Pluto to Make a Star "Wink Out" Twice This Week
Antenna to replace batteries and provide unlimited free energy for electric cars
Since the early 1900s free unmetered energy was discovered and the technology behind this free unlimited and unmetered source of energy was made public by people like Nikola Tesla and Thomas Henry Moray. To demonstrate how this free unlimited energy source can be used by mankind Nikola Tesla powered an all steel frame and body 1931 Pierce-Arrow with electrical energy that was harnessed from thin air.
Not a drop of gasoline or diesel fuel was used. In fact the internal combustion engine was completely removed. No battery banks were used either. This vehicle was driven to speeds of 90 miles per hour with no fossil fuel and just a single 12 volt battery. This infinite and free energy source produces absolutely zero emissions. When asked where the power came from, Tesla replied, “From the ethers all around us”.
What is ethers? Ethers is electromagnetic radiation. Radio waves is electromagnetic radiation which has the lowest frequency, the longest wavelength, and is produced by charged particles moving back and forth. Electricity – AC power – is produced when electrons move back-and-forth in a wire, sending a wave of electric power through the wire.
Thomas Henry Moray is important in regards to free unlimited and unmetered energy because he successfully demonstrated to us that the electromagnetic radiation Telsa was using to power a 1931 Pierce-Arrow can be harnessed freely. His free unmetered energy receiving device is used today by ham radio operators and CB radio users around the World. It was also used by millions of people for decades until cable eliminated its mass usage. What is this free unlimited and unmetered energy receiving device? It is called an antenna.
Ham radios and CB radios use antennas to communicate with other ham radio and CB operators. This form of communication is free. They both use antennas to harness and use the free electromagnetic energy that is around us 24/7 and 365 days a year. Cellular phones are replacing ham radios and CB radio with a metered (pay for usage) communication system. With cell phones we are forced to pays the providers to use what is available for free. With ham radios there is no charge (unmetered) for “any” calls between users. With ham radios you can make unlimited free unmetered calls to other ham radio users, anywhere in the World. How much does it cost you to make a call with your cell phone to someone living overseas? A metered rate that you are forced to pay when all along you can make the same call for free using ham radios or CB (citizen Band) radios.
For decades long haul truck drivers never had to pay to make a call to other truck drivers or call for help in an emergency. For decades all of their communications were free and unmetered. Today the CB is being forcibly removed (banned with hands-free laws) and replaced with metered pay by the minute cell phones.
Can you remember the days when we watched TV for free? For decades, like ham radios and CB radios, our TV sets were hooked up to a free energy receiver called a TV antenna. Because of those antennas we never had to pay a dime for any of the shows we watched. Today free unmetered TV antennas have been replaced with metered fiber optic cable. Today we are forced to pay every month to watch TV.
For decades antennas have been used to harness and use free, unmetered and unlimited electromagnetic radiation. Tesla was trying to educate us to the fact that electromagnetic radiation is energy – free, unmetered and unlimited energy. For decades we have actually used this free energy receiving device in a very limited capacity – in communications.
TV and radio signals are electromagnetic waves, and all electromagnetic waves possess some amount of electromagnetic energy. All you need is an appropriate device to convert this energy into usable electricity. Tesla used such a device and with that deice he successfully demonstrated that electricity can be generated from radio waves using a simple antenna. Instead of being tuned for communications or receiving TV programing Tesla tuned his device for free energy harvesting. Tesla’s simple device consisted of an antenna that was connected to a variety of electrical components such as capacitors, variable capacitors, inductors, diodes, chokes, and resistors, in a specific order. Many of these components were grounded. At the other end of this free energy harvesting system, the terminals provided continuous electrical current. That continuous electrical current was then used to power the electric motor that Telsa installed in the 1931 Pierce-Arrow.
Today, in 2011, every all-electric vehicle manufacturer can use this free energy harvesting technology to power their all-electric vehicles. Their vehicles would never have to be plugged in for a recharge. No charging stations would ever need to be built. No longer would their vehicles’ driving range be limited to the limited energy stored in batteries. The antenna free energy receiver would give their vehicles an unlimited driving range. No CO2 emissions would ever be emitted. Zero CO2 emissions would mean city smog would be history. Global warming would no longer be a concern. Carbon emission related illnesses and diseases would disappear. Man and Earth would be healthy again.
Today mankind becomes free of oil because you now know how we can harness and use free unlimited and unmetered energy just by using a free energy receiving device called the antenna.
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Replicating Nikola Tesla’s electric car technology would end oil dependency forever.
Free energy in unlimited quantities for everyone, everywhere and anytime of the day.
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Laporan Gerhana Bulan Penuh Malaysia
NASA Releases New Lunar Eclipse Video
The video was produced by Chris Smith at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. › Download high resolution versions |
The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) team will release another video next week focusing on the role of LRO during the eclipse. LRO has been providing the most detailed imagery of the moon since it launched in 2009.
On June 15 2011, viewers outside of North America will be able to see the lunar eclipse. From beginning to end, the eclipse will last from 17:24 UTC (1:24 p.m. EDT) to 23:00 UTC (7:00 p.m. EDT). Totality, the time when Earth's shadow completely covers the moon, will last about an hour and 41 minutes.
A lunar eclipse occurs when Earth lines up directly between the sun and the moon, blocking the sun's rays and casting a shadow on the moon. As the moon moves deeper and deeper into Earth's shadow, the moon changes color before your very eyes, turning from gray to an orange or deep shade of red.
The moon takes on this new color because indirect sunlight is still able to pass through Earth's atmosphere and cast a glow on the moon. Our atmosphere filters out most of the blue colored light, leaving the red and orange hues that we see during a lunar eclipse. Extra particles in the atmosphere, from say a recent volcanic eruption, will cause the moon to appear a darker shade of red.
Unlike solar eclipses, lunar eclipses are perfectly safe to view without any special glasses or equipment. All you need is your own two eyes. And while we won't be able to catch this particular eclipse in the continental U.S., we will get our next opportunity on April 15, 2014, so mark your calendars!
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md.
Why does the moon look red during a total lunar eclipse?
During a total lunar eclipse – like the lunar eclipse on the night of June 15, 2011 – Earth’s shadow on the moon often looks red. Why? |
Lunar eclipse of March 3, 2007. Image by Joshua Valcarcel. (Wikimedia Commons)
The reason stems from the very air we breathe. If the Earth had no air, then Earth’s shadow on the moon during a lunar eclipse would appear black. The presence of Earth’s air means that, during a lunar eclipse, sunlight can filter through Earth’s atmosphere onto the shadow on the moon. This filtered sunlight makes the moon appear red during a total eclipse.
But red isn’t the only color of a totally eclipsed moon. An eclipsed moon can appear brown, red, orange or yellow. The color depends on the presence of dust and clouds in Earth’s atmosphere. If there has been a major volcanic eruption, for example, the shadow on the moon will appear dark throughout an eclipse. In December 1992, not long after the eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines, there was so much dust in Earth’s atmosphere that the totally eclipsed moon could barely be seen.
Can anyone know in advance how red the moon will appear during a total lunar eclipse? Not precisely. Before an eclipse takes place, you’ll often hear people speculating about it. Still, no one knows for certain how red the moon will appear when eclipse time comes. That uncertainty is part of the fun of eclipses, so enjoy! And watch for the red moon during a lunar eclipse.
Gerhana Bulan Penuh Paling Gelap Dalam 11 Tahun
KUALA LUMPUR: Fenomena gerhana bulan penuh dijangka berlaku Khamis ini iaitu gerhana paling gelap dalam tempoh 11 tahun apabila bulan melintasi umbra.
Ini akan berlaku bermula jam 1.24 pagi untuk selama 100 minit dan menjadi gelap sepenuhnya pada jam 3.22 pagi.
Ketua Bahagian Falak, Kompleks Falak Al-Khawarizmi, Dr Kassim Bahali, berkata apa yang lebih menarik ialah fenomena itu berlaku sebanyak dua kali tahun ini, sekali lagi pada Disember nanti selepas kali terakhir berlaku pada 16 Julai 2000.
Katanya, gerhana penuh bulan yang cuma berlaku ketika fasa purnama ini juga boleh dilihat di benua Afrika, Eropah, sebahagian besar Asia dan Australia.
“Gerhana ini dikatakan paling gelap pernah berlaku kerana biasanya walaupun gerhana penuh, kita masih boleh melihat sedikit cahaya pada permukaan bulan. Keadaan ini disebabkan ketika fasa gerhana penuh itu, bulan melintasi bayang paling gelap bumi iaitu umbra. Permulaan gerhana penuh kali ini boleh dilihat penduduk di selatan Chile, timur Argentina dan timur Brazil.
“Di Malaysia, gerhana dapat dilihat ketika bulan terbit di langit timur pada awal pagi. Penghujung gerhana penuh dapat dilihat penduduk Thailand, Kemboja, Vietnam dan barat Australia. Bahagian barat Eropah pula akan melihat bulan terbit yang mengalami gerhana penuh. Mereka melihat bulan gelap terbit di timur yang kebiasaannya terang ketika fasa purnama. Kali ini bulan kelihatan seolah-olah hilang,” katanya.
Kejadian gerhana bulan hanya berlaku ketika fasa purnama dan apabila seluruh atau sebahagian bulan memasuki bayang bumi. Cahaya matahari yang jatuh ke atas bumi menyebabkan sebahagian bumi terang (siang) dan sebahagian lagi gelap (malam) serta menyebabkan bayang bumi mengunjur ke angkasa.
Beliau berkata, ada dua bahagian bayang, di bahagian dalam dan luar. Bayang bahagian dalam dinamakan umbra, yang lebih gelap daripada bahagian luar, penumbra.
“Sekiranya bulan purnama, ia memasuki kawasan bayang akan mengakibatkan terjadinya gerhana. Jika seluruh bulan memasuki umbra, gerhana penuh akan berlaku. Jika hanya sebahagian bulan memasuki umbra, gerhana separa yang akan berlaku dan jika bulan hanya memasuki penumbra, gerhana penumbra yang akan terjadi.
“Bagaimanapun gerhana bulan tidak berlaku setiap bulan. Ini disebabkan satah orbit bulan condong sebesar lima darjah berbanding dengan satah orbit bumi. Gerhana hanya berlaku sekiranya bulan melalui satah orbit bumi,” katanya.
Pada 15 Jun ini, gerhana penuh terjadi disebabkan seluruh bulan memasuki umbra. Magnitud gerhana kali ini ialah 1.71, yang menunjukkan darjah kegelapan permukaan bulan. Nilai ini menunjukkan gerhana bulan kali ini adalah gelap.
Di Malaysia, fasa gerhana kali ini bermula apabila bulan menyentuh penumbra pada jam 1.24 pagi waktu tempatan, 16 Jun 2011. Ketika fasa gerhana ini bermula, bulan berada di langit barat. Ketika berada dalam bayang penumbra, cahaya bulan mula berkurangan tetapi sukar dikesan dengan mata kasar.
“Fasa penuh bermula apabila bulan mula menyentuh umbra pada jam 3.22 pagi. Bulan mula kelihatan gelap secara perlahan-lahan sehingga ia menjadi gelap sepenuhnya jam 03.22 pagi dan di tengah-tengah fasa penuh pada jam 04.13. Tempoh bulan mengalami fasa gelap sepenuhnya selama 100 minit.
“Bulan mula meninggalkan bayang umbra dan memasuki penumbra secara perlahan-lahan pada jam 5.02 pagi. Ia mula kelihatan bercahaya sedikit demi sedikit sehingga penuh sejam kemudian dan kembali normal pada 07:02 pagi. Gerhana bulan boleh dilihat dengan mata kasar tanpa perlu menggunakan penapis,” katanya.
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