Scientist warns MEGA EARTHQUAKE

A GEOLOGIST has warned a devastating earthquake and tsunami could hit the United States, potentially threatening millions of lives, within the next 48 hours.


Jim Berkland, a former US Geological Survey scientist, who once famously predicted the Loma Prieta quake, said mega quakes usually strike at a new moon or full moon because of the gravitation effect on the Earth…and the next full moon is on FRIDAY.

The maverick, now retired, scientist spoke out after eight powerful earthquakes struck across south Asia and the pacific in the past 80 hours, claiming hundreds of lives in Japan and Ecuador.

Mr Berkland predicted on October 13, 1989, an earthquake of magnitude 3.5 to 6.0 would strike San Francisco within the next week.

Four days later on October 17 a magnitude 6.9 quake hit Loma Prieta in northern California. 

He now says 20 of the world’s last 25 mega quakes have happened during new or full moons.

SEVEN major earthquakes strike Asia in 72 hours

Mystic who 'predicted Japan earthquake' says BIGGER disaster IMMINENT
He is most concerned about the the San Andreas Fault through California and the Cascadia Subduction Zone, which is further north along the coast of Oregon and Washington State.

He says both areas are long over due a so-called “Big One” earthquake and would likely cause devastating tsunamis to surge over the west coast if it happened.

He said: “Beware the new and full moons.”

He says this causes "equinoctal tides", which are extreme gravitational forces that cause solid earth to expand and contract, in the way ocean tides rise and fall.

Mr Berkland studied geology at the University of California, Berkeley.

Jim Berkland claims the new or full moon can cause a mega earthquake by tidal pull



The big one’: Is there really a ‘mega-earthquake’ on the way this week?

You really, really shouldn’t believe everything you read on the internet.
This week, a lot of news outlets have been warning of an incoming ‘mega-earthquake’, set to flatten cities around the world.
There’s just one, tiny problem.
While there have been several of earthquakes in the past week, the quote used to predict a ‘mega quake’ is actually several months old – and about earthquakes in India.
Scientist Roger Bilham of the University of Colorado DID warn of risks of ‘mega-earthquakes – but in January, and specifically in the Himalayas.
But the quote, ‘The current conditions might trigger at least four earthquakes greater than 8.0 in magnitude. And if they delay, the strain accumulated during the centuries provokes more catastrophic mega earthquakes,’ has been jumped on by conspiracy sites, reported as if it was said this week, and is now circulating around the world.

View of a fallen building after a 7.8-magnitude quake in Portoviejo, Ecuador on April 17, 2016. At least 77 people were killed when a powerful earthquake struck Ecuador, destroying buildings and a bridge and sending terrified residents scrambling from their homes, authorities said Sunday. / AFP PHOTO / JUAN CEVALLOSJUAN CEVALLOS/AFP/Getty Images
View of a fallen building after a 7.8-magnitude quake in Portoviejo, Ecuador AFP/Getty

Until a scientist says something specific (and new) about the risks this week, you probably shouldn’t worry that a ‘megaquake’ is about to destroy the world.
More than 260 people died and 2,500 others were injured in the powerful quake in Ecuador, which measured 7.8 on the Richter scale – the strongest to hit the country since 1979.
A state of emergency has since been declared in six of Ecuador’s 24 provinces – with 10,000 armed forces deployed and 4,600 national police sent to the towns near the epicentre.
Homes, buildings and roads have been reduced to rubble – with more than 70% of the town of Pedernales, a town of 40,000, destroyed.

Read more:

Video shows increased activity at Yellowstone

Range and thickness of Yellowstone supervolcano's eruption 640,000 years ago.
Over the past week, our planet has been hit by large earthquake after large earthquake, and according to Volcano Discoverythere are 38 volcanoes around the world that are erupting right now. We have seen a dramatic spike in global seismic activity that is unlike anything that we have seen in ages, and that is why what is going on at Yellowstone is so incredibly alarming. Geologists tell us that a full-blown eruption of the Yellowstone supervolcano would have up to 2,000 times the power of the Mount St. Helens volcanic eruption of 1980, and approximately two-thirds of the country would immediately become uninhabitable. As you will see below, there are signs that something big is getting ready to happen at Yellowstone, and if it does erupt all of our lives will be permanently changed forever.

I want to share with you some footage from Yellowstone that was recorded on Thursday night. In this video, it appears to be as bright as day even though it is the middle of the night, you can see a whole host of geysers steaming violently, and Old Faithful just keeps going off over and over...

This stunning footage was posted by a YouTube user known as Kat Martin 2016, and the following is what she had to say about the video that you just saw...
There are places s(t)eaming I have never seen steam before....and also note that the bright ground is back. There are no shadows, so it is not from above! As you know the cameras were froze up last night, so we could not see what was going ....or so we thought LOL...I found a way. Somehow (don't ask me how), the Geyser Observation Study site was able to capture the ENTIRE night with NO freeze ups and cutting in and is THAT? Anyway, I got it and slowed it down so you can see better. Old Faithful had weird seismos last night, and was going off constantly.
But it wasn't just that one night. The weird activity at Yellowstone has continued, and you can watch even more recent footage that Kat Martin has posted right here and right here.

So what does this mean?

I don't know, but watching that footage definitely got my attention.

And it is interesting to note that just a few weeks ago the Shoshone River changed color and started boiling without any warning whatsoever...
The Shoshone River, near Yellowstone National Park, suddenly and without warning started boiling, changed color and began to emit a sulfuric odor on March 25. Nearby witnesses wondered if they were "all going to die." The current consensus among geologists and other experts is that a portion of the Shoshone River began to boil, located near Cody, Wyoming, and a new Yellowstone vent has opened up.

As Mysterious Universe reports, the boiling river near Yellowstone runs just east of Yellowstone National Park. It is close enough to the park and super volcano to be a "canary in a coal mine" as it relates to unusual geothermic events. The event was initially recorded by Dewey Vanderhoff, a photographer who spotted the Shoshone River near Yellowstone boiling and noted other bizarre features in the river.
When a river located above a supervolcano that could wipe out most of the country starts boiling, you would think that would make headline news all over the nation.

But it didn't.

It would be exceedingly difficult to overstate the potential danger that Yellowstone poses to the United States. Other than an extremely large asteroid or meteor, it is hard to imagine any natural disaster that would pose a greater threat. The following comes from an excellent article by Steve Elwart...
The Yellowstone Caldera, or cauldron, sits on top of North America's largest volcanic field. Four hundred miles under the Earth's surface is a magma 'hotspot' that reaches up to just 30 miles below ground level before spreading out over an area of 300 miles across three states.

Over all this sits the volcano.

While most scientists believe the probability of a major eruption is very small, there are signs that have some analysts worried, and most agree the volcano holds catastrophic potential. It could blast 240 cubic miles of ash, rocks and lava into the atmosphere, rendering about two-thirds of the nation immediately uninhabitable, according to some estimates, and plunge the world into a "nuclear winter."
That certainly does not sound good.

And as I mentioned above, volcanic activity all over the planet is rising. 38 volcanoes are erupting at the moment, and it seems like we hear about another new eruption almost every day now.

But let us hope that Yellowstone does not erupt any time soon.

There are approximately 3,000 earthquakes in the area around Yellowstone every single year, so it is a very seismically active region. In the event of a full-scale eruption of Yellowstone, virtually the entire northwest United States will be completely destroyed. Basically everything within a 100 mile radius would be immediately killed, Salt Lake City would literally be toast, and almost everyone and everything in Denver would be dead in short order.

Further away, volcanic ash would rain down continually for weeks. Those foolish enough to step outside would quickly discover that the ash turns into a substance similar to cement in the lungs, and many would die from suffocation.

The amount of volcanic ash released by Yellowstone would be almost unimaginable. In fact, it has been estimated that a full-blown eruption would dump a layer of volcanic ash that is at least 10 feet deep up to 1,000 miles away.

Food production in America would be almost totally wiped out, and the "volcanic winter" that would result from a Yellowstone eruption would dramatically cool the planet. Some have projected that global temperatures would decline by up to 20 degrees.

In the end, the death, famine and destruction that we would experience would be vastly greater than anything that we have ever seen in the history of western civilization.

So yes, there is reason to be concerned that weird stuff is going on at Yellowstone right now.

Let us just hope and pray that we do not see an eruption in 2016 or any time soon.

Missing aircraft, Boeing 777, 9M-MRO, 8 March 2014

Debris examination – update No. 1 Missing aircraft, Boeing 777, 9M-MRO, 8 March 2014

Identification of two items of debris recovered from beaches in Mozambique

ATSB Technical Examination Report Aviation AE-2014-054 Debris examination update 1 19 April 2016

Introduction : On 27 December 2015 and 27 February 2016, two items of debris were independently found, approximately 220km apart, on the Mozambique coast. 

Both items were delivered to the relevant Civil Aviation Authorities in Mozambique and South Africa in early March 2016. Assistance from the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB) was requested by the Malaysian Government in the formal identification of the items to determine if they came from the Malaysian Airlines Berhad (MAB) Boeing 777 aircraft, registered 9M-MRO, operating as MH370. 

The parts were packaged in Mozambique and South Africa respectively and delivered safe-hand to the ATSB in their original packaging, in the custody of the ICAO Annex 13 Safety Investigation Team members. 

The following is a brief summary of the outcomes from the debris examination. This debris examination summary is released with the concurrence of the Malaysian ICAO Annex 13 Safety Investigation Team for MH370.

 Quarantine and marine ecology 

On arrival into Australia, both parts were quarantined at the Geoscience Australia facility in Canberra. The parts were unwrapped and examined for the presence of marine ecology and remnants of biological material. 

Visible marine ecology was present on both parts and these items were removed and preserved. The parts were subsequently cleaned and released from quarantine. 


Part No. 1 The first part was initially identified from a number stencilled on the part (676EB), as a segment from a Boeing 777 flap track fairing (Fairing No. 7) from the right wing (Figure 1). 

All measurable dimensions, materials, construction and other identifiable features conformed to the applicable Boeing drawings for the identified fairing. The 676EB stencil font and colour was not original from manufacture, but instead conformed to that developed and used by MAB during painting operations (Figure 2). 

The part had been repainted, which was consistent with MAB maintenance records for 9M-MRO. Figure 1: Location of flap track fairing panel No. 676EB Source: Boeing 777 aircraft maintenance manual (modified by ATSB) › 2 ‹ ATSB – AE-2014-054 Figure 2: Flap fairing outer surface showing stencil location and comparison Source: ATSB Part No. 2 The second part was primarily identified from images showing the materials, construction and “NO STEP” stencil, as a segment of a Boeing 777 RH horizontal stabilizer panel (Figure 3). 

All measurable dimensions, materials, construction and other identifiable features conformed to the Boeing drawings for the stabiliser panel. The part was marked on the upper surface in black paint with “NO STEP”.

 The font and location of the stencil were not original from manufacture, however the stencilling was consistent with that developed and used by Malaysian Airlines (Figure 4). 

A single fastener was retained in the part. The fastener head markings identified it as being correct for use on the stabiliser panel assembly. The markings also identified the fastener manufacturer. That manufacturer’s fasteners were not used in current production, but did match the fasteners used in assembly of the aircraft next in the production line (405) to 9M-MRO (404) (Figure 4). 

Figure 3: Location of horizontal stabiliser panel No. 3 upper Source: Boeing 777 Parts Catalogue (modified by ATSB) › 3 ‹ ATSB – AE-2014-054 Figure 4: Stabiliser panel “NO STEP” stencil and fastener comparison Source: ATSB, Boeing 


At the time of writing, ongoing work was being conducted with respect to the marine ecology identification as well as testing of material samples. 

The results from these tests will be provided to the Malaysian investigation team once complete. Nevertheless, from the initial examination it was concluded that: 

• Part No. 1 was a flap track fairing segment, almost certainly from the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 aircraft, registered 9M-MRO. 

• Part No. 2 was a horizontal stabiliser panel segment, almost certainly from the Malaysian Airlines Boeing 777 aircraft, registered 9M-MRO

Released in accordance with section 25 of the Transport Safety Investigation Act 2003
Publishing information
Published by: Australian Transport Safety Bureau
Postal address: PO Box 967, Civic Square ACT 2608
Office: 62 Northbourne Avenue Canberra, Australian Capital Territory 2601
Telephone: 1800 020 616, from overseas +61 2 6257 4150 (24 hours)
Accident and incident notification: 1800 011 034 (24 hours)
Facsimile: 02 6247 3117, from overseas +61 2 6247 3117

© Commonwealth of Australia 2016

The Sykes-Picot Agreement : 1916

It is accordingly understood between the French and British governments:

That France and Great Britain are prepared to recognize and protect an independent Arab states or a confederation of Arab states (a) and (b) marked on the annexed map, under the suzerainty of an Arab chief. That in area (a) France, and in area (b) Great Britain, shall have priority of right of enterprise and local loans. That in area (a) France, and in area (b) Great Britain, shall alone supply advisers or foreign functionaries at the request of the Arab state or confederation of Arab states.

That in the blue area France, and in the red area Great Britain, shall be allowed to establish such direct or indirect administration or control as they desire and as they may think fit to arrange with the Arab state or confederation of Arab states.

That in the brown area there shall be established an international administration, the form of which is to be decided upon after consultation with Russia, and subsequently in consultation with the other allies, and the representatives of the Shereef of Mecca.

That Great Britain be accorded (1) the ports of Haifa and Acre, (2) guarantee of a given supply of water from the Tigres and Euphrates in area (a) for area (b). His Majesty's government, on their part, undertake that they will at no time enter into negotiations for the cession of Cyprus to any third power without the previous consent of the French government.

That Alexandretta shall be a free port as regards the trade of the British empire, and that there shall be no discrimination in port charges or facilities as regards British shipping and British goods; that there shall be freedom of transit for British goods through Alexandretta and by railway through the blue area, or (b) area, or area (a); and there shall be no discrimination, direct or indirect, against British goods on any railway or against British goods or ships at any port serving the areas mentioned.

That Haifa shall be a free port as regards the trade of France, her dominions and protectorates, and there shall be no discrimination in port charges or facilities as regards French shipping and French goods. There shall be freedom of transit for French goods through Haifa and by the British railway through the brown area, whether those goods are intended for or originate in the blue area, area (a), or area (b), and there shall be no discrimination, direct or indirect, against French goods on any railway, or against French goods or ships at any port serving the areas mentioned.

That in area (a) the Baghdad railway shall not be extended southwards beyond Mosul, and in area (b) northwards beyond Samarra, until a railway connecting Baghdad and Aleppo via the Euphrates valley has been completed, and then only with the concurrence of the two governments.

That Great Britain has the right to build, administer, and be sole owner of a railway connecting Haifa with area (b), and shall have a perpetual right to transport troops along such a line at all times. It is to be understood by both governments that this railway is to facilitate the connection of Baghdad with Haifa by rail, and it is further understood that, if the engineering difficulties and expense entailed by keeping this connecting line in the brown area only make the project unfeasible, that the French government shall be prepared to consider that the line in question may also traverse the Polgon Banias Keis Marib Salkhad tell Otsda Mesmie before reaching area (b).

For a period of twenty years the existing Turkish customs tariff shall remain in force throughout the whole of the blue and red areas, as well as in areas (a) and (b), and no increase in the rates of duty or conversions from ad valorem to specific rates shall be made except by agreement between the two powers.

There shall be no interior customs barriers between any of the above mentioned areas. The customs duties leviable on goods destined for the interior shall be collected at the port of entry and handed over to the administration of the area of destination.

It shall be agreed that the French government will at no time enter into any negotiations for the cession of their rights and will not cede such rights in the blue area to any third power, except the Arab state or confederation of Arab states, without the previous agreement of his majesty's government, who, on their part, will give a similar undertaking to the French government regarding the red area.

The British and French government, as the protectors of the Arab state, shall agree that they will not themselves acquire and will not consent to a third power acquiring territorial possessions in the Arabian peninsula, nor consent to a third power installing a naval base either on the east coast, or on the islands, of the red sea. This, however, shall not prevent such adjustment of the Aden frontier as may be necessary in consequence of recent Turkish aggression.

The negotiations with the Arabs as to the boundaries of the Arab states shall be continued through the same channel as heretofore on behalf of the two powers.

It is agreed that measures to control the importation of arms into the Arab territories will be considered by the two governments.

I have further the honor to state that, in order to make the agreement complete, his majesty's government are proposing to the Russian government to exchange notes analogous to those exchanged by the latter and your excellency's government on the 26th April last. Copies of these notes will be communicated to your excellency as soon as exchanged.I would also venture to remind your excellency that the conclusion of the present agreement raises, for practical consideration, the question of claims of Italy to a share in any partition or rearrangement of turkey in Asia, as formulated in article 9 of the agreement of the 26th April, 1915, between Italy and the allies.

His Majesty's government further consider that the Japanese government should be informed of the arrangements now concluded

Inovasi Kamera Ciptaan Ibnu al-Haitham Merevolusi Dunia

AKHBAR terkemuka di United Kingdom (UK), The Independent pada edisi 11 Mac 2006 pernah menyiarkan sebuah artikel tulisan Paul E. Vallely bertajuk, Bagaimana Para Pereka Cipta Muslim Mengubah Dunia menarik untuk dikongsi.

Menariknya lagi, ciptaan tersebut sehingga ke hari ini masih berguna dan popular, antaranya Kamera.

PASTINYA sukar untuk membayangkan dunia tanpa fotografi. Syarikat berbilion dolar seperti Instagram dan Canon diasaskan berdasarkan idea untuk merakam cahaya dari tempat kejadian, mewujudkan imej daripadanya dan menghasilkan semula imej itu.

Tetapi berbuat demikian adalah sesuatu mustahil tanpa usaha dan sumbangan daripada saintis Islam abad ke-11, Ibnu al-Haitham, yang membangunkan bidang optik dan mengambarkan bagaimana kamera berfungsi.

Ibnu al-Haitham adalah saintis pertama menyedari apabila lubang kecil ditebuk pada kotak tahan cahaya, sinaran cahaya dari luar melalui lubang itu hingga ke dinding kotak itu.

Beliau sedar bahawa makin kecil lubang itu, maka lebih jelas imejnya dan ini membolehkan beliau membangunkan sebuah kamera yang boleh menangkap imej yang jelas.

Penemuan Ibnu al-Haitham mengenai kamera dan bagaimana untuk menangkap imej membawa kepada pembangunan kamera dengan menggunakan konsep yang sama.

Tanpa penyelidikan bagaimana cahaya bergerak melalui lubang itu, mekanisme moden yang ada dalam kamera hari ini tidak akan wujud.

Kini hasil inovasi itu dunia menikmati teknologi kamera daripada penggunaan telefon sehingga kepada satelit pengimejan dan teleskop.


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