Free energy in unlimited quantities for everyone, everywhere and anytime of the day

70% of the Sun’s radiant energy penetrates the Earth’s atmosphere. 30% is reflected by the atmosphere. The Sun’s radiant energy exists day and night, 24/7, 365 days a year, for billions of years. It is the only source of energy we will need to live out the rest of our lives and the entire life cycle of our descendants for billions of years.

Brooklyn Eagle – July 10, 1932 “I have harnessed the cosmic rays and caused them to operate a motive device. … I have advanced a theory of the cosmic rays and at every step of my investigations I have found it completely justified. The attractive features of the cosmic rays is their constancy. They shower down on us throughout the whole 24 hours, and if a [power] plant is developed to use their power it will not require devices for storing energy as would be necessary with devices using wind, tide or sunlight. All of my investigations seem to point to the conclusion that they are small particles, each carrying so small a charge that we are justified in calling them neutrons.

They move with great velocity, exceeding that of light. More than 25 years ago I began my efforts to harness the cosmic rays and I can now state that I have succeeded in operating a motive device by means of them. I will tell you in the most general way, the cosmic ray ionizes the air, setting free many charged ions and electrons. These charges are captured in a condenser [capacitor] which is made to discharge through the circuit of the motor. I have hopes of building my motor on a large scale, but circumstances have not been favorable to carrying out my plan.” ~ Nikola Tesla states:

Further development of harnessing the cosmic rays to power motors was stopped by J. P. Morgan – an American financier and banker who dominated corporate finance and industrial consolidation during his time. In 1892 Morgan arranged the merger of Edison General Electric and Thomson-Houston Electric Company to form General Electric.

After financing the creation of the Federal Steel Company he merged the Carnegie Steel Company and several other steel and iron businesses to form the United States Steel Corporation in 1901.

A few years later Morgan initiated the economic panic in 1907 by circulating rumors that the Knickerbocker Bank and Trust Co. of America was going broke. This action by Morgan caused a run on the banks creating a financial crisis which began to solidify support for a central banking system – the creation of the Federal Reserve.

J.P. Morgan kills Tesla’s free-energy development

In 1900, Morgan financed inventor Nikola Tesla and his Wardenclyffe Tower with $150,000 for experiments in radio. However, in 1903, when the tower structure was near completion, J. P. Morgan threw a wrench in the project’s completion when Morgan wanted to know “Where can I put the meter?” Tesla had no answer.

Tesla’s vision of free power did not agree with Morgan’s corporate view; nor would it pay for the maintenance of the transmission system. Construction costs eventually exceeded the money provided by Morgan, and additional financiers were reluctant to come forth. By July 1904, Morgan (and the other investors) finally decided they would not provide any additional financing. Morgan advised other investors to avoid the project.

J. P. Morgan enslaves the people

The Panic of 1907 (a carbon copy of today’s financial crisis that started in 2007 – 100 years later and involving the very same banks – coincidence?? ) was a financial crisis that almost crippled the American economy. Major New York banks were rumored to be on the verge of bankruptcy and there was no mechanism to rescue them until Morgan conveniently (Morgan started the rumor that started the crisis) stepped in personally and took charge.

Treasury Secretary George B. Cortelyou earmarked $35 million of federal money to quell the storm but had no easy way to use it. Morgan took personal charge, meeting with the nation’s leading financiers in his New York mansion whereby he forced them to devise a plan to meet the crisis. James Stillman, president of the National City Bank, also played a central role.

Morgan organized a gang of bank and trust executives which redirected money between banks, secured further international lines of credit, and bought plummeting stocks of healthy corporations. A delicate political issue arose regarding the brokerage firm of Moore and Schley, which was deeply involved in a speculative pool in the stock of the Tennessee Coal, Iron and Railroad Company. Moore and Schley had pledged over six millions of the Tennessee Coal and Iron (TCI) stock for loans among the Wall Street banks. The banks had called the loans, and the firm could not pay. If Moore and Schley should fail, a hundred more failures would follow and then all Wall Street might go to pieces. Morgan decided they had to save Moore and Schley.

TCI was one of the chief competitors of U.S. Steel and it owned valuable iron and coal deposits. Morgan controlled U.S. Steel and he used the crisis he created to takeover the TCI stock from Moore and Schley. Judge Gary, head of US Steel, agreed, but antitrust charges could cause grave trouble for Morgan and his US Steel, which was already dominant in the steel industry? Morgan sent Gary to see President Theodore Roosevelt, who promised legal immunity for the illegal takeover deal. U.S. Steel thereupon paid $30 million for the TCI stock and Moore and Schley was saved.

The announcement had an immediate effect; by November 7, 1907, the panic was over. Vowing to never let it happen again, and realizing that in a future crisis there was not likely to be another Morgan, banking and political leaders, led by Senator Nelson Aldrich devised a plan that became the Federal Reserve System in 1913. The crisis underscored the need for a powerful mechanism, and Morgan was instrumental in the creation of the Federal Reserve System.

New York American November 1st, 1933

Device to Harness Cosmic Energy by Tesla:

This new power for the driving of the world’s machinery will be derived from the energy which operates the universe, the cosmic energy, whose central source for the earth is the sun and which is everywhere present in unlimited quantities.

Tesla’s first radiant energy receiver stored static electricity obtained from the air and converted it to a usable form. Tesla’s invention is a simple version of T.H. Moray’s device. Moray’s device used a unique rectifier (RE-valve) to efficiently capture the static electricity from the surrounding air. Moray’s oscillator tubes (magnetron transducers) utilized this high-voltage energy to generate an internal secondary “cold” fusion reaction.

Stick an antenna up in the air, the higher the better, and wire it to one side of a capacitor, the other going to a good earth ground, and the potential difference will then charge the capacitor. Connect across the capacitor some sort of switching device so that it can be discharged at rhythmic intervals, and you have an oscillating electric output. T.H. Moray simply expanded on Tesla’s idea to use high-voltage to create ionic oscillation.

Tesla’s free-energy concept was patented in 1901 as an “Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy.” (pdf file) The patent refers to “the sun, as well as other sources of radiant energy, like cosmic rays,” that the device works at night is explained in terms of the night-time availability of cosmic rays. Tesla also refers to the ground as “a vast reservoir of negative electricity.”

Tesla was fascinated by radiant energy and its free-energy possibilities. He called the Crooke’s radiometer, a device which has vanes that spin in a vacuum when exposed to radiant energy “a beautiful invention.” He believed that it would become possible to harness energy directly by “connecting to the very wheel-work of nature.” On his 76th birthday at his yearly ritual press conference, Tesla announced a “cosmic-ray motor” when asked if it was more powerful than the Crooke’s radiometer, he answered, “thousands of times more powerful.”

In 1901 Nikola Tesla was one the first to identify “radiant energy.” Tesla says that the source of this energy is our Sun. He concluded that the Sun emits small particles, each carrying so small of a charge, that they move with great velocity, exceeding that of light.

Tesla further states that these particles are the neutron particles. Tesla believed that these neutron particles were responsible for all radioactive reactions. Radiant matter is in tune with these neutron particles. Radiant matter is simply a re-transmitter of energy from one state to another.

How Tesla’s radiant energy receiver worked

From the electric Potential that exists between the elevated plate (plus) and the ground (minus), energy builds up in the capacitor, and, after “a suitable time interval,” the accumulated energy will “manifest itself in a powerful discharge” that can do work. The capacitor, says Tesla, should be “of considerable electrostatic capacity, ” and its dielectric made of “the best quality mica, for it has to withstand potentials that could rupture a weaker dielectric.”

Tesla gives various options for the switching device. One is a rotary switch that resembles a Tesla circuit controller, another is an electrostatic device consisting of two very light, membranous conductors suspended in a vacuum.

These sense theenergy build-up in the capacitor, one charging positive, the other negative, and, at a certain charge level, are attracted, touch, and thus fire the capacitor. Tesla also mentions another switching device consisting of a minute air gap or weak dielectric film that breaks down suddenly when a certain potential is reached.

Tesla received two patents for this radiant energy device; U.S. Patent No. 685,957 – Apparatus for the Utilization of Radiant Energy and U.S. Patent No. 685,958 –Method of Utilizing Radiant Energy. Both these patents were filed on March 21, 1901 and granted on November 5, 1901. In these patents he explains:

The sun, as well as other sources of radiant energy throw off minute particles of matter positively electrified, which, impinging upon the upper plate, communicate continuously an electrical charge to the same. The opposite terminal of the condenser being connected to ground, which may be considered as a vast reservoir of negative electricity, a feeble current flows continuously into the condenser and inasmuch as the particles are …charged to a very high potential, this charging of the condenser may continue, as I have actually observed, almost indefinitely, even to the point of rupturing the dielectric.

The Earth’s Electrostatic Charge

Tesla’s intent was to condense the energy trapped between the earth and its upper atmosphere and to transform it into an electric current. He pictured the sun as an immense ball of electricity, positively charged with a potential of some 200 billion volts. The earth, on the other hand, is charged with negative electricity. The tremendous electrical force between these two bodies constituted, at least in part, what he called cosmic energy. It varied from night to day and from season to season but it is always present.

The positive particles are stopped at the ionosphere and between it and the negative charges in the ground, a distance of 60 miles, there is a large difference of voltage – something on the order of 360,000 volts. With the gases of the atmosphere acting as an insulator between these two opposite stores of electrical charges, the region between the ground and the edge of space traps a great deal of energy. Despite the large size of the planet, it is electrically like a capacitor which keeps positive and negative charges apart by using the air as a non-conducting material as an insulator.

The earth has a charge of 96,500 coulombs. With a potential of 360,000 volts, the earth constitutes a capacitor of .25 farads (farads = coulombs/volts). If the formula for calculating the energy stored in a capacitor (E =1/2CV2) is applied to the earth, it turns out that the ambient medium contains 1.6 x 1011 joules or 4.5 megawatt-hours of electrical energy. In order to utilize this high-voltage energy you must do two things — make an energy sink and then devise a way of making the “sink” oscillate.

“Zero-Point Energy?”

Such a “sink” has to be at a lower energy state than the surrounding medium and, for the energy to continually flow into it, the energy must be continually pumped out of it. Additionally, this ”

sink” must maintain a lowr energy state while meeting the power requirements of the load attached to it. Electrical energy, watt-seconds, is a product of volts x amps x seconds.

Because the period of oscillation does not change, either voltage or current has to be the variable in this system’s energy equation. Bifilar wound coils are used in the system because a bifilar wound coil maximizes the voltage difference between its turns, the current is then minimized.

A coil in our system, then, will be set into oscillation at its resonant frequency by an external power source. During the “zero-point” portion of its cycle the coil will appear as one plate of a capacitor. As the voltage across the coil increases, the amount of charge it can siphon will increase.

The energy that is taken into the coil through the small energy window (zero-point), call it what you will, appears to be the key to the success of this system. It is at this zero-point where energy is condensed into positive and negative components of current. When energy escapes from the “sink” the magnetic field collapses and a strong magnetic quake is created in it’s wake. A properly tuned system can capture and convert radiant energy in such a prescribed arrangement.

Philadelphia Public LedgerNovember 2, 1933

Tesla ‘Harnesses’ Cosmic Energy

Inventor announces discovery to displace fuel in driving machinery. Calls Sun main source. A principle by which power for driving machinery of the world may be developed from the cosmic energy which operates the universe, has been discovered by Nikola Tesla, noted physicist and inventor of scientific devices, he announced today.

This principle, which taps a source of power described as “everywhere present in unlimited quantities” and which may be transmitted by wire or wireless from central plants to any part of the globe, will eliminate the need of coal, oil, gas or any other of the common fuels, he said.

Dr. Tesla in a statement today at his hotel indicated the time was not far distant when the principle would be ready for practical commercial development. Asked whether the sudden introduction of his principle would upset the present economic system, Dr. Tesla replied, “It is badly upset already.”

He added that now as never before was the time ripe for the development of new resources. While in its present form, the theory calls for the development of energy in central plants requiring vast machinery. Dr. Tesla said he might be able to work out a plan for its use by individuals. The central source of cosmic energy for the earth is the Sun, Dr. Tesla said, but “night will not interrupt the flow of new power supply.”

Clearly Tesla is not talking about an atomic reactor. He is directly converting ionized particles generated by radiant matter. It is not nuclear energy as we know it today. Radiant Energy is directly converted to electrical power! Tesla believed that the Sun generates highly charged particles and that radiant matter is a re-transmitter of energy, it is this transfer of energy that could be used for practical purposes.

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What Amazingly Prayer In First Time?

Each prayer time really shows the transition energy changes the universe that can be measured and observed through changes in natural color.

I think the changing colors of nature is something that is more familiar to those involved in photography, right?


For example, at the dawn of nature in the blue spectrum corresponding to frequencies that affect the thyroid metabolism.

So the blue or the time of dawn has secrets related to the bidder / provision and communication.

They are often missed or delayed in time Subuhnya repeatedly, eventually will face the problem of communication and provision.

This is because the natural energy of blue light is not absorbed by the thyroid that have to happen in the soul and body together (simultaneity of space and time) - in other words keep from sleeping.

Here too we can tap the secrets of prayer ordered ahead of time.

The onset of morning prayer time, energy, environment at that time was at an optimum level.

This energy will be absorbed by the body through the concept of resonance at the bow and prostrate.

So they delayed the actual Subuhnya have got the energy is not optimal yet.


Next natural color changed to green (Isyraq & Light) and then the yellow mark anytime during Zuhr.

Spectrum of colors at this time is equal to the frequency of stomach and liver associated with the digestive system.

This yellow color has a secret related to the fun.

So they often miss or delay Zuhurnya repeatedly in his life will have problems in the stomach and lost his cheerful nature. People are central abdominal pain not happy?


Then the natural color will change to orange, the inclusion of the Asar where the color spectrum at this time is equal to the frequency of prostate, uterus, ovaries and testes, which includes the reproductive system.

Orange is the secret of creativity.

People often miss the Afternoon will be lost creativity, and worse if the Asar Posted body and soul are separate (sleep la).

And do not forget, ni Asar energy needed by our reproductive organs.


By sunset, the world changed to red and at this time we are often advised by the elders not to be outside the house.

This is because the color spectrum in this time approaching the frequency of the jinn and demons (infra-red), and this means that the Jinns and demons are so powerful at that time because they are resonant with nature.

They are on the way also preferably stopped before this time (dawn prayer before it) because a lot of interference (diffraction) occurs at this time which could confuse the eye.

Secret sunset or red is the confidence, the frequency of muscle, nerves and bones.


When the time came for Isaac, the world changed to the color of Indigo, and the next phase of Darkness.

Isha is secrecy order and peace at any frequency equal to the control system of the brain.

They often miss Isyaknya will always be in distress.

Alam are now in darkness, and frankly, this is the time to sleep in Islam.

Sleep at this time is called delta sleep, where the entire body system is in relaxation.


After midnight, the universe began to shine again with white, pink and then purple where it is equal to the frequency of the pineal gland, pituitary, and hypothalamus talamus.

The body should rise again at this time and in Islam this time called Qiamullail.

That briefly is the relevance of prayer time with the colors of nature.

People are already aware of the importance of this natural energy and this is the factor of the various methods of meditation created as taichi, qi-gong, and so on.

Everything is designed to absorb the energies of nature to the body system.

We as Muslims should be grateful to have di'kurniakan 'laws prayers of Allah without having to think about how to absorb the energy of this nature.

This fact should convince us that God requires prayer of His servant on the nature of his loving and caring as the creator because He knows His servants is very, very much in need of his.


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