More than 11 quintillion barrels of zero emissions hydrogen fuel discovered in our oceans

In the mid 1990s scientists discovered 11 quintillion barrels of zero emissions hydrogen fuel. Where did they find so much of this ultra clean burning fuel? They found it in our oceans. The fuel is so plentiful you can scoop it up with a bucket.

No drilling is required. No processing is required. No environmental assessments are ever required. Most importantly there is absolutely zero emissions from burning it and its free.

Scientists discovered that water can easily be converted into a zero emission hydrogen fuel. All it takes is a few volts of solar or wind generated electricity to split (fission) water into hydrogen fuel and oxygen.

Rustum Roy of Pennsylvania State University verified in 2007 that simple radio waves can split water into its components, allowing the resulting freed hydrogen and oxygen to catch fire.

Water covers 71% the Earth’s surface and the oceans contain 97.2% of Earth’s water. There are 343 quintillion gallons or 11 quintillion barrels of water in our oceans.

All that water is composed of two gases – Oxygen and Hydrogen. Water is H2O which means 2 parts hydrogen to 1 part Oxygen. Oxygen is what we all breath, including the engines in our vehicles. Hydrogen is the most abundant of the chemical elements, constituting roughly 75% of the universe’s elemental mass. Hydrogen is also a very flammable, zero emission, gas. That makes hydrogen in the water a viable green fuel source.

So why haven’t we been using water as our main fuel source? Because it is essentially a free fuel. There is no way any government or profit hungry company can meter water.

It is actually illegal for a food service establishment to charge for tap water? You pay only if you ask for bottled water and you are not paying for the water you are paying for the plastic bottle. They can’t tax water either. Same reason for bottled water, what you are being taxed on is the bottle and now they’ve added another tax called bottle deposit.

Water for fuel is obtained for free, by the barrel, from rain, from rivers, lakes, streams, ponds, oceans, seas and with a little ingenuity can be collected from condensation.

Anyone can collect water for free. How long will this ultra clean fuel supply last? How old is man? Collecting water for free began with the first man and woman. We have been collecting and using water ever since.

Once you have water how do you turn it into a free fuel? Is isn’t as hard as they (government and greedy corporations) say it is. Stanley Meyers proved how easy it is. Rustum Roy proved how easy it is. I, the editor of this website, Paul W Kincaid, will demonstrate how easy it is by using a water fuel cell I made out of things that were already in the house I am staying in.

I will use the above short video (clicking noise you hear is me pressing the zoom button on the Nokia cell phone. Mute the sound to get rid of the noise) to demonstrate how the World can be fueled using ordinary tap water. Nothing was added to the water to cause the cell to split water (H2O) into hydrogen and oxygen gas. No heat was added to split water into hydrogen and oxygen. The water fuel cell is cold fission.

My first attempt (years ago) used tap water with sea salt added. I was told that I would have to add a catalyst in order for it to work. Well in my recent test, today August 13, 2011, I didn’t add sea salt. Why not?

Because when I did add sea salt in my first tests the water quickly turned yellowish or even brown. I think those who told me to add sea salt wanted my test to fail. Using just plain old tap water gave the results I wanted you to see. Water being separated into its gaseous state with no discoloration to the water.

I ran the test for 1 full hour just to see when and if the water would turn color. I was very pleased to see that the water was still very clear with only very tiny white hydrogen and oxygen gas bubbles collecting at the top of the water.

The water fuel cell in this video was made using a recycled plastic peanut butter jar, 2 metal Kabobs skewers, a piece of metal mesh and a pneumatic fitting (to allow the gas to escape and prevent the peanut butter jar from exploding as it did in my first attempt which luckily only caused hearing loss for a few hours).

A store bought digital meter was attached to record the voltage input from the Canadian Tire solar panel. The solar panel was used to apply a very small amount of current to the cell’s terminals and cause the clear tap water to break apart into its hydrogen and oxygen state. In the video you can see bubbles rising off of the cell’s metal Kabobs skewers. The bubbles quickly began floating to the top of the water.

As you can see in the video there were at times a white cloud of bubbles rising off of the terminals. The amount of gas created from the splitting of the water was greater when the sun rays were unrestricted by clouds. In this video you can also see that the water remained clear at the bottom and middle and becoming white at the top of the water. Not adding sea salt or anything else to the tap water caused the water in the cell to remain clean and clear.

I was asked to put the lid of the peanut butter jar on tight and demonstrate how quickly water is easily converted to a hydrogen fuel but because of past experiences I chose not to.

The cell would have exploded as a result of the hydrogen and oxygen gas buildup in the tightly sealed container. I didn’t want the neighbors thinking I was making a bomb and I didn’t know what kind of damage would result if I had tightened the lid.

I am making no claim whatsoever that the H2O fuel cell is a cold fusion device, it is a cold fission device. The definition of fission is – splitting or breaking up into “parts”. The water fuel cell demonstrated in the video uses very little energy to break the bond between the oxygen and hydrogen that makes up water.

There are no environmental side effects (zero carbon emissions, zero toxicity) associated with burning hydrogen oxygen fuel. When we separate the Hydrogen (H2) from the water (H2O) we are left with Oxygen. Something we and every other living creature on Earth needs to live.

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