Gempar !! Fenomena Awan Luar Biasa Di Sabah 12 Jun 2012

Kejadian Awan Pelik Di Kota Kinabalu 12 Jun 2012  


Pada 12.6.2012, Kota Kinabalu telah digemparkan dengan satu fenomena awan misteri akhir zaman yang belum pernah dilihat penduduk di sana seumur hidup dengan mata kasar,secara tiba-tiba telah dapat dilihat pada tahun 2012 ini.

Adakah anda semua merasakan kesemua fenomena ini wujud dengan suka-suka??? 

TIDAK wahai pembaca sekalian…

Merujuk kepada wikipedia,fenomena kejadian awan misteri berkenaan dinamakan Awan Arcus.

An arcus cloud is a low, horizontal cloud formation. Roll clouds and shelf clouds are the two types of arcus clouds. A shelf cloud is usually associated with the leading edge of thunderstorm outflow; roll clouds are usually formed by outflows of cold air from sea breezes or cold fronts in the absence of thunderstorms.

shelf cloud is a low, horizontal, wedge-shaped arcus cloud. A shelf cloud is attached to the base of the parent cloud, which is usually a thunderstorm, but could form on any type of convective clouds. 
Rising cloud motion often can be seen in the leading (outer) part of the shelf cloud, while the underside often appears turbulent and wind-torn. Cool, sinking air from a storm cloud's downdraft spreads out across the land surface, with the leading edge called a gust front

This outflow cuts under warm air being drawn into the storm's updraft
As the lower cooler air lifts the warm moist air, its water condenses, creating a cloud which often rolls with the different winds above and below (wind shear).
People seeing a shelf cloud may believe they have seen a wall cloud. This is a likely mistake, since an approaching shelf cloud appears to form a wall made of cloud. A shelf cloud usually appears on the leading edge of a storm, and a wall cloud will usually be at the rear of the storm.
A sharp, strong gust front will cause the lowest part of the leading edge of a shelf cloud to be ragged and lined with rising fractus clouds. In a severe case there will be vortices along the edge, with twisting masses of scud that may reach to the ground or be accompanied by rising dust. 
A very low shelf cloud accompanied by these signs is the best indicator that a potentially violent wind squall is approaching. An extreme example of this phenomenon looks almost like a tornado and is known as a gustnado.

Awan pelik iaitu Awan Arcus terbentuk pada pagi 12 Jun 2012 ketika gambar diambil, cuaca stabil tanpa angin dan hujan... 

Namun begitu, menjelang tengahari, ribut kencang berserta hujan melanda seluruh kawasan Pantai Barat Sabah. 
awan nano

awan nano 2

awan nano 3

awan nano 4

awan nano 5

awan nano 6
Penjelasan untuk 'Fenomena Awan Luar Biasa'. Awan tadi dipanggil awan Arcus. Ia hanya kejadian alam normal tetapi jarang berlaku.

(Gambar) Fenomena luar biasa - Awan pelik di sabah

Awan pelik terbentuk pada pagi 12 Jun..Ketika gambar diambil, cuaca stabil tanpa angin dan hujan... Namun begitu, menjelang tengahari, ribut kencang berserta hujan melanda seluruh kawasan Pantai Barat Sabah.

Punca kejadian adalah dipercayai daripada taufan yang sedang melanda filipina. Taufan yang kedua sedang menuju ke arah negara Filipina mungkin adalah penyebab kejadian awan pelik di bahagian Pantai Barat Sabah berlaku.

Awan Pelik Di Kota Kinabalu Sabah


ANALISIS | Pertahanan dan Maritim Malaysia Diperkukuh Dengan Kecanggihan Dron Anka-S

Disusun Oleh : Mohd Ezli Mashut Sumber Foto : Wikipedia,X, Google, Janes Di bawah langit cerah yang membentang luas di Pangkalan Udara Labua...