, turut menunjukkan hasil yang sama iaitu objek disyaki TIDAK mengeluarkan sebarang radiasi dan TIADA unsur radioaktif dikesan. Kedua-dua objek disyaki adalah selamat untuk dilaksanakan siasatan dan analisis seterusnya.

Terima Kasih Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim (14 Disember 1946 – 31 Julai 2022)

Terima kasih atas pencapaian hebat dan gemilang ketika menjadi Dato' Menteri Besar Selangor yang ke-14 bermula 13 Mac 2008 sehingga 22 September 2014 membawa Selangor ke era negeri lebih berkebajikan, merakyat dan cemerlang.

Terima kasih kerana mentadbir dengan jujur, berintegriti, bebas daripada rasuah menjadikan Selangor negeri bermaruah. 

Terima kasih kerana beliau dan pasukan pentadbiran beliau berjaya meningkatkan Rizab Selangor sehingga RM3.3 bilion dan pelaburan RM60 bilion sejak 2008 sehingga tempoh akhir penggal pentadbirannya.

Terima kasih kerana pengurusan kewangan negeri yang terus mendapat pujian Ketua Audit Negara setiap tahun ketika itu.

Terima kasih atas beliau dan pasukan pentadbirannya berjaya melaksanakan lebih 20 Agenda Merakyatkan Ekonomi Selangor (MES) yang terus membela kebajikan rakyat dari lahir (TAWAS) sehingga mati (SMUE).

Terima kasih di atas usaha beliau dan pasukan pentadbiranya yang bersungguh-sungguh mengembalikan hak air kepada rakyat Selangor yang mana tak pernah terfikir sebelum ini.

Terima kasih kerana jadi berbeza dan terima kasih kerana kewujudan anda menjadi saya memahami realiti politik semasa.


Marilah kita sama-sama berdoa kepada Allah SWT khusus buat Allahyarham semoga Allah SWT memperkenan doa kita.

Ya Allah, Kau berilah pengampunan kepada Allahyarham Tan Sri Abdul Khalid bin Ibrahim, kasihanilah dia, selamatkanlah dia, maafkanlah dia, muliakanlah kedudukannya, perluaskanlah tempat masuk (kuburnya), sucikanlah dia dengan air, salji dan air sejuk, bersihkanlah dia dari dosa-dosa seperti Engkau bersihkan kain yang putih dari kekotoran. 

Gantikanlah dia rumah yang lebih baik dari rumahnya, ahli keluarga yang lebih baik dari ahli keluarganya dan pasangan yang lebih baik dari pasangannya. Masukkanlah dia ke syurga dan hindarilah dia daripada azab kubur dan azab neraka.

Aamiin aamiin ya rabbal aa la miin

Daripada: Mohd Ezli Mashut

Gambar Diedit: Bersama Menteri Besar ke-14, Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim pada hari terakhir pentadbiran beliau pada 22 September 2014 (Isnin) di Pejabat Dato' Menteri Besar Selangor Tingkat 21, Bangunan SUK di Shah Alam.



Aplikasi Pembelajaran Matematik di Sekolah Yang Boleh Digunakan Semasa Ramadan dan Syawal

Disusun Oleh : Mohd Ezli Mashut Imej Foto Janaan AI Oleh : Mohd Ezli Mashut   Pendahuluan: Ramadan, Syawal dan Matematik dalam Kehidupan Seh...